To complete a Python assignment, you are required to write a program to implement image compression in Python. This task involves creating a program that effectively reduces the size of an image while preserving its essential visual information. Image compression is a crucial technique in various applications, including digital storage and transmission. By efficiently encoding the image data, you can significantly reduce the storage space required and improve the speed of data transfer. In your Python assignment, you will explore different image compression algorithms and techniques, such as the use of mathematical transformations and quantization processes. This project will not only enhance your programming skills but also deepen your understanding of image processing concepts.
Requirements and Specifications

Source Code
!pip install otter-grader
# Initialize Otter
import otter
grader = otter.Notebook("lab6.ipynb")
# Lab 6: Image Compression and Matrix Factorization
Matrix factorization is a way to find a set of basis vectors that describe a given dataset. Depending on the factorization used, the set of bases are different.
In this notebook, we use singular value decomposition (SVD) and nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)
## Faces dataset
We use "[labeled faces in the wild](" dataset.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_lfw_people
lfw_people = fetch_lfw_people(min_faces_per_person=70, resize=0.4)
img_count, img_height, img_width = lfw_people.images.shape
print('number of faces in dataset:', img_count)
print('image width in pixels :', img_width)
print('image height in pixels :', img_height)
Each face is vectorized into a row in data matrix `X`
## Question 1a: Data transformation
Inspecting `lfw_people.images.shape` shows images are stored as a 3-dimensional array of size (1288, 50, 37). Use `numpy.ndarray.reshape()` to tranform matrix `lfw_people.images` to a 2-dimensional array of size `image_count` by `image_width` * `image_height` with name `X`. Take first image, `X[0]`, and `numpy.ndarray.reshape()` it back to a 2-dimensional array of size `image_width` * `image_height` with name `X0_img`.
X = lfw_people.images.reshape((img_count, img_width*img_height))
X0_img = X[0].reshape((img_height, img_width))
If everything went correctly, you should see a gray scale image below
# each row of X is a vectorized image
## Question 1b: Visualization
To make plotting easier, create a plotting function.
def draw_img(img_vector, h=img_height, w=img_width):
1. takes img_vector,
2. reshapes into right dimensions,
3. draws the resulting image
plt.imshow( img_vector.reshape((img_height, img_width)),
_Cell Intentionally Blank_
# check draw_img function
## Question 1c: Standardization
Since SVD looks for singular values (related to eigenvalues) and eigenvectors of `X`, center each column (pixel) of `X` so that mean of each column is zero. Otherwise the result can be strange. This is a detail that is not critical for understanding the conceptual aspect of SVD. The variance of each pixel can be left alone. Use [`sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler`]( to standardize `X` (hint: use `.fit_transform`).
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler(with_std=False)
Xstd = scaler.fit_transform(X)
The mean centered images look unnatural, but all the pertinent data is retained
# standardization transforms image data
### Inverse Transformation
We can recover the original data by putting the means back
# inverse tranformation recovers original image units
Xorig = scaler.inverse_transform(Xstd)
## Question 2a: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Numpy package has SVD decomposition function [`numpy.linalg.svd`]( Decompose `Xstd` into `U`, `S`, `VT`, i.e., $X_{std} = U S V^T$.
from numpy.linalg import svd
U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(Xstd)
## Question 2b: Matrix Factors from SVD
Since `S` is a diagonal matrix, multiplying `U` by `S` is like scaling each column of `U` by the corresponding diagonal entry. Check that we can recover the original data from the matrix factors by inverse transforming the resulting `Xhat`
# Compute real S
Strue = np.zeros((U.shape[1], VT.shape[0]))
Strue[:S.size, :S.size] = np.diag(S)
US =
# reconstruct standardized images from matrix factors
Xhat =
# inverse transform Xhat to remove standardization
Xhat_orig = scaler.inverse_transform(Xhat).astype('float32')
### Dimensionality reduction
We can describe each face using smaller portions of matrix factors. Because of how `US` and `VT` are ordered, the first portions of `US` and `VT` retain the most information. So, to keep the most relevant parts, keep the first columns of `US` and first rows of `VT`. Below illustrate why this is called a dimensionality reduction method.
In the following, we keep 500 columns of `US` and 500 rows of `VT` out of 1288.
# reconstruct Xhat with less information: i.e. dimensionality is reduced
Xhat_500 = US[:, 0:500] @ VT[0:500, :]
# inverse transforms Xhat to remove standardization
Xhat_500_orig = scaler.inverse_transform(Xhat_500)
# draw recovered image
Using even smaller number degrades the reconstruction; however, still the reconstructed image captures the "gist" of the original data.
# reconstruct Xhat with less information: i.e. dimensionality is reduced
Xhat_100 = US[:, 0:100] @ VT[0:100, :]
# inverse transforms Xhat to remove standardization
Xhat_100_orig = scaler.inverse_transform(Xhat_100)
# draw recovered image
To make the dimensionality reduction and inverse transform easier, write a function:
def dim_reduce(US_, VT_, dim=100):
Xhat_ = US_[:, 0:dim] @ VT_[0:dim, :]
return scaler.inverse_transform(Xhat_)
We can see how the increasing the rows and columns of matrix factors used increases fidelity of reconstructions
dim_vec = [50, 100, 200, 400, 800]
plt.figure(figsize=(1.8 * len(dim_vec), 2.4))
for i, d in enumerate(dim_vec):
plt.subplot(1, len(dim_vec), i + 1)
draw_img(dim_reduce(US, VT, d)[49])
### Matrix Factors and "Eigenfaces"
What are in these matrix factors `US` and `VT`?
`VT` contains the set of "basis" vectors. In this setting rows of `VT` are called eigenfaces
# each row of VT is an "eigenface"
Plotting more eigenfaces show how the information in each eigenfaces are highlighting different components of photos
num_faces = 10
# each row of VT is an "eigenface"
plt.figure(figsize=(1.8 * 5, 2.4 * 2))
for i in range(0, 10):
one_face = VT[i]
plt.subplot(2, 5, i + 1)
### Each face is a linear combination of eigenfaces
Reconstructing a face can be thought of as combining these eigenfaces according to some row of `US` (coefficients).
# each face is a linear combination of eigenfaces VT
face_num = 3 # which face to reconstruct?
dim = 300 # higher dim is more accurate fit
draw_img(scaler.inverse_transform(US[face_num, 0:dim].reshape((1,-1)) @ VT[:dim,:]))
## Question 3: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
NMF is a matrix factorization method that require nonnegative data matrix. Images are represented as light intensities between 0 and 255: i.e. nonnegative numbers.
NMF decomposes `X` into `W` and `H` such that $X \approx WH$. NMF is slower than SVD. So, we only choose a very small number of basis here: 200. Obtain `W` and `H`. Use [`sklearn.decomposition.NMF`](
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
model = NMF(n_components=200, init='nndsvd', random_state=0)
W = model.fit_transform(X)
H = model.components_
### Matrix factor H
NMF matrix factor `H` contain the set of basis faces.
Following shows that the set of basis vectors are very different than what SVD chose
num_faces = 20
plt.figure(figsize=(1.8 * 5, 2.4 * 4))
for i in range(0, num_faces):
one_face = VT[i]
plt.subplot(4, 5, i + 1)
However, each face is still a linear combination of matrix `H`
draw_img(W[30]@H) # using 200 NMF basis vectors
draw_img(dim_reduce(US, VT, 200)[30]) # using 200 SVD basis vectors
draw_img(X[30]) # original image
To double-check your work, the cell below will rerun all of the autograder tests.
## Submission
Make sure you have run all cells in your notebook in order before running the cell below, so that all images/graphs appear in the output. The cell below will generate a zip file for you to submit. **Please save before exporting!**
# Save your notebook first, then run this cell to export your submission.
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