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Implementing Word Frequency Analysis with Hash Tables in C++: A Sample Assignment Solution

August 29, 2024
Neven Bell
Neven Bell
🇺🇸 United States
Neven Bell is an experienced C++ developer with a strong background in data structures and algorithm design. He specializes in text processing, efficient data storage, and software optimization. With over 10 years of industry experience, Bell has a proven track record of solving complex programming challenges and helping students excel in their C++ assignments.
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Welcome to our comprehensive sample solution for a C++ programming assignment, designed to offer valuable C++ assignment help. In this project, we guide you through the process of implementing a word frequency analyzer using C++. By leveraging the power of hash tables, this assignment demonstrates how to efficiently count and store the occurrences of words in a given text. Through this example, you'll explore essential concepts such as text sanitization, input stream processing, and hash table manipulation, all while adhering to best practices in C++ programming. This sample solution is a great resource for students looking to enhance their understanding of text analysis and data structuring in C++. If you're seeking additional assistance, our team is ready to provide expert help with programming assignments to ensure your success.





Word frequency cpp file

///////////////////////// TO-DO (1) ////////////////////////////// /// Include necessary header files /// Hint: Include what you use, use what you include /// /// Do not put anything else in this section, i.e. comments, classes, functions, etc. Only #include directives #include "WordFrequency.hpp" /////////////////////// END-TO-DO (1) //////////////////////////// // unnamed, anonymous namespace providing non-member private working area namespace { std::string sanitize( const std::string & word ) { constexpr char bad_char[] = " \t\n\b\v_-\"'(){}+/*,=.!?:;"; // leading and trailing characters to be removed static std::locale locality; auto startIndex = word.find_first_not_of( bad_char ); // start with the first non-bad character if( startIndex == std::string::npos ) startIndex = word.size(); // if the word contains only bad characters ... std::size_t count = 0; // assume the word contains only bad characters ... auto endIndex = word.find_last_not_of( bad_char ); // end with the first non-bad character if( endIndex != std::string::npos ) count = endIndex - startIndex + 1; // number of characters to use in results auto result = word.substr( startIndex, count ); // strip the leading and trailing bad characters for( auto & c : result ) c = std::tolower( c, locality ); // convert to lower case return result; } } // unnamed, anonymous namespace // Implement WordFrequency::WordFrequency( std::istream ) - See requirements ///////////////////////// TO-DO (2) ////////////////////////////// WordFrequency::WordFrequency(std::istream &iStream) { std::string word; while (iStream >> word) { word = sanitize(word); if (!word.empty()) { ++wordFrequencyMap[word]; } } } /////////////////////// END-TO-DO (2) //////////////////////////// // Implement WordFrequency::numberOfWords() const - See requirements ///////////////////////// TO-DO (3) ////////////////////////////// std::size_t WordFrequency::numberOfWords() const { return wordFrequencyMap.size(); } /////////////////////// END-TO-DO (3) //////////////////////////// // Implement WordFrequency::wordCount( const std::string & ) const - See requirements ///////////////////////// TO-DO (4) ////////////////////////////// std::size_t WordFrequency::wordCount(const std::string &word) const { auto it = wordFrequencyMap.find(sanitize(word)); return it != wordFrequencyMap.end() ? it->second : 0; } /////////////////////// END-TO-DO (4) //////////////////////////// // Implement WordFrequency::mostFrequentWord() const - See requirements ///////////////////////// TO-DO (5) ////////////////////////////// std::string WordFrequency::mostFrequentWord() const { std::string mostFrequent; std::size_t highestFrequency = 0; for (const auto &pair : wordFrequencyMap) { if (pair.second > highestFrequency) { highestFrequency = pair.second; mostFrequent = pair.first; } } return mostFrequent; } /////////////////////// END-TO-DO (5) //////////////////////////// // Implement WordFrequency::maxBucketSize() const - See requirements ///////////////////////// TO-DO (6) ////////////////////////////// /// Hint: see the unordered_map's bucket interface at https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/unordered_map std::size_t WordFrequency::maxBucketSize() const { std::size_t maxSize = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < wordFrequencyMap.bucket_count(); ++i) { maxSize = std::max(maxSize, wordFrequencyMap.bucket_size(i)); } return maxSize; } /////////////////////// END-TO-DO (6) ////////////////////////////

Word frequency hpp file

#pragma once ///////////////////////// TO-DO (1) ////////////////////////////// /// Include necessary header files /// Hint: Include what you use, use what you include /// /// Do not put anything else in this section, i.e. comments, classes, functions, etc. Only #include directives #include <unordered_map> #include <string> #include <istream> #include <iostream> /////////////////////// END-TO-DO (1) //////////////////////////// class WordFrequency { public: WordFrequency( std::istream & iStream = std::cin); // (default) constructor, add words from file to hash table std::size_t numberOfWords ( ) const; // return the number of unique words std::size_t wordCount ( const std::string & word ) const; // return the number of occurrences of the given word std::string mostFrequentWord( ) const; // return the most frequent word std::size_t maxBucketSize ( ) const; // return the size of the largest bucket in the hash table private: ///////////////////////// TO-DO (2) ////////////////////////////// /// The class should have a single instance attribute of type std::unordered_map, which is the C++ Standard Library's /// implementation of a hash table, to store the association of words (key) to the number of times a word occurs (value). std::unordered_map<std::string, std::size_t> wordFrequencyMap; /////////////////////// END-TO-DO (2) //////////////////////////// };

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