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Create A Program to Write a Quicksort Algorithm for a List in Scheme Assignment Solution

July 08, 2024
Dr. Elizabeth Pearson
Dr. Elizabeth
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Pearson holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University and has completed over 800 Programming assignments with exceptional results. With her expertise, she specializes in advanced Groovy concepts such as metaprogramming, DSLs, and concurrency. Dr. Pearson's in-depth understanding and practical experience make her a valuable asset in tackling complex programming challenges.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
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Requirements and Specifications

Write a scheme assignment recursive function that takes a list of numbers as input and returns a list of the numbers in ascending order.

Use the quicksort algorithm, dividing the lists based upon the midrange value of the list. Use ( 20 13 74 5 12 9 22 95 22 6 101 72 3 53 33 21 96) as input

(myQuicksort ‘( 20 13 74 5 12 9 22 95 22 6 101 72 3 53 33 21 96)).

returns ‘(3 5 6 9 12 13 20 21 22 22 33 53 72 74 95 96 101).

You may not use sort, quicksort, set!, or mean.

It is possible to code this using only functions defined in slides this semester this far.

Your answer is not required to be tail recursive.

Screenshots of output

Quicksort algorithm for list in Scheme

Source Code

#lang racket ;; Helper function to calculate the midrange of a list (define (midrange lst) (/ (+ (apply max lst) (apply min lst)) 2)) ;; Helper function to partition a list using a given function ;; and the mid value as reference (define (partition lst mid min-lst mid-lst max-lst) (if (null? lst) ; return the partitioned lists when the list is null (list min-lst mid-lst max-lst) (let* ((hd (car lst)) (hd-lst (list hd)) (tl (cdr lst))) (cond ; if value in list is smaller than reference, append at end of min list and recurse ((< hd mid) (partition tl mid (append min-lst hd-lst) mid-lst max-lst)) ; if value in list is greater than reference, append at end of max list and recurse ((> hd mid) (partition tl mid min-lst mid-lst (append max-lst hd-lst))) ; else value is equal to reference, append at end of middle list and recurse (#t (partition tl mid min-lst (append mid-lst hd-lst) max-lst)) ) ) )) ;; Function that sorts a list using quicksort (define (myQuicksort lst) (cond ; if list is empty, return empty list ((null? lst) null) ; if list has only one element, it's already sorted, return list ((null? (cdr lst)) lst) ; else, partition list, recurse to sort partitions and then append results in a single list (#t (let* ((parts (partition lst (midrange lst) '() '() '())) (min-lst (car parts)) (mid-lst (cadr parts)) (max-lst (caddr parts))) (append (myQuicksort min-lst) mid-lst (myQuicksort max-lst)) ) ) ))

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At ProgrammingHomeworkHelp.com, students can access a wide range of programming assignment samples, including those specifically focused on Scheme assignments. Our website is dedicated to offering exceptional assignment support, helping students tackle challenging topics with ease. Our samples showcase high-quality work that acts as a learning resource for students aiming to excel in their studies. By exploring these samples, students can deepen their understanding and enhance their programming skills. Rely on ProgrammingHomeworkHelp.com for comprehensive and reliable Lisp and Scheme assignment assistance tailored to your academic needs.