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Matlab Program to Implement Range Equations Assignment Solution

June 29, 2024
Prof. Liam Payne
Prof. Liam
🇺🇸 United States
Prof. Liam Payne, a seasoned expert in programming, holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University, United States, and boasts 18 years of comprehensive experience. His proficiency lies in delivering top-tier solutions for intricate programming assignments.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break down your Raptor assignment into small, logical steps before designing the flowchart. Use proper symbols for input, processing, and output, and test your logic with sample inputs to ensure accuracy. Always save and review your work to catch any errors before submission.
The U.S. State Department is developing educational programs aligned with India's National Education Policy, offering Indian students pathways to pursue specialized master's degrees in artificial intelligence at American universities.


Write a program to implement range equations in matlab.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement range equations in matlab
program to implement range equations in matlab 1
program to implement range equations in matlab 2
program to implement range equations in matlab 3
program to implement range equations in matlab 4
program to implement range equations in matlab 5
program to implement range equations in matlab 6
program to implement range equations in matlab 7

Source Code

% EE 7330 Modern Radar Theory

% Spring 2022 - Project 00

% Team 5

% Trevor Scarberry, Matthew Scharf, Siddhant Sharma


clear all

close all

%% Parameters


Ptx = 150e3;

Fc = 9.4e9;

tau = 1.2e-6;

PRF = 2e3;

PRI = 1/PRF;

Gtx_dB = 45.25;

Tdw = 18.3e-3;

F0_dB = 2.5;

Ltx_dB = 3.1;

Lrx_dB = 2.4;

Lsp_dB = 3.2;

RT_km = 5:105;

RT = RT_km*1000;

Latm_dB = .16*2*RT_km;

sigma1_dB = 0;

sigma2_dB = -10;

SNRM_dB = 12;

% vT = [150 250 400] * 0.5144447;

vT = [150 250 400];

c = 3e8;

kB = 1.38e-23;

T = 290;

B = 1/tau;

lambda = c/Fc;

Rtgt_km = [25 50 70]; %target ranges, km

Rtgt = Rtgt_km * 1000;

Vtgt = [-15, 5, -10]; %Target velocities, m/s

%convert dB to abs

Gtx = 10^(Gtx_dB/10);

F0 = 10^(F0_dB/10);

Ltx = 10^(Ltx_dB/10);

Lrx = 10^(Lrx_dB/10);

Lsp =10^(Lsp_dB/10);

Latm = 10.^(Latm_dB/10);

SNRM = 10^(SNRM_dB/10);

sigma1 = 10^(sigma1_dB/10);

sigma2 = 10^(sigma2_dB/10);

np = floor(Tdw * PRF);

M = np;

L = Ltx*Lrx*Lsp.*(Latm);

N = kB*B*T*F0;

SNR_M_arr_dB = ones(1,length(RT)) * SNRM_dB; % Need array to plot

%% 1.a reproduce curves for SNRM versus range

Prx = (Ptx*Gtx^2*lambda^2)./((RT).^4*(4*pi)^3.*L); % here we calculate prc according to equation (2), but without the standard deviations

SNR0 = Prx./N;

% Here we complete the calculations of Prx and SNR for each standard

% deviation (positive and negative)

Prx1 = Prx*sigma1;

SNR1 = M*Prx1/(N);

Prx2 = Prx*sigma2;

SNR2 = M*Prx2/(N);


plot(RT_km, 10*log10(SNR1), '-b', 'LineWidth', 2);

hold on;

plot(RT_km, 10*log10(SNR2),'-k', 'LineWidth', 2);

hold on;

plot(RT_km, SNR_M_arr_dB,'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);

ylabel('SNR (dB)');

xlabel('Range (km)');

title('SNR vs Range')

legend('\sigma_1 = 0 dBsm ', '\sigma_2 = -10 dBsm','Threshold');

grid on;

xlim([min(RT_km) max(RT_km)]);

%% 1.b monte carlo sim

% we simulate 1000 events of randomness

for n = 1:1000

RCS1 = random('exp',sigma1,[M 1]);

RCS2 = random('exp',sigma2+1,[M 1]);

y1a(n,:) = sum(RCS1)*SNR1/M;

y2a(n,:) = sum(RCS2)*SNR2/M;


%obtain mean and standard deviation

y1avg = mean(y1a,1);

y1std = std(y1a,1,1);

y2avg = mean(y2a,1);

y2std = std(y2a,1,1);

%convert to db, create data for plots

y1avg_dB = 10*log10(y1avg);

y1avg_plus_std = 10*log10(y1avg+y1std);

y1avg_minus_std = 10*log10(y1avg-y1std);

y2avg_dB = 10*log10(y2avg);

y2avg_plus_std = 10*log10(y2avg+y2std);

y2avg_minus_std = 10*log10(y2avg-y2std);



hold on;




plot(RT_km, SNR_M_arr_dB,'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);






title('SNR vs Range (n=1000)')

legend('\sigma_1 = 0 dBsm ', '\sigma_2 = -10 dBsm','Threshold');

grid on;

xlim([min(RT_km) max(RT_km)]);

%% Part 2 - Range-Doppler Map

% here we calculate the signal amplitudes according toi equation (17.2) on

% the book

A = sqrt(Prx1);

% The next 3 lines calculates the amplitudes at each of the desired

% locations inside the range of study

A1= sqrt((Ptx*Gtx^2*sigma1*lambda^2)./((Rtgt(1))^4*(4*pi)^3.*L));

A2= sqrt((Ptx*Gtx^2*sigma1*lambda^2)./((Rtgt(2))^4*(4*pi)^3.*L));

A3= sqrt((Ptx*Gtx^2*sigma1*lambda^2)./((Rtgt(3))^4*(4*pi)^3.*L));

% The next line calculates the transmited frequency according to equation

% (17.1) on the book

Fd = 2*Vtgt/lambda;

%resolution = 1/(PRI*M);

% y1 = complex(zeros(length(RT_km),M));

% y2 = complex(zeros(length(RT_km),M));

% y3 = complex(zeros(length(RT_km),M));


% for l = 1:length(RT_km)

% for m = 1:M


% y1(l,m) = A(l)*exp(-1i*4*pi*Rtgt(1)/lambda)*exp(1i*2*pi*m*PRI*Fd(1));

% y2(l,m) = A(l)*exp(-1i*4*pi*Rtgt(2)/lambda)*exp(1i*2*pi*m*PRI*Fd(2));

% y3(l,m) = A(l)*exp(-1i*4*pi*Rtgt(3)/lambda)*exp(1i*2*pi*m*PRI*Fd(3));

% end

% end

% y0 = y1+y2+y3;

% Y =fftshift(fft(y0,[],2));

% Y1 = fftshift(fft(y1,[],2));

% Y2 = fftshift(fft(y2,[],2));

% Y3 = fftshift(fft(y3,[],2));

% We create the pulse-Doppler data matrix filled with zeros

y1 = complex(zeros(length(RT_km),M));

% Now, for every bin l0 and for every bin on the range M, we calculate

% the spatial Doppler signal

for l = 1:length(Rtgt_km)

for m = 1:M

idx = find(RT_km==Rtgt_km(l)); % One of the problems were here. The variable y1 has the same number

% of rows as elements in the vector

% RT_km, so when the values were

% changed for every value in

% Rtgt_km, the indices used were

% wrong

y1(idx,m) = A1(l)*exp(-1i*4*pi*Rtgt_km(l)/lambda)*exp(1i*2*pi*m*PRI*Fd(l));



% Now, we apply the fast fourier transform to the matrix and we obtain a

% complex number X + jY

Y1 = fftshift(fft(y1, [], 2), 2); % Another fix was done here. The fftshift and fft

% functions were called with

% incorrect arguments for number of

% dimensions

% Y2 = fftshift(fft(y2,[],2));

% Y3 = fftshift(fft(y3,[],2));

% Here we define the range of frequencies (x) and the space (y)

x = linspace((-PRF/2),(PRF/2),M);

y = linspace(min(RT_km),max(RT_km),length(RT_km));


% %plots

% figure

% hold on

% subplot(1,3,1)

% pcolor(x,y,abs((Y1)))

% title('range-doppler plot v = 150')

% xlabel('Doppler Freq (Hz)')

% ylabel('range(km)')

% shading interp

% colormap jet

% colorbar;

% subplot(1,3,2)

% pcolor(x,y,abs((Y2)))

% title('range-doppler plot v = 250')

% xlabel('Doppler Freq (Hz)')

% ylabel('range(km)')

% shading interp

% colormap jet

% colorbar;

% subplot(1,3,3)

% pcolor(x,y,abs((Y3)))

% title('range-doppler plot v = 400')

% xlabel('Doppler Freq (Hz)')

% ylabel('range(km)')

% shading interp

% colormap jet

% colorbar;


hold on


title('range-doppler plot')

xlabel('Doppler Freq (Hz)')



ylim([min(RT_km), max(RT_km)]);

shading interp

colormap jet


% figure;

% subplot(3,1,1)

% plot(x,abs(Y1))

% xlabel("Doppler Freq (Hz)");

% ylabel("Range (km)");

% % xlim([min(RT_km), max(RT_km)]);

% grid on;

% subplot(3,1,2)

% plot(x,abs(Y2))

% xlabel("Doppler Freq (Hz)");

% ylabel("Range (km)");

% % xlim([min(RT_km), max(RT_km)]);

% grid on;

% subplot(3,1,3)

% plot(x,abs(Y3))

% xlabel("Doppler Freq (Hz)");

% ylabel("Range (km)");

% % xlim([min(RT_km), max(RT_km)]);

% grid on;

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