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Complete C++ Solution for Geometry Implementation Assignment

July 01, 2024
Len E. Villasenor
Len E.
🇺🇸 United States
Len E. Villasenor, with a master’s in computer science from Northern Arizona University, boasts 5 years of expertise in C++ assignment assistance, providing exceptional guidance in this specialized area.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break your NetLogo model into simple procedures using functions for better readability. Use the ask command efficiently to control agents and optimize performance by minimizing unnecessary computations in the go procedure. Always test your model with small agent populations before scaling up.
LFortran Advances: LFortran, an open-source Fortran compiler, achieved compatibility with the PRIMA library in March 2025, enhancing support for numerical computing.



Write a C++ assignment program to implement geometry.

Requirements and Specifications

This program works and I need to add two additional functions (functions are below):

/* C Program to Calculate Square, Square root, Triangle Perimeter and Grade Average */

#include #include int Calculate_Square(int Number); float Calculate_Perimeter_Triangle(float a, float b, float c); float Calculate_Grade(float grade1, float grade2, float grade3, float grade4); int main() { int number, Square; float a,b,c,Triangle, Square_Root; float grade1, grade2, grade3, grade4, Grade; printf(" \n Please Enter any integer Value : "); scanf("%d", &number); Square = Calculate_Square(number); printf("\n Square of a given number %d = %d\n", number, Square); /* Square Root */ printf("The square root of your number %d is %f\n",number, sqrt(number)); printf("\nPlease Enter three sides of triangle\n"); scanf("%f%f%f",&a,&b,&c); printf("Enter 4 grade values for your course:\n"); scanf("%f%f%f%f",&grade1,&grade2,&grade3,&grade4); Grade = Calculate_Grade(grade1, grade2, grade3, grade4); printf("Your grade average is %f\n",Grade); /* Triangle */ Triangle = Calculate_Perimeter_Triangle(a,b,c); printf("Area of triangle is %f\n", Triangle); return 0; } int Calculate_Square(int Number) { return Number * Number; } float Calculate_Perimeter_Triangle(float a, float b, float c) { float s, Perimeter; Perimeter = a+b+c; return Perimeter; } float Calculate_Grade(float g1, float g2, float g3, float g4) { Please add Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion: int main() { float celsius, fahrenheit; printf("Please Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: \n"); scanf("%f", &fahrenheit); // Convert the temperature from f to c formula celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9; //celsius = 5 *(fahrenheit - 32) / 9; //celsius =(fahrenheit-32) * 0.55556; printf("\n %.2f Fahrenheit = %.2f Celsius", fahrenheit, celsius); return 0; } Please Add this #include #include #include int main() { printf("Enter your name: "); char name[32]; fgets(name, 32, stdin); name[strlen(name)-1] = '\0'; printf("Hello, %s!\n", name); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }}

Source Code

/* C Program to Calculate Square, Square root, Triangle Perimeter and Grade Average */

#include #include int Calculate_Square(int Number) { return Number*Number; } float Calculate_Perimeter_Triangle(float a, float b, float c) { return a + b + c; } float Calculate_Grade(float grade1, float grade2, float grade3, float grade4) { return (grade1+grade2+grade3+grade4)/4; } int main() { int number, Square; float a,b,c,Triangle, Square_Root; float grade1, grade2, grade3, grade4, Grade; float celsius, fahrenheit; /* Square*/ printf(" \n Please Enter any integer Value : "); scanf("%d", &number); Square = Calculate_Square(number); printf("\n Square of a given number %d = %d\n", number, Square); /* Square Root */ printf("\n The square root of your number %d is %f\n",number, sqrt(number)); /* Triangle Perimeter*/ printf("\n Please Enter three sides of triangle\n"); scanf("%f", &a); scanf("%f", &b); scanf("%f", &c); Triangle = Calculate_Perimeter_Triangle(a,b,c); printf("\n The Perimeter of the Triangle %0.2f\n", Triangle); /* Grades Average*/ printf("\n Please Enter four grades \n"); scanf("%f", &grade1); scanf("%f", &grade2); scanf("%f", &grade3); scanf("%f", &grade4); Grade = Calculate_Grade(grade1,grade2,grade3,grade4); printf("\n The Average of the Grades %0.2f\n", Grade); /* Convert to celsius*/ printf("\n Please Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: \n"); scanf("%f", &fahrenheit); // Convert the temperature from f to c formula celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9; //celsius = 5 *(fahrenheit - 32) / 9; //celsius =(fahrenheit-32) * 0.55556; printf("\n %.2f Fahrenheit = %.2f Celsius \n", fahrenheit, celsius); /* largest number*/ double n1, n2, n3; printf("Enter three different numbers: \n"); scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &n1, &n2, &n3); // if n1 is greater than both n2 and n3, n1 is the largest if (n1 >= n2 && n1 >= n3) printf("%.2f is the largest number. \n", n1); // if n2 is greater than both n1 and n3, n2 is the largest if (n2 >= n1 && n2 >= n3) printf("%.2f is the largest number. \n", n2); // if n3 is greater than both n1 and n2, n3 is the largest if (n3 >= n1 && n3 >= n2) printf("%.2f is the largest number. \n", n3); /* Find Factorial of a Number */ int n, i; unsigned long long fact = 1; printf("\n Enter an integer: "); scanf("%d", &n); if (n < 0) printf("Error! Factorial of a negative number doesn't exist. \n"); else { for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { fact *= i; } printf("Factorial of %d = %llu \n", n, fact); } }

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