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Implement Nodes and Lists in C Language Assignment Solution

July 09, 2024
Dr. Brian Thompson
Dr. Brian
🇨🇦 Canada
Dr. Brian Thompson is a seasoned professional with a PhD in Computer Science from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. With 7 years of experience, he has completed over 700 C programming assignments with precision and accuracy. Dr. Thompson's specialization in software engineering and cybersecurity ensures that his solutions are not only efficient but also robust and secure.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break your Python assignment into smaller tasks and test each part separately. Use meaningful variable names, write comments for clarity, and leverage built-in functions to simplify your code.
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Write a C assignment program to implement nodes and lists.

Requirements and Specifications

Program-to-implement-nodes-and-lists-in-C-language 1
Program-to-implement-nodes-and-lists-in-C-language 2
Program-to-implement-nodes-and-lists-in-C-language 3

Source Code

package tests; public class ListUtilities { public Node getAllPrefixes(Node node, int minLength, int maxLength) { // result list head and cursor nodes Node result = null; Node resultCurrNode = null; // string for building prefixes String current = "["; // source list cursor node Node currNode = node; // processed nodes counter int count = 0; // processing all nodes in the list while(currNode != null) { if (current.length() == 1) { // if current string is empty, adding only int current += currNode.getElement().toString(); } else { // otherwise adding comma and int current += ", " + currNode.getElement().toString(); } // increasing counter count++; // if counter is between bounds, adding it to result list if (count >= minLength && count <= maxLength) { if (result == null) { // result list is empty now, we have to intitialize head node and cursor result = new Node<>(current + "]", null); resultCurrNode = result; } else { // adding new node to the end and moving cursor forward resultCurrNode.setNext(new Node<>(current + "]", null)); resultCurrNode = resultCurrNode.getNext(); } } // moving forward through source list currNode = currNode.getNext(); } // returning result list return result; } public Node getMergedChain(Node nodeA, Node nodeB) { // result list head and cursor nodes Node result = null; Node resultCurrNode = null; // cursor node for list A Node currNodeA = nodeA; // cursor node for list B Node currNodeB = nodeB; // keep iterating until all nodes from both strings are processed while (currNodeA != null || currNodeB != null) { // this variable will store element which needed to be added to the result list on current step int toAdd; if (currNodeA != null && currNodeB != null) { // if list A and list B both not processed yet, // we must choose the least element among two cursor elements int valA = currNodeA.getElement(); int valB = currNodeB.getElement(); // selecting min element if (valA < valB) { toAdd = valA; // value from A will be added to the result, shifting A cursor currNodeA = currNodeA.getNext(); } else { toAdd = valB; // value from B will be added to the result, shifting A cursor currNodeB = currNodeB.getNext(); } } else if (currNodeB == null) { // only A list is not processed toAdd = currNodeA.getElement(); // value from A will be added to the result, shifting A cursor currNodeA = currNodeA.getNext(); } else { // only B list is not processed toAdd = currNodeB.getElement(); // value from B will be added to the result, shifting B cursor currNodeB = currNodeB.getNext(); } if (result == null) { // result list is empty now, we have to intitialize head node and cursor result = new Node<>(toAdd, null); resultCurrNode = result; } else { // adding new node to the end and moving cursor forward resultCurrNode.setNext(new Node<>(toAdd, null)); resultCurrNode = resultCurrNode.getNext(); } } // returning result list return result; } public Node getInterleavedArithmeticFibonacciSequences(int arithStart, int arithDif, int arithSize, int fibSize) { // arithmetic list head and cursor nodes Node arithmetic = null; Node arithmeticCurrNode = null; for (int i = 0; i if (arithmetic == null) { // if arithmetic list is empty, only intializing nodes and inserting start value arithmetic = new Node<>(arithStart, null); arithmeticCurrNode = arithmetic; } else { // inserting appropriate value to the end of the list arithmeticCurrNode.setNext(new Node<>(arithStart + i * arithDif, null)); arithmeticCurrNode = arithmeticCurrNode.getNext(); } } // fibbonacci list head and cursor nodes Node fib = null; Node fibCurrNode = null; // fib_0 int prevPrev = 1; // fib_! int prev = 1; // inserting required number of fibbonacci sequence for (int i = 0; i if (i == 0) { // inserting fib_0 into fib list fib = new Node<>(prevPrev, null); fibCurrNode = fib; } else if (i == 1) { // inserting fib_1 into fib list fibCurrNode.setNext(new Node<>(prev, null)); fibCurrNode = fibCurrNode.getNext(); } else { // calculating current fib value int curr = prevPrev + prev; // inserting it to the list fibCurrNode.setNext(new Node<>(curr, null)); fibCurrNode = fibCurrNode.getNext(); // reassigning previous fib values prevPrev = prev; prev = curr; } } // now we will merge obtained two lists into the result list, by interleaving arithmeticCurrNode = arithmetic; fibCurrNode = fib; // result list head and cursor nodes Node result = null; Node resultCurrNode = null; // for interleaving, we need a flag, which shows, from which list was previous entry boolean prevFib = true; while(arithmeticCurrNode != null || fibCurrNode != null) { // variable for value to add int toAdd; if (arithmeticCurrNode != null && fibCurrNode != null) { // both lists are not processed yet if (prevFib) { // previous node was from fib list // inserting value from arithmetic list toAdd = arithmeticCurrNode.getElement(); arithmeticCurrNode = arithmeticCurrNode.getNext(); prevFib = false; } else { // previous node was from arithmetic list // inserting value from fib list toAdd = fibCurrNode.getElement(); fibCurrNode = fibCurrNode.getNext(); prevFib = true; } } else if (fibCurrNode == null) { // fib list is processed // inserting value from arithmetic list toAdd = arithmeticCurrNode.getElement(); arithmeticCurrNode = arithmeticCurrNode.getNext(); } else { // arithmetic list is processed // inserting value from fib list toAdd = fibCurrNode.getElement(); fibCurrNode = fibCurrNode.getNext(); } if (result == null) { // if arithmetic list is empty, only intializing nodes and inserting start value result = new Node<>(toAdd, null); resultCurrNode = result; } else { // adding new node to the end and moving cursor forward resultCurrNode.setNext(new Node<>(toAdd, null)); resultCurrNode = resultCurrNode.getNext(); } } // returning result list return result; } public Node getGroupedStrings(Node node, int m, int n) { // group 1 list head and cursor nodes Node group1 = null; Node group1CurrNode = null; // group 2 list head and cursor nodes Node group2 = null; Node group2CurrNode = null; // group 3 list head and cursor nodes Node group3 = null; Node group3CurrNode = null; // iterating through source list and inserting each value to one of three lists // value order inside group will be preserved Node currNode = node; while(currNode != null) { String val = currNode.getElement(); if (val.length() < m) { if (group1 == null) { group1 = new Node<>(val, null); group1CurrNode = group1; } else { group1CurrNode.setNext(new Node<>(val, null)); group1CurrNode = group1CurrNode.getNext(); } } else if (val.length() < n) { if (group2 == null) { group2 = new Node<>(val, null); group2CurrNode = group2; } else { group2CurrNode.setNext(new Node<>(val, null)); group2CurrNode = group2CurrNode.getNext(); } } else { if (group3 == null) { group3 = new Node<>(val, null); group3CurrNode = group3; } else { group3CurrNode.setNext(new Node<>(val, null)); group3CurrNode = group3CurrNode.getNext(); } } currNode = currNode.getNext(); } // now we just need to concatenate 3 obtained list // doing it by correctly checking nulls Node result = group1; Node last = group1CurrNode; if (last == null) { result = group2; } else { last.setNext(group2); } if (group2 != null) { last = group2CurrNode; } if (last == null) { result = group3; } else { last.setNext(group3); } return result; } } NODE package tests; /* * This Node class is provided to you, * and you must use it to implement the required class(es) and method(s) in the model package. * The StarterTests class in the `tests` package suggests what you need to create in the `model` package. * Where the Node class is needed, you must: * + Only use the public methods given here. * + Not add any additional attributes or methods in this Node class. */ public class Node { /* * Do not modify this class. * When your submission is graded, the same starter version of the Node class will be used, * meaning that if you made any changes to this class, they would be wiped out * and your submitted classes may just stop compiling. */ private E element; private Node next; /* * Constructor */ public Node(E e, Node n) { element = e; next = n; } /* * Accessors */ public E getElement() { return element; } public Node getNext() { return next; } /* * Mutators */ public void setElement(E e) { element = e; } public void setNext(Node n) { next = n; } }

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