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Read And Plot Data Expectancy in The Python Assignment Solution

July 01, 2024
Dr. Lauren Chen
Dr. Lauren
🇦🇺 Australia
Dr. Lauren Chen, a seasoned expert with 7 years of experience, is a doctorate of Yale University. With an impressive track record of completing over 500 Python assignments, she possesses a profound understanding of complex programming concepts. Dr. Chen's dedication to excellence and her ability to simplify intricate topics make her an invaluable resource for students seeking guidance in Python programming.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Use Python libraries effectively by importing only what you need. For example, if you're working with data, using libraries like pandas and numpy can save time and simplify complex tasks like data manipulation and analysis.
In 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration has expanded high-dosage tutoring and extended learning programs to boost academic achievement, helping programming students and others recover from pandemic-related setbacks. These initiatives are funded by federal resources aimed at improving math and literacy skills​


Write a python assignment program to read and plot expectancy.

Requirements and Specifications

Program to read and plot expectancy in python

Source Code

# Your Name

# PA_14

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import re

def build_plot(map):


    Method for building plot from given data dictionary

    :param map: data dictionary

    :return: None


    # getting years values as x-axis

    years = map['Year']

    axes = plt.gca()

    # setting plot view parameters

    axes.set_title('Health Life Expectancy from 2007 to 2017')

    axes.set_xlim(2007, 2017)

    axes.set_ylim(70, 75)



    axes.set_title('Health Life Expectancy from 2007 to 2017')

    # creating graphs for each of country

    plt.plot(np.array(years), np.array(map['Canada']), color="red", linewidth=2, linestyle="-", label='Canada')

    plt.plot(np.array(years), np.array(map['Italy']), color="green", linewidth=2, linestyle="-", label='Italy')

    plt.plot(np.array(years), np.array(map['New Zealand']), color="blue", linewidth=2, linestyle="-", label='New Zealand')

    plt.plot(np.array(years), np.array(map['Spain']), color="black", linewidth=2, linestyle="-", label='Spain')

    # showing legend


    # saving picture as png


    # showing result plot


def read_data(filename):


    Method for reading data from given filename

    :param filename: file to read data from

    :return: dictionary, containing read data


    # result dictionary: maps column name to value list

    result = {}

    # mapping column index to column name

    columns = {}

    # reading csv file

    with open(filename, 'r') as csvfile:

        # reading lines

        lines = csvfile.read().splitlines()

        # removing 'wrong' byte at the beginning of file

        lines[0] = re.sub(r"[^ a-zA-Z,]", "", lines[0])

        # getting headers

        header = lines[0].split(',')

        # processing header values

        for i in range(len(header)):

            columns[i] = header[i]

            result[header[i]] = []

        # parsing line by line and enriching collected data

        for line in lines[1:]:

            parts = line.split(',')

            for i in range(len(parts)):


    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # filename to read data from

    filename = 'HealthyLifeExpectancy.csv'

    # reading data and building plot


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