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Program To Implement Employee Management System Assignment Solution

June 14, 2024
Dr. Nicholas Scott
Dr. Nicholas
🇯🇵 Japan
Dr. Nicholas Scott, a distinguished Computer Science expert, holds a PhD from Tokyo University, Japan. With an impressive 8 years of experience, he has completed over 600 Python assignments, showcasing his unparalleled expertise and dedication to the field.
Key Topics
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  • Requirements and Specifications
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Write a python homework to implement employee management system.

Requirements and Specifications

program-to-implement-employee-management-system-in-python (1)
program-to-implement-employee-management-system-in-python 1 (1)
program-to-implement-employee-management-system-in-python 2 (1)

Source Code

import os import re import datetime import sys if __name__ == '__main__': # PART 1 """ homeFolder = 'C:\\' userDir = os.getcwd() desktopPath = os.path.join(homeFolder, 'Users', userDir, 'Desktop') os.chdir(desktopPath) """ # PART 2 # First, print header print("{:>20s}".format('-----------------------------------')) print("{:>20s}".format('--- AIST 2120 ---')) print("{:>20s}".format('--- Programming Assignment 6 ---')) print("{:>20s}".format('--- CSV and JSON Files ---')) print() print(' ********** MOUNTAINER DOGS **********') print(' ***** *****') print('**** ANNUAL SALARY CALCULATIONS AND PROCESSING ****') print() print("The current working directory is ... ", os.getcwd()) # PART 3 print("BEGIN RPCOESSING .... ") input_filename = 'EmpInfCur.txt' # Open file fin = open(input_filename, 'r') # Read all lines lines = fin.readlines() # Skip first line because this one contains headers lines.pop(0) # Create a list to store the lines with correct data correct_lines = list() # Loop over the lines and if we found a line containing a SQL code, delete it for i in range(len(lines)): if re.search(r'(?=.*select)(?=.*from)', lines[i].lower()): print("=> FOUND SQL INJECTION:", lines[i].strip()) print('\t\tSQL Removed') print() else: correct_lines.append(lines[i]) # Now, get current month and year so we can create the output file name date = datetime.datetime.now() month = date.strftime("%B")[:3] # Get the first three letters only # Get year year = date.now().year # Get day day = date.now().day # Get month id month_id = date.now().month # PART 4 # Create output filename output_filename = "EmpPay" + month + str(year) + ".csv" # Open file fout = open(output_filename, 'w+') # Write header fout.write("NAME,CURRENT-SALARY,BONUS,NEW-COMPENSATION\n") # Create variables to store the company total number of employees, salary, bonuses, etc total_employees = 0 total_salary = 0 total_bonuses = 0 total_compensations = 0 # Now, extract employees name and salary employees = list() for line in correct_lines: line = line.strip() # The lines are separated by \t but some ones are separated by more than one \t, so # using regex, we can remove all extra \t between words line = re.sub('\t+','\t', line) # Split row = line.split('\t') #print(row) # Get name, jobtitle and salary name = row[0] job = row[1] # Take the salary string and remove the commas salary_str = row[2].replace(',', '') salary = float(salary_str) # Calculate bonuts as 5% of the salary bonus = salary*0.05 # Create the line to be written in the output file newline = "{0},{1:.2f},{2:.2f},{3:.2f}\n".format(name, salary, bonus, salary+bonus) total_employees += 1 total_bonuses += bonus total_salary += salary total_compensations += (salary + bonus) # Write to ouput file fout.write(newline) # Write totals newline = "{0},{1:.2f},{2:.2f},{3:.2f}".format(total_employees, total_salary, total_bonuses, total_compensations) fout.write(newline) # Close file fout.close() # Now, read the output file fin = open(output_filename, 'r') print("UPDATED COMPENSATION VERIFIED from " + output_filename + ":") print() # Read lines lines = fin.readlines() # Skip first line lines.pop(0) # Get last line with totals totals = lines.pop(len(lines)-1) # Print header print("{:>15s} {:>20s} {:>20s} {:>20s}".format("NAME", "CUR SAL", "BONUS", "TOTAL COMP")) for line in lines: # Strip line = line.strip() # Split row = line.split(',') name = row[0] salary = float(row[1]) bonus = float(row[2]) compensation = float(row[3]) print("{:>15s} {:>20.0f} {:>20.0f} {:>20.0f}".format(name, salary, bonus, compensation)) print() # Get totals row = totals.split(',') total_employees = int(row[0]) total_salary = float(row[1]) total_bonuses = float(row[2]) total_compensations = float(row[3]) # Print totals print("{:>15s}".format("TOTALS")) print("{:>15s} {:>5.0f} {:>20.0f} {:>20.0f} {:>20s} {:>5.0f}".format("Num. Emps.:", total_employees, total_salary, total_bonuses, "New COMP TOT:", total_compensations)) # Now, store date in a JSON file jsonfile = open('dates.json', 'r+') # Read content content = jsonfile.read() if len(content) > 0: jsonfile.write(',\n') jsonfile.write('{\n\t"day": ' + str(day) + ',\n') jsonfile.write('\t"month": "' + month + '",\n') jsonfile.write('\t"year": ' + str(year) + '\n}') jsonfile.close() print() print(f"JSON FILE has been WRITTEN. It should contain {month_id}/{day}/{year}.") print(f'*** SALARY OPERATIONS FOR {month_id}/{year} COMPLETE ***') print() print("Press any key to exit") # Now, exit sys.exit()

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