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Simple Calculations in ARM Assembly Language Assignment Solution

June 26, 2024
Rehana Magnus
Rehana Magnus
🇨🇦 Canada
Assembly Language
Rehana Magnus, PhD in Computer Science from the esteemed Acadia Institute of Technology, Canada. With 6 years of experience, specializes in assembly language programming. Proficient in low-level coding, optimizing performance, and enhancing system functionality.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
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Break your Python assignment into smaller tasks and test each part separately. Use meaningful variable names, write comments for clarity, and leverage built-in functions to simplify your code.
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Write an ARM assignment program that helps us to perform simple calculations in ARM assembly language.

Requirements and Specifications

Your program will simulate operation of a Furniture Factory saw.

A Furniture Factory has an automatic saw that cuts 1" x 6" x 12' planks to the length specified by the user. The saw is preloaded with three full length boards. If the first board is long enough, cut the desired length from the board. If the first board is not long enough, continue checking the other boards until you find one long enough. The user enters the length in whole inches. 144” is the maximum length request and 6" is the minimum length request. Continue prompting the user until all the boards are at least 6" long. After each board is cut the program is to print out the total number of boards cut so far, the total linear length of the boards cut (in inches) and the length remaining on each of the three boards. Prior to shutting down the program the remaining inventory is calculated and displayed as waste. When the program starts it shall display an identification and the current inventory level.

The program shall then prompt the user for the length of board to cut. For example:

Enter the length of board to cut in inches (at least 6 and no more than 144):

The program shall reject any invalid inputs (characters, less than 6, or greater than 144) and prompt for entry again.When a valid input is provided the program finds a board that is long enough and cuts therequested length from the board. If there is not a board long enough the program displays there are no boards long enough and prompts for a new (shorter) request. After each valid board cut the current inventory levels are displayed. For example:

Boards cut so far: 4

Liner length of boards cut so far: 75 inches

Current Board Lengths:

One: 69 inches

Two: 144 inches

Three: 144 inches

When the length of each board is less than 6 inches the program will display final inventory levels and return control to the OS.

For example:

Boards cut so far: 30

Liner length of boards cut so far: 423 inches

Current Board Lengths:

One: 4 inches

Two: 0 inches

Three: 5 inches

Inventory levels have dropped below minimum levels and will now terminate.

Waste is 9 inches.

Screenshots of output

program-to-perform-simple-calculations-in-ARM-assembly-language (1)
program-to-perform-simple-calculations-in-ARM-assembly-language 1 (1)
program-to-perform-simple-calculations-in-ARM-assembly-language 2 (1)

Source Code

@ Class: @ Term: @ Author: @ Date: July 15, 2021 @ Purpose of software: @ The program simulates the operation of a Furniture Factory Saw .text @ Read only data titlemsg: .string "Cut-It-Up Saw\n" boardsmsg: .string "\nBoards cut so far: %d\n" lengthmsg: .string "Linear length of boards cut so far: %d inches\n" curlenmsg: .string "Current Board Lengths:\n" len1msg: .string "One: %d inches\n" len2msg: .string "Two: %d inches\n" len3msg: .string "Three: %d inches\n\n" promptmsg: .string "Enter the length of board to cut in inches (at least 6 and no more than 144):\n" minlvlmsg: .string "\nInventory levels have dropped below minimum levels and will now terminate.\n" wastemsg: .string "Waste is %d inches.\n" badlenmsg: .string "Not enough inventory to perform cut. Enter new smaller length.\n" invlenmsg: .string "Invalid input. Please try again.\n" intinput: .string "%d" @ Main function .balign 4 .global main .type main, %function main: @ save registers on stack push {fp, lr} mov fp, sp @ allocate space for variables sub sp, sp, #32 @ initialize variables mov r0, #144 str r0, [sp, #0] @ board 1 length = 144 str r0, [sp, #4] @ board 2 length = 144 str r0, [sp, #8] @ board 3 length = 144 mov r0, #0 str r0, [sp, #12] @ boards cut = 0 str r0, [sp, #16] @ linear length = 0 @ print the title ldr r0, =titlemsg bl printf @ start of cut loop cutLoop: @ print current inventory ldr r0, =boardsmsg ldr r1, [sp, #12] @ load number of cuts bl printf ldr r0, =lengthmsg ldr r1, [sp, #16] @ load linear length bl printf ldr r0, =curlenmsg bl printf ldr r0, =len1msg ldr r1, [sp] @ load length1 length bl printf ldr r0, =len2msg ldr r1, [sp, #4] @ load length2 length bl printf ldr r0, =len3msg ldr r1, [sp, #8] @ load length3 length bl printf mov r1, #0 @ try board 0 @ Loop to check that all boards have enough length checkLoop: ldr r0, [sp, r1, lsl #2] @ load length cmp r0, #6 @ if len >=6, it's ok bge readLoop add r1, r1, #1 @ increment board cmp r1, #3 @ repeat while board < 3 blt checkLoop @ not enough lengths @ print program termination ldr r0, =minlvlmsg bl printf b endCut @ terminate cuts @ Loop to read input length to cut, repeat while not valid range readLoop: @ prompt user to enter input ldr r0, =promptmsg bl printf readInt: @ read integer from user nbsp; ldr r0, =intinput add r1, sp, #20 @ save in stack bl scanf @ test for valid integer cmp r0, #1 @ if 1 integer was read beq testValid @ Loop until enter is found readEnter: bl getchar cmp r0, #10 bne readEnter b inputError @ error testValid: @ test for valid input ldr r0, [sp, #20] n> cmp r0, #6 @ < 6 is error blt inputError cmp r0, #144 @ > 144 is error ble inputOk inputError: @ print error ldr r0, =invlenmsg bl printf b readLoop @ repeat loop inputOk: mov r2, #0 @ try board 0 @ Loop to find board to cut findLoop: ldr r1, [sp, r2, lsl #2] @ load length @ check if length fits cmp r0, r1 @ if len <= board len, we found it ble found add r2, r2, #1 @ increment board cmp r2, #3 @ repeat while board < 3 blt findLoop @ no board is long enough, ask for new length @ prompt user to enter input ldr r0, =badlenmsg bl printf b readInt @ read input found: @ make cut by updating lengths sub r1, r1, r0 @ subtract required length from board str r1, [sp, r2, lsl #2] @ update board length @ increment number of cuts ldr r3, [sp, #12] add r3, r3, #1 str r3, [sp, #12] @ increment linear length by requested cut ldr r3, [sp, #16] add r3, r3, r0 str r3, [sp, #16] b cutLoop @ repeat to show result endCut: @ calculate waste ldr r0, [sp] @ load length 1 ldr r1, [sp, #4] nbsp; @ load length 2 add r1, r1, r0 ldr r0, [sp, #8] @ load length 3 add r1, r1, r0 @ print waste ldr r0, =wastemsg bl printf @ terminate program mov sp, fp pop {fp, lr} @ restore registers bx lr @ return to os @ allocate space for variables@ Read only datainputOk:

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