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Python Program to Implement Garage Manager Assignment Solution

June 24, 2024
Dr. Matthew Hernandez
Dr. Matthew
🇨🇭 Switzerland
Dr. Matthew Hernandez, an esteemed Computer Science researcher, obtained his PhD from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. With 6 years of experience under his belt, he has successfully completed over 400 Python assignments, demonstrating his proficiency and commitment to excellence.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break your Python assignment into smaller tasks and test each part separately. Use meaningful variable names, write comments for clarity, and leverage built-in functions to simplify your code.
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Write a program to implement garage manager in python.

Requirements and Specifications

program-to-implement-garage-manager-in-python (1)

Source Code

import mysql.connector """ In the following THREE lines, define the username, password and database name """ USERNAME = "root" PASSWORD = "root" DATABASE = "adede_db" def get_string(message) -> str: """ This function will ask user for a non-empty string. The functions keeps re-prompting until user enters a valid string :param message: message to be displayed to user when asking for input :return: string """ while True: string = input(message) if len(string) > 0: return string else: print("Please enter a non-empty string.") def get_integer(message) -> int: """ This function will ask user for a positive integer. The functions keeps re-prompting until user enters a valid integer :param message: message to be displayed to user when asking for input :return: int """ while True: try: integer = int(input(message)) if integer > 0: return integer else: print("Please enter a positive number.") except: print("Please enter a valid number.") def menu(): """ This function displays the menu and gets an integer input from user The function keeps asking for an input until the user enters a valid option :return: string (menu option) """ while True: print("MENU") print("a - Add car") print("d - Remove car") print("u - Update car details") print("r1 - Output all cars sorted by year (ascending)") print("r2 - Output all cars of a certain color") print("q - Quit") # Define valid menu options menu_options = ["a", "d", "u", "r1", "r2", "q"] # Get option option = input("Enter choice: ") if option in menu_options: return option else: print("Invalid option!") if __name__ == '__main__': # The first step is to create the connection to the database try: print("Connecting to MySQL... ", end="") connection = mysql.connector.connect( host = "localhost", user = USERNAME, password = PASSWORD, database = DATABASE ) if connection.is_connected(): print(f"successfully connected as {USERNAME} to the database {DATABASE}!") cursor = connection.cursor() # Begin with program running = True while running: # Display menu option = menu() if option == "a": # Add car # Ask user for make, model, year and color make = get_string("Enter maker: ") model = get_string("Enter model: ") year = get_integer("Enter year: ") color = get_string("Enter color: ") # Now, insert into db query_str = f"INSERT INTO garage (make, model, year, color) VALUES (\"{make}\", \"{model}\", {year}, \"{color}\")" # Insert cursor.execute(query_str) connection.commit() print(f"The following car has been added to the garage: make = {make}, model = {model}, year = {year}, color = {color}") elif option == "d": # Remove car car_id = get_integer("Please enter the id of the car to remove: ") # CHeck if there is a car with that id cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM garage WHERE id = {car_id};") result = cursor.fetchall() if len(result) > 0: # Delete cursor.execute(f"DELETE FROM garage WHERE id = {car_id}") connection.commit() print(f"Car with id {car_id} has been removed.") else: print("There is no car with that id in the garage.") elif option == "u": car_id = get_integer("Please enter the id of the car to remove: ") # CHeck if there is a car with that id cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM garage WHERE id = {car_id};") result = cursor.fetchall() if len(result) > 0: # Ask for new details new_make = get_string("Enter new maker: ") new_model = get_string("Enter new model: ") new_year = get_integer("Enter new year: ") new_color = get_string("Enter new color: ") cursor.execute(f"UPDATE garage SET make = \"{new_make}\", model =\"{new_model}\", year = {new_year}, color = \"{new_color}\" WHERE id = {car_id};") connection.commit() print(f"Car with id {car_id} has been updated.") else: print("There is no car with that id in the garage.") elif option == "r1": # Output all cars sorted by year ascending cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM garage ORDER BY year ASC;") result = cursor.fetchall() if len(result) > 0: print("{:<10s} {:>10s} {:>15s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("ID", "Make", "Model", "Year", "Color")) print("{:<10s} {:>10s} {:>15s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("--", "----", "----", "----", "----")) for row in result: print("{:<10d} {:>10s} {:>15s} {:>10d} {:>10s}".format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])) else: print("There are no cars in the garage.") elif option == "r2": # Output all cars of certain color # Ask color color = get_string("Enter color: ") cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM garage WHERE color = \"{color}\";") result = cursor.fetchall() if len(result) > 0: print("{:<10s} {:>10s} {:>15s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("ID", "Make", "Model", "Year", "Color")) print("{:<10s} {:>10s} {:>15s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("--", "----", "----", "----", "----")) for row in result: print("{:<10d} {:>10s} {:>15s} {:>10d} {:>10s}".format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])) else: print("There are no cars in the garage with that color.") elif option == "q": #quit print("Good bye!") running = False print() except mysql.connector.Error as e: print("failed!") print(e) finally: if connection.is_connected(): cursor.close() connection.close()

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