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Write Code in C To Rearrange the Order of Bits Assignment Solution

July 08, 2024
James Trafford
James Trafford
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
James, a Master of Science in Computer Science, excels in advanced Makefile features and optimization techniques. Having completed 900 assignments, his solutions demonstrate a deep understanding of Makefile intricacies, providing students with invaluable insights and guidance.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break down your Raptor assignment into small, logical steps before designing the flowchart. Use proper symbols for input, processing, and output, and test your logic with sample inputs to ensure accuracy. Always save and review your work to catch any errors before submission.
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Write a program to rearrange the order of bits in C language.

Requirements and Specifications


Practice in bit manipulation of integers in the C programming language.

Submitting Your Work

Complete your C assignment program file as bits.c and submit it and your report via the Lab Exercise 3 Submission item on the course web site. You must submit your program by 11:59 PM two days after your scheduled lab session.


Your task for this lab exercise is to complete several function definitions which solve puzzles, using only a limited set of operators in the C language. In addition, you must write a main() function which calls each of your solution functions to demonstrate that each function performs as specified.

Screenshots of output

write-code-in-C-to-rearrange-the-order-of-bits-in-C 1

Source Code

#include /* Function prototypes */ int func1(int x, int y); int func2(int x, int y); int func3(int x); int func4(int x); int func5(int highbit, int lowbit); int func6(int x, int m, int n); int main() { printf("Testing func1 function:\n"); printf("func1(5,6) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func1(5,6), 5 & 6); printf("func1(0xFF,0x1234) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func1(0xFF, 0x1234), 0xFF & 0x1234); printf("\nTesting func2 function:\n"); printf("func2(4,5) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func2(4,5), 4 ^ 5); printf("func2(5,6) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func2(5,6), 5 ^ 6); printf("func2(0xFF,0x1234) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func2(0xFF, 0x1234), 0xFF ^ 0x1234); printf("\nTesting func3 function:\n"); printf("func3(5) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func3(5), 0); printf("func3(7) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func3(7), 1); printf("func3(0x100) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func3(0x100), 0); printf("func3(0x255) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func3(0x255), 1); printf("\nTesting func4 function:\n"); printf("func4(0xFFFFFFFD) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func4(0xFFFFFFFD), 0); printf("func4(0xAAAAAAAA) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func4(0xAAAAAAAA), 1); printf("func4(0xABEABEAB) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func4(0xABEABEAB), 1); printf("func4(0xFFFF) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func4(0xFFFF), 0); printf("\nTesting func5 function:\n"); printf("func5(5,3) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func5(5,3), 0x38); printf("func5(31,16) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func5(31,16), 0xFFFF0000); printf("func5(1,2) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func5(1,2), 0); printf("\nTesting func6 function:\n"); printf("func6(0x12345678,1,3) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func6(0x12345678,1,3), 0x56341278); printf("func6(0xDEADBEEF,0,2) = 0x%X, (expected = 0x%X)\n", func6(0xDEADBEEF,0,2), 0xDEEFBEAD); printf("\n"); return 0; } /* * func1 returns x & y */ int func1(int x, int y) { /* We use the DeMorgan's theorem to remove the and: x*y = ~(~x + ~y) */ return ~((~x) | (~y)); } /* * func2 returns x ^ y */ int func2(int x, int y) { /* We use the boolean expression for xor = ~x*y + x*~y and we remove the or using the DeMorgan's theorem x+y = ~(~x*~y) */ return ~(~(~x & y) & ~(x & ~y)); } /* * func3 returns 1 if an odd numbered bit in x is 1 */ int func3(int x) { /* Tests the odd bits in each of the 4 bytes of the 32bit int, test the result logically using double ! (any non zero becomes 1) then ors all of the results if any is 1 returns 1 */ int b1 = !!(x & 0xAA); /* test bits in lowest byte */ int b2 = !!((x >> 8) & 0xAA); /* test bits in second byte */ int b3 = !!((x >> 16) & 0xAA); /* test bits in third byte */ int b4 = !!((x >> 24) & 0xAA); /* test bits in highest byte */ return b1 | b2 | b3 | b4; /* if any byte has an odd 1, return 1 */ } /* * func4 returns 1 if all the odd numbered bits in x is 1 */ int func4(int x) { /* Tests the odd bits in each of the 4 bytes of the 32bit int, then ands all of them if all bits are set the result must be 0xAA so it's xored with 0xAA and if zero returns 1 by making a logical inversion with ! */ int b1 = (x & 0xAA); /* test bits in lowest byte */ int b2 = ((x >> 8) & 0xAA); /* test bits in second byte */ int b3 = ((x >> 16) & 0xAA); /* test bits in third byte */ int b4 = ((x >> 24) & 0xAA); /* test bits in highest byte */ return !((b1 & b2 & b3 & b4) ^ 0xAA); /* if all bytes have odd ones, return 1 */ } /* * func5 returns a mask with ones between highbit and lowbit */ int func5(int highbit, int lowbit) { /* Makes a bitmask from the high bit down, then makes a mask from the low bit up and returns the and of both */ int maskhi = ((1 << highbit) + (~0)) | (1 << highbit); /* mask up to high bit */ int masklow = (~0) << lowbit; /* mask up to lowbit */ return maskhi & masklow; /* make mask combining both */ } /* Swaps the mth byte and the nth byte of an integer */ int func6(int x, int m, int n) { /* saves the initial bytes shifting them and masking them, then clears the old positions and ors the swapped values */ int byte1 = (x >> (m << 3)) & 0xFF; /* move byte at position m*8 down, mask 8 bits */ int byte2 = (x >> (n << 3)) & 0xFF;/* move byte at position n*8 down, mask 8 bits */ int mask1 = ~(0xFF << (m << 3)); /* move 0xFF up at position m*8, invert to get zeros there */ int mask2 = ~(0xFF << (n << 3)); /* move 0xFF up at position n*8, invert to get zeros there */ x = (x & mask1) | (byte2 << (m<<3)); /* replace first value */ x = (x & mask2) | (byte1 << (n<<3)); /* replace second value */ return x; }


#include /* * Function prototypes */ void get_keys (char *twokeys, unsigned *key1, unsigned *key2); unsigned int get_n_bits (unsigned bits, int width, int index); unsigned int rotate_left3(unsigned bits); void shuffle_nibbles (unsigned *bits); void decode_28bits (unsigned cipher, char *plain, unsigned key1, unsigned key2); /* * Main function */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char line[10], plaintext[10]; unsigned int bits; unsigned key1, key2; if (argc != 2) /* if there was no command line argument */ { printf("Missing key argument!\n"); printf("Usage:\n %s key\n", argv[0]); return 0; } get_keys (argv[1], &key1, &key2); /* get the 2 keys from the cmd line argument */ /* Get the next 7 characters of input (leaving space for the null at the end) */ while (fgets(line, 8, stdin) != NULL) { if (line[0] != '\n') /* ignore empty lines */ { /* convert to a number */ if (sscanf(line, "%x", &bits) == 1) /* read hexadecimal ciphertext */ { decode_28bits (bits, plaintext, key1, key2); /* decode using keys */ printf("%s", plaintext); /* print result */ } } else printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); return 0; } /* * Extracts two 28=bit keys from 4 bytes */ void get_keys (char *twokeys, unsigned *key1, unsigned *key2) { int i; *key1 = 0; /* initialize keys to zero */ *key2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) /* for the 4 characters used in each key */ { *key1 = (*key1 << 7) | (twokeys[i] & 0x7F); /* add 7 bits of each character of first key */ *key2 = (*key2 << 7) | (twokeys[i + 4] & 0x7F); /* add 7 bits of each character of second key */ } } /* * Returns the integer value of a specified subsequence of 32 bits, * width is the number of bits to be extracted, index*width is the index * of the rightmost bit to extract */ unsigned int get_n_bits (unsigned bits, int width, int index) { return (bits >> (index * width)) & ((1 << width) - 1); /* shift to put selected bits at lowest position, mask using width */ } /* * Given a sequence of 7 bits, rotate 3 bits to the left */ unsigned int rotate_left3(unsigned bits) { int i, msb; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { msb = (bits >> 6) & 1; /* get msb bit */ bits = (bits << 1) | msb; /* shift and put msb at lsb to rotate */ } return bits & 0x7F; /* mask to leave only 7 bits */ } /* shuffle nibbles in the 28 bit value given as argument, the shuffle inverts: 3 1 2 0 4 5 6 -> 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 */ void shuffle_nibbles (unsigned *bits) { int shuffled = 0; shuffled |= get_n_bits(*bits, 4, 0); /* locate nibble 6 */ shuffled <<= 4; /* shift left up 4 bits */ shuffled |= get_n_bits(*bits, 4, 1); /* locate nibble 5 */ shuffled <<= 4; /* shift left up 4 bits */ shuffled |= get_n_bits(*bits, 4, 2); /* locate nibble 4 */ shuffled <<= 4; /* shift left up 4 bits */ shuffled |= get_n_bits(*bits, 4, 6); /* locate nibble 3 */ shuffled <<= 4; /* shift left up 4 bits */ shuffled |= get_n_bits(*bits, 4, 4); /* locate nibble 2 */ shuffled <<= 4; /* shift left up 4 bits */ shuffled |= get_n_bits(*bits, 4, 5); /* locate nibble 1 */ shuffled <<= 4; /* shift left up 4 bits */ shuffled |= get_n_bits(*bits, 4, 3); /* locate nibble 0 */ *bits = shuffled; /* update bits with shuffled value */ } /* * Decode a block of 28 bits */ void decode_28bits (unsigned cipher, char *plain, unsigned key1, unsigned key2) { int i; cipher = cipher ^ key2; /* xor ciphertext with key2 */ shuffle_nibbles(&cipher); /* shuffle nibbles */ cipher = cipher ^ key1; /* xor ciphertext with key1 */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) /* process 4 septets */ { plain[3- i] = rotate_left3(get_n_bits(cipher, 7, i)); /* get septet and rotate, save as 8 bit char */ } plain[4] = 0; /* insert end of string */ }

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