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How to Calculate Energy Demand for Charging Electric Vehicles in Haskell

July 16, 2024
Nadia Dubois
Nadia Dubois
🇨🇦 Canada
Nadia is a seasoned developer with over 6 years of experience in building dynamic web applications using Haskell and WAI frameworks. Having completed over 700 assignments, she thrives on helping students understand real-world use cases of WAI, including form handling, user interaction, and data validation. Nadia also enjoys delving into front-end integration with frameworks like Elm.
Key Topics
  • Step 1: Define the Electric Vehicle data type
  • Step 2: Calculate Energy Demand for a Single Electric Vehicle
  • Step 3: Calculate Total Energy Demand for Multiple Electric Vehicles
  • Step 4: Putting it All Together in The Main Function
  • Conclusion:
Tip of the day
Break your NetLogo model into simple procedures using functions for better readability. Use the ask command efficiently to control agents and optimize performance by minimizing unnecessary computations in the go procedure. Always test your model with small agent populations before scaling up.
LFortran Advances: LFortran, an open-source Fortran compiler, achieved compatibility with the PRIMA library in March 2025, enhancing support for numerical computing.

In this guide, we will walk through the process of calculating the energy demand for charging electric vehicles using the powerful Haskell programming language. Haskell's conciseness and expressive nature make it an ideal choice for tackling complex problems, ensuring efficient and reliable solutions. By following this step-by-step explanation, you'll gain the expertise to create a Haskell program that accurately calculates the energy required to charge one or multiple electric vehicles, enabling you to contribute to sustainable transportation solutions.

Step 1: Define the Electric Vehicle data type

If you are looking for Haskell assignment help, we define a custom data type, ElectricVehicle, which represents essential information about an electric vehicle. This data type will hold values for efficiency (measured in kWh/mile) and battery capacity (measured in kWh).

```haskell data ElectricVehicle = ElectricVehicle { efficiency :: Double, batteryCapacity :: Double } ```


  • We use the data keyword to define a new algebraic data type named ElectricVehicle.
  • Inside the data type definition, we have two fields: efficiency and batteryCapacity. Each field is associated with a type, which is Double in this case.

Step 2: Calculate Energy Demand for a Single Electric Vehicle

Next, we create a function called `energyDemand`, enabling us to calculate the energy demand for charging a single electric vehicle. The function multiplies the vehicle's efficiency, battery capacity, and the number of charging hours to derive the total energy required.

```haskell energyDemand :: ElectricVehicle -> Double -> Double energyDemand ev hours = efficiency ev * batteryCapacity ev * hours ```


  • The energyDemand function takes two arguments: an ElectricVehicle and the number of charging hours.
  • It calculates the energy demand by multiplying the vehicle's efficiency, battery capacity, and charging hours.

Step 3: Calculate Total Energy Demand for Multiple Electric Vehicles

To cater to scenarios where multiple electric vehicles need to be charged, we introduce the `totalEnergyDemand` function. This function takes a list of `ElectricVehicle`s and the total number of charging hours, summing up the energy demand for all vehicles.

```haskell totalEnergyDemand :: [ElectricVehicle] -> Double -> Double totalEnergyDemand evs hours = sum $ map (\ev -> energyDemand ev hours) evs ```


  • The totalEnergyDemand function takes a list of ElectricVehicle and the number of charging hours.
  • It calculates the energy demand for each electric vehicle using the energyDemand function and then sums up the results using sum.

Step 4: Putting it All Together in The Main Function

In the final step, we integrate all the pieces into the `main` function. We create instances of electric vehicles with different efficiency and battery capacity values, set the charging hours, calculate the total energy demand, and display the results.

```haskell main :: IO () main = do let ev1 = ElectricVehicle { efficiency = 0.25, batteryCapacity = 60 } ev2 = ElectricVehicle { efficiency = 0.20, batteryCapacity = 75 } ev3 = ElectricVehicle { efficiency = 0.22, batteryCapacity = 70 } chargingHours = 8 let evs = [ev1, ev2, ev3] let totalDemand = totalEnergyDemand evs chargingHours putStrLn $ "Total energy demand for charging all vehicles: " ++ show totalDemand ++ " kWh" ```


  • In the main function, we create three instances of electric vehicles ev1, ev2, and ev3 with different efficiency and battery capacity values.
  • We set the number of charging hours to 8 using the chargingHours variable.
  • We create a list evs containing all three electric vehicles.
  • We calculate the total energy demand by calling the totalEnergyDemand function with the list of electric vehicles and the number of charging hours as arguments.
  • Finally, we print the total energy demand in kWh to the console using putStrLn.


By following this guide, you have learned how to create a Haskell program that efficiently calculates the energy demand for charging electric vehicles, a crucial step towards promoting eco-friendly transportation. Haskell's functional approach, combined with its concise syntax, allows for elegant and effective solutions to complex problems, making it a valuable skill for aspiring programmers. Happy coding, and let's continue to drive innovation towards a greener future!

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