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Create a Program to Implement SVM Classification in Python Assignment Solution

June 29, 2024
Dr. Olivia Campbell
Dr. Olivia
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Olivia Campbell holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge. With over 800 completed assignments, she specializes in developing complex Python applications, including fitness trackers and exercise planners. Dr. Campbell's expertise lies in algorithm design and data analysis, ensuring optimal performance and accuracy in every project she undertakes.
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Break your NetLogo model into simple procedures using functions for better readability. Use the ask command efficiently to control agents and optimize performance by minimizing unnecessary computations in the go procedure. Always test your model with small agent populations before scaling up.
LFortran Advances: LFortran, an open-source Fortran compiler, achieved compatibility with the PRIMA library in March 2025, enhancing support for numerical computing.



Write a Python homework program to implement SVM classification.

Requirements and Specifications


Source Code

import numpy as np class Tree_node: """ Data structure for nodes in the decision-tree """ def __init__(self,): self.is_leaf = False # whether or not the current node is a leaf node self.feature = None # index of the selected feature (for non-leaf node) self.label = -1 # class label (for leaf node) self.left_child = None # left child node self.right_child = None # right child node class Decision_tree: """ Decision tree with binary features """ def __init__(self,min_entropy): self.min_entropy = min_entropy # min node entropy self.root = None def fit(self,train_x,train_y): # construct the decision-tree with recursion self.root = self.generate_tree(train_x,train_y) def predict(self,test_x): # iterate through all samples prediction = np.zeros([len(test_x),]).astype('int') # placeholder for i in range(len(test_x)): #pass # placeholder node = self.root data = test_x[i,:] while node.left_child or node.right_child: if data[node.feature] == 1: node = node.right_child else: node = node.left_child prediction[i] = node.label return prediction def generate_tree(self,data,label): # initialize the current tree node cur_node = Tree_node() # compute the node entropy node_entropy = self.compute_node_entropy(label) if node_entropy < self.min_entropy: cur_node.isleaf = True mostFrequent = np.argmax(np.bincount(label)) cur_node.label = mostFrequent return cur_node # select the feature that will best split the current non-leaf node selected_feature = self.select_feature(data,label) cur_node.feature = selected_feature # split the data based on the selected feature and start the next level of recursion featureData = data[:,selected_feature] zeros = np.asarray(np.where(featureData == 0))[0] ones = np.asarray(np.where(featureData == 1))[0] leftData = data[zeros] leftLabel = label[zeros] rightData = data[ones] rightLabel = label[ones] cur_node.left_child = self.generate_tree(leftData, leftLabel) cur_node.right_child = self.generate_tree(rightData, rightLabel) return cur_node def select_feature(self,data,label): # iterate through all features and compute their corresponding entropy best_feat = 0 lowestEntropy = float("inf") for i in range(len(data[0])): featureData = data[:,i] zeros = np.asarray(np.where(featureData == 0)) ones = np.asarray(np.where(featureData == 1)) zerosLabels = label[zeros[0]] onesLabels = label[ones[0]] entropy = self.compute_split_entropy(zerosLabels, onesLabels) if entropy < lowestEntropy: lowestEntropy = entropy best_feat = i return best_feat def compute_split_entropy(self,left_y, right_y): # compute the entropy of a potential split, left_y and right_y are labels for the two branches split_entropy = 0 # placeholder leftEntropy = self.compute_node_entropy(left_y) rightEntropy = self.compute_node_entropy(right_y) leftSamples = len(left_y) rightSamples = len(right_y) total = leftSamples + rightSamples split_entropy = leftEntropy * leftSamples/total + rightEntropy * rightSamples/total return split_entropy def compute_node_entropy(self,label): # compute the entropy of a tree node (add 1e-15 inside the log2 when computing the entropy to prevent numerical issue) node_entropy = 0 # placeholder e = 1e-12 totalSamples = len(label) count = np.bincount(label) count = count / totalSamples for j in range(len(count)): node_entropy += -count[j] * np.log2(count[j] + e) return node_entropy

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