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Create A Program to Implement Recursion and Stacks in Java Assignment Solution

July 03, 2024
Dr. Seraphina Stormcloud
Dr. Seraphina
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Dr. Seraphina Stormcloud is a highly accomplished computer scientist who obtained her PhD from the prestigious University of Oxford, followed by post-doctoral research at the University of Cambridge in the UK. With seven years of experience under her belt, Seraphina has completed over 700 Java Homework assignments with exceptional skill and proficiency.
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Write a java assignment program to implement recursion and stacks.

Requirements and Specifications

Program to implement recursion and stacks in java
Program to implement recursion and stacks in java 1

Source Code

A5 EXERCISE public class A5Exercises {  // PART 1  /*   * Purpose: get a count of the number of elements in the array   * with a value that is a multiple of x   * Parameters: int[] arr   * Returns: int - the number multiples of x   * Pre-condition: x > 0   * Post-condition - the array contents are unchanged   */  public static int countMultiples(int[] arr, int x) {   return countMultiplesStep(arr, x, arr.length);  }  private static int countMultiplesStep(int[] arr, int x, int len) {   if (len == 0) {    return 0;   }   return (arr[len-1] % x == 0 ? 1 : 0) + countMultiplesStep(arr, x, len-1);  }  /*   * Purpose: double all values in the given array   * Parameters: int[] array - the array to modify   * Returns: void - nothing   */  public static void doubleAll(int[] array) {   doubleAllStep(array, array.length);  }  private static void doubleAllStep(int[] arr, int len) {   if (len == 0) {    return;   }   arr[len-1] *= 2;   doubleAllStep(arr, len-1);  }  /*   * Purpose: get the minimum value found in the array   * Parameters: int[] array - the array to search   * Returns: int - minimum value found in the array   * or -1 if the array is empty   * Post-condition - the array contents are unchanged   */  public static int getMinimum(int[] array) {   return getMinimum(array, array.length);  }  private static int getMinimum(int[] arr, int len) {   if (len == 0) {    return -1;   }   if (len == 1) {    return arr[0];   }   return Math.min(arr[len-1], getMinimum(arr, len-1));  }  // PART II  /*   * Purpose: get the total number of books in s   * Parameters: Stack s - the stack of books   * Returns: int - the total number of books   * Post-condition: s is not modified   */  public static int totalBooks(Stack s) {   return totalBooksStep(s);  }  private static int totalBooksStep(Stack s) {   if (s.isEmpty()) {    return 0;   }   Book top = s.pop();   int result = 1 + totalBooksStep(s);   s.push(top);   return result;  }  /*   * Purpose: get the total number of pages of all   * books in the stack   * Parameters: Stack s - the stack of books   * Returns: int - the total number of pages   * Post-condition: s is not modified   */  public static int totalPages(Stack s) {   return totalPagesStep(s);  }  private static int totalPagesStep(Stack s) {   if (s.isEmpty()) {    return 0;   }   Book top = s.pop();   int result = top.getPages() + totalPagesStep(s);   s.push(top);   return result;  }  /*   * Purpose: get the average number of pages of books in s   * Parameters: Stack s - the stack of books   * Returns: double - the average number of pages   * 0.0 if there are no books in s   * Post-condition: s is not modified   */  public static double averagePages(Stack s) {   // You don't need to change this, if you have   // completed the previous two exercises   // correctly, it should pass all the tests   if (s.isEmpty()) {    return 0.0;   } else {    double sum = totalPages(s);    int count = totalBooks(s);    return sum/count;   }  }  /*   * Purpose: determine whether toFind is contained in s   * Parameters: Stack s - the stack of books   * Book toFind - the book to search for   * Returns: boolean - true if s contains toFind, false otherwise   * Post-condition: s is not modified   */  public static boolean containsBook(Stack s, Book toFind) {   return containsBookStep(s, toFind);  }  private static boolean containsBookStep(Stack s, Book toFind) {   if (s.isEmpty()) {    return false;   }   if (toFind.equals(s.top())) {    return true;   }   Book top = s.pop();   boolean result = containsBookStep(s, toFind);   s.push(top);   return result;  }  /*   * Purpose: determine the books in s are stacked correctly   * (ie. there is never a book stacked on top of   * another book with fewer pages)   * Parameters: Stack s - the stack of books   * Returns: boolean - true if books in s are stacked correctly   * Post-condition: s is not modified   */  public static boolean stackedCorrectly(Stack s) {   return stackedCorrectlyStep(s);  }  public static boolean stackedCorrectlyStep(Stack s) {   if (s.isEmpty()) {    return true;   }   Book top = s.pop();   if (s.isEmpty()) {    s.push(top);    return true;   }   if (top.getPages() > s.top().getPages()) {    s.push(top);    return false;   }   boolean result = stackedCorrectlyStep(s);   s.push(top);   return result;  } } A5 NODE apublic class A5Node {  private T data;  protected A5Node next;  public A5Node (T value) {   this.data = value;   this.next = null;  }  /*   * Purpose: get the data value of this Node   * Parameters: nothing   * Returns: T - the data value   */  public T getData() {   return data;  }  /*   * Purpose: get the next node   * Parameters: nothing   * Returns: A5Node - the next node   */  public A5Node getNext() {   return next;  }  /*   * Purpose: update the next reference for this node   * Parameters: A5Node next - the new next   * Returns: void - nothing   */  public void setNext(A5Node next) {   this.next = next;  } } A5 STACK public class A5Stack implements Stack {  private A5Node head;  public A5Stack() {   head = null;  }  public void push(T value) {   A5Node n = new A5Node (value);   n.next = head;   head = n;  }  public T pop() {   if (isEmpty()) {    return null;   } else {    T toReturn = head.getData();    head = head.next;    return toReturn;   }  }  public T top() {   if (isEmpty()) {    return null;   } else {    return head.getData();   }  }  public void popAll() {   head = null;  }  public boolean isEmpty() {   return head == null;  }  /************   FOR TESTING  ************/  // Create a stack from an array of books  public A5Stack (T[] books) {   head = null;   for (int i = books.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {    push(books[i]);   }  }  public String toString() {   if (isEmpty()) {    return "{}";   }   String s = "{";   A5Node cur = head;   while (cur.next != null) {    s += cur.getData().toString() + ", ";    cur = cur.next;   }   s += cur.getData().toString() + "}";   return s;  } } BOOK public class Book {  private String title;  private String author;  private int numPages;  public Book(String title, String author, int numPages) {   this.title = title;   this.author = author;   this.numPages = numPages;  }  public int getPages() {   return numPages;  }  public boolean isLonger(Book other) {   return this.numPages > other.numPages;  }  public boolean equals(Book other) {   return this.title.equals(other.title)    && this.author.equals(other.author)     && this.numPages == other.numPages;  }  public String toString() {   return "\"" + title + "\" (" + numPages + ")";  } }

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