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Write a Program to Play Connect 3 using LISP

July 06, 2024
Chloe Martin
Chloe Martin
🇺🇸 United States
Chloe Martin, a Lisp Programming Specialist with over a decade of expertise, earned his Ph.D. from the University of Computer Sciences, specializing in advanced techniques.
Key Topics
  • Creating Connect 3 Game with LISP
  • Conclusion
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In this guide, we will walk through the step-by-step process of creating a captivating Connect 3 game using the dynamic LISP programming language. Connect 3 offers a fresh twist on the classic Connect 4 game, challenging players to strategically place their discs to form rows of three, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, on a grid. Whether you're an aspiring game developer or an enthusiast looking to explore the world of programming, our comprehensive guide will provide you with the tools and knowledge to bring this engaging game to life.

Creating Connect 3 Game with LISP

Explore the world of game development with our step-by-step guide on how to create a Connect 3 game using LISP. This comprehensive tutorial equips you with the knowledge to build the game from scratch, understand LISP programming concepts, and enhance your coding skills. Whether you're a novice or seeking help with your LISP assignment, this guide empowers you to create and innovate within the realm of game development.

Getting Started

Before diving into the code, it's important to have a basic understanding of the LISP programming language.

The Connect 3 Game Implementation

We'll break down the implementation into distinct sections, explaining each block of code:

Step 1: Defining the Game Board

In this step, we define the game board using a 2D list. Each cell in the list represents a spot on the game grid. The values `0`, `1`, and `2` are used to indicate empty cells, player 1's discs, and player 2's discs, respectively.

```lisp (defvar *board* '( (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) )) ```

Step 2:

Displaying the Game Board The `display-board` function visually represents the current state of the game board. It iterates through the rows and columns of the board and prints dots (`.`) for empty cells and pound signs (`#`) for player discs.

```lisp (defun display-board () (format t " 1 2 3~%") (dotimes (row 3) (format t "~d " (+ row 1)) (dotimes (col 3) (let ((cell (nth row (nth col *board*)))) (if (= cell 0) (format t ". ") (format t "# ")))) (format t "~%"))) ```

Step 3:

Checking for a Win The `check-win` function examines rows, columns, and diagonals to determine if a player has achieved a winning sequence of three discs. It returns `t` if a win is detected, otherwise `nil`.

```lisp (defun check-win (player) ;; Check rows, columns, and diagonals ;; Return t if a win is detected, otherwise nil ) ```

Step 4:

Making a Move The `make-move` function handles a player's move by placing their disc in the specified column. It checks if the column is not full and then updates the board accordingly.

```lisp (defun make-move (col player) ;; Check if the column is not full ;; Update the board with the player's disc ) ```

Step 5:

Main Game Loop The core of our game lies in the `play-connect-3` function. This function orchestrates the gameplay, allowing players to take turns, make moves, and checks for a win condition. The game loop continues until a player wins or the game is over.

```lisp (defun play-connect-3 () ;; Initialize game variables ;; Enter the main game loop ) ```

Step 6:

Starting the Game To begin the Connect 3 game, simply call the `play-connect-3` function. This will kick off the game loop, allowing players to play and enjoy the game.

```lisp (play-connect-3) ```


In conclusion, you've embarked on a rewarding journey to craft your own Connect 3 game using LISP. Through meticulous code breakdowns and explanations, you've gained a deeper understanding of game mechanics, player interactions, and the essence of programming. As you continue to refine your creation and explore new possibilities, you're well-equipped to embark on more intricate programming adventures. The world of game development is now at your fingertips, ready for your innovative ideas to flourish. Happy coding!

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