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Write AI for Sokoban based on provided pseudocode in C

July 10, 2024
Gabriel Wallace
Gabriel Wallace
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates
Artificial Intelligence
Gabriel Wallace, a seasoned Swarm Intelligence assignment expert, holds a Ph.D. from the University of Melbourne, Australia. With 13 years of experience, Gabriel specializes in delivering advanced solutions and academic guidance in Swarm Intelligence.
Tip of the day
Write clean, readable code using meaningful variable names and comments. Leverage Python’s built-in libraries to simplify tasks and avoid reinventing the wheel. Always test your code with different inputs and use debugging tools like print() or pdb to troubleshoot errors efficiently.
In March 2025, researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory introduced Exo 2, a new programming language designed to enable high-performance computing with significantly less code, allowing students and developers to achieve state-of-the-art performance with just a few hundred lines.
Key Topics
  • Building Your AI: Solve Sokoban Puzzles
    • Pseudocode Demystified:
    • Decoding the Pseudocode:
    • Unveiling the C Code:
    • Explanation of C Code:
  • Conclusion

Embark on an exploration into the realm of artificial intelligence as we tackle the captivating challenge of Sokoban. Join us as we merge programming prowess with strategic problem-solving, crafting an AI that conquers Sokoban puzzles. In this guide, we'll translate provided pseudocode into C code, unveiling the art of intelligent agents. By the end, you'll grasp the essence of creating AI systems to navigate complex problems.

Building Your AI: Solve Sokoban Puzzles

Explore the fascinating realm of AI-powered problem-solving with our comprehensive guide on how to write your AI assignment. Discover the intricate process of creating an AI Sokoban solver using the provided pseudocode translated into C, equipping you with the skills to tackle complex challenges and create intelligent agents. Unlock the secrets of programming prowess and strategic thinking as you embark on a journey from pseudocode to C implementation, all while mastering the art of crafting AI solutions for Sokoban puzzles.

Pseudocode Demystified:

Embarking on our quest, let's delve into the pseudocode that will serve as the foundation of our Sokoban-solving AI:

function solveSokoban(level): if isGoalState(level): return [] if isDeadlock(level): return null for each box in level: for each direction in [up, down, left, right]: if canMoveBox(box, direction): moveBox(box, direction) subSolution = solveSokoban(level) if subSolution != null: return [direction] + subSolution undoMoveBox(box, direction) return null

Decoding the Pseudocode:

  1. `function solveSokoban(level):`
  2. Our journey begins with a function named `solveSokoban`, designed to unravel Sokoban enigmas. This function takes a Sokoban level as input, paving the way for a solution.

  3. `if isGoalState(level):`
  4. Our AI evaluates whether the current level has reached the goal state—a point of triumph. It offers an empty list to indicate success.

  5. `if isDeadlock(level):`
  6. Caution sets in as our AI identifies deadlock situations—where the puzzle becomes unsolvable. It discreetly acknowledges a challenge.

  7. `for each box in level: `
  8. Like a vigilant observer, our AI inspects each box within the level.

  9. `for each direction in [up, down, left, right]:`
  10. With an exploratory mindset, the AI examines four directions—up, down, left, and right—charting potential paths.

  11. `if canMoveBox(box, direction):`
  12. Armed with spatial reasoning, the AI assesses the feasibility of moving a box in a given direction.

  13. `moveBox(box, direction):`
  14. Our AI showcases dexterity by maneuvering a box, advancing through the puzzle.

  15. `subSolution = solveSokoban(level):`
  16. The AI invokes its prowess recursively, solving a modified puzzle with the moved box.

  17. `if subSolution != null:`
  18. Triumph! The AI celebrates a successful solution by adding the current direction to the path.

  19. `undoMoveBox(box, direction):`
  20. Well-versed in retracing steps, the AI gracefully backtracks moves as needed.

  21. `return null`
  22. When options run dry, and a solution remains elusive, the AI concedes, returning null.

Unveiling the C Code:

Now, witness the transformation of pseudocode into tangible, executable C code. Below is the C code corresponding to each step of the pseudocode:

#include #include // Define constants for directions #define UP 0 #define DOWN 1 #define LEFT 2 #define RIGHT 3 // Define your Sokoban level representation and utility functions here bool isGoalState(Level level) { // Implementation of goal state check } bool isDeadlock(Level level) { // Implementation of deadlock check } bool canMoveBox(Box box, int direction) { // Implementation of box movement check } void moveBox(Box box, int direction) { // Implementation of box movement } void undoMoveBox(Box box, int direction) { // Implementation of box movement undo } int* solveSokoban(Level level) { if (isGoalState(level)) { int* solution = malloc(sizeof(int)); return solution; } if (isDeadlock(level)) { return NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) { for (int dir = UP; dir <= RIGHT; dir++) { if (canMoveBox(boxes[i], dir)) { moveBox(boxes[i], dir); int* subSolution = solveSokoban(level); if (subSolution != NULL) { int* solution = malloc((subSolution + 1) * sizeof(int)); solution[0] = dir; for (int j = 0; j < subSolution + 1; j++) { solution[j + 1] = subSolution[j]; } return solution; } undoMoveBox(boxes[i], dir); } } } return NULL; } int main() { // Initialize your Sokoban level Level level; // Call the solveSokoban function and get the solution int* solution = solveSokoban(level); if (solution != NULL) { // Print the solution printf("Solution:\n"); for (int i = 0; solution[i] != 0; i++) { printf("Move %d\n", solution[i]); } free(solution); } else { printf("No solution found.\n"); } return 0; }

Explanation of C Code:

  • Include necessary libraries and define constants for directions.
  • Implement functions for checking goal states, deadlocks, box movement, and box movement undo.
  • Implement the solveSokoban function based on the pseudocode. This function recursively searches for a solution path.
  • In the main function, initialize your Sokoban level, call the solveSokoban function, and print the solution if one is found.


Our voyage through AI Sokoban-solving reveals the synergy between programming and puzzle mastery. Armed with pseudocode and the elegance of C, we've birthed an AI that conquers intricate enigmas. As you forge ahead, remember the boundless potential of AI and coding—doors to imaginative realms await your exploration. Happy coding, intrepid programmer!

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