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Create a Program to Implement Neighbour Joining Algorithm in Python Assignment Solution

July 12, 2024
Dr. Olivia Campbell
Dr. Olivia
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Olivia Campbell holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge. With over 800 completed assignments, she specializes in developing complex Python applications, including fitness trackers and exercise planners. Dr. Campbell's expertise lies in algorithm design and data analysis, ensuring optimal performance and accuracy in every project she undertakes.
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Always start SQL assignments by understanding the schema and relationships between tables. Use proper indentation and aliases for clarity, and test queries incrementally to catch errors early.
Owl Scientific Computing 1.2: Updated on December 24, 2024, Owl is a numerical programming library for the OCaml language, offering advanced features for scientific computing.



Write a python assignment to implement the neighbor-joining algorithm in Python. This algorithm constructs phylogenetic trees, crucial in evolutionary biology. Develop a program that takes a distance matrix, identifies closest neighbors iteratively, and builds the tree. This assignment hones Python skills while solving a practical biological problem.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement neighbour joining algorithm in python

Source Code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: """ # do not change or add any import statements from os.path import basename from glob import glob import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram # %% def read(filename, n=3): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- filename : str String containing the file name n : int, optional number of the n-grams. The default is 3. Returns ------- ngrams : list of tuples List of tuples where each tuple contain n words """ # Open file ngrams = list() with open(filename, 'r') as file: # Read content content = file.read() # Split into words words = content.split(" ") # Now, construct the ngrams for i in range(len(words)-n+1): sublst = list() for j in range(i, i+n): w = words[j].strip() sublst.append(w) ngrams.append(tuple(sublst)) return ngrams # %% def vocabulary(ngrams_list): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- ngrams_list : list of tuples list of tuples containing the ngrams obtained from the function read(filename, n=3) Returns ------- ret: list of tuples Returns a list of the unique tuples in ngrams """ ret = set() for ngram in ngrams_list: for tup in ngram: ret.add(tup) return list(ret) # %% def vectorize(ngrams, vocabulary): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- ngrams : list of tuples list of n-grams (obtained from 'read') vocabulary : list of tuples list of n-grams obtained from 'vocabulary' Returns ------- features : NumPy array NumPy array with the same length of vocabulary, containing 1 and zeros """ # Get the length of vocabulary n = len(vocabulary) # Create the array filled with zeros features = np.zeros(n) # Iterate through the tuples in vocabulary i = 0 for tup in vocabulary: if tup in ngrams: features[i] = 1 i += 1 return features # %% def tfidf(vectors): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- vectors : Numpy Array Numpy Array with 1 and 0 Returns ------- result : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ N = len(vectors) n = len(vectors[0]) tfidf_ret = np.zeros((N, n)) result = np.zeros((N, n)) for i in range(len(vectors)): vector = vectors[i] for j in range(len(vector)): tf = vector[j] nt = list(vector[:j+1]).count(tf) idf = np.log(N/(1 + nt))+1 tfidf = tf*idf tfidf_ret[i,j] = tfidf return tfidf_ret # %% def dissimilarity(v1, v2): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- v1 : TYPE DESCRIPTION. v2 : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ sumv1_2 = np.sum(np.power(v1, 2)) sumv2_2 = np.sum(np.power(v2,2)) sum = 0 for i in range(len(v1)): sum += v1[i]*v2[i] d = 1 - sum/(sumv1_2*sumv2_2)**(1/2) return d # %% def distance_matrix(vectors): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- vectors : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- distances : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ n = len(vectors) d = np.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): v1 = vectors[i] v2 = vectors[j] d[i,j] = dissimilarity(v1,v2) return d # %% def nearest_pair(distances, mask): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- distances : 2-D Numpy Array Numpy Array containing the dissimilarity values mask : List of boolean List of boolean values Returns ------- pair : List List with two values containing the index of the smallest values in distances such that maks[i] = mask[j] = False """ n = distances.shape[0] smallest = np.inf ret = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if i != j and distances[i,j] < smallest and mask[i] == False and mask[j] == False: smallest = distances[i,j] ret = [i,j] return ret # %% def merge_pair(vectors, linkage, mask, pair): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- vectors : TYPE DESCRIPTION. linkage : TYPE DESCRIPTION. mask : TYPE DESCRIPTION. pair : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ # First, select the vectors defined in the pair of index v1 = vectors[pair[0]] v2 = vectors[pair[1]] # Merge vectors v3 = (v1+v2)/2 np.append(vectors, v3) # Calculate the distance between the merged vectors, and the average between each merged vector to the new one dv1v2 = dissimilarity(v1,v2)/2.0 davg = (dissimilarity(v1, v3) + dissimilarity(v2, v3))/2.0 dmax = dv1v2 if davg > dmax: dmax = davg # Create new linkage row linkage_row = [pair[0], pair[1], dmax, len(pair)] linkage.append(linkage_row) mask[pair[0]] = True mask[pair[1]] = True mask.append(False) # %% def update_distance_matrix(distances, vectors): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- distances : TYPE DESCRIPTION. vectors : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- new_distances : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # Pick the last vector v = vectors[-1] # Create a new distance matrix, with one more row and column new_dist = np.zeros((len(vectors), len(vectors))) # Copy the first N-1 elements into the new matrix # Fill the elements for i in range(len(vectors)-1): for j in range(len(vectors)-1): new_dist[i,j] = distances[i,j] # Now, compute the distances to the new vector for i in range(len(vectors)): v_ = vectors[i] new_dist[len(vectors)-1, i] = dissimilarity(v, v_) new_dist[i, len(vectors)-1] = dissimilarity(v, v_) return new_dist # %% def cluster(vectors): """ Please fill in this docstring template Parameters ---------- vectors : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # First, compute the distance matrix distances = distance_matrix(vectors) linkage = [] mask = [False for i in range(len(vectors))] # Repeat until no pair of vectors needs to be merged while True: pair = nearest_pair(distances, mask) if not pair: break merge_pair(vectors, linkage, mask, pair) new_distances = update_distance_matrix(distances, vectors) distances = new_distances.copy() return linkage # %% # Do not delete or change code beneath this line. def main(): """ Run a clustering analysis on the assignments in the "assignments" directory, which should be in your current working directory. Displays the resulting heirarchy as a dendrogram. Raises ------ RuntimeError Raised if it can't find the assignments. Returns ------- fig : a matplotlib figure A dendrogram of the heirarchy. """ # read in the assignments data = [] labels = [] files = list(glob('assignments/*')) if not files: raise RuntimeError("I can't find the assignments. " "Are they in your current working directory?") # Uncomment the following line to test on a subset of assignments # files = np.random.choice(glob('assignments/*'), size=50, replace=False) for filename in files: print(f"Reading and analyzing {filename}... ") data.append(read(filename)) labels.append(basename(filename)[:-4]) # extract the vocab and convert assignments to vectors print("Calculating vocabulary...") vocab = vocabulary(data) print("Vectorizing...") vectors = [vectorize(d, vocab) for d in data] # transform the features to make rare features more important print("Calculating tfidf...") vectors = tfidf(vectors) # cluster the assignments print("Calculating linkage...") linkage = cluster(vectors) # plot the result print("Plotting...") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) dendrogram(linkage, labels=labels, orientation='left') return fig main()

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