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Create a Program to Implement Digit Classification in Python Assignment Solution

July 01, 2024
Dr. Matthew Hernandez
Dr. Matthew
🇨🇭 Switzerland
Dr. Matthew Hernandez, an esteemed Computer Science researcher, obtained his PhD from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. With 6 years of experience under his belt, he has successfully completed over 400 Python assignments, demonstrating his proficiency and commitment to excellence.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break your Java assignment into smaller tasks, focus on understanding core concepts like OOP, and write clean, modular code. Use comments for clarity, and test each function thoroughly.
In 2025, the programming landscape is evolving with the emergence of new languages like Rhythm, designed for concurrent processing, and Quanta, tailored for quantum computing applications.



Write a python assignment program to implement digit classification.

Requirements and Specifications


Source Code

""" K-means clustering. """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def analyze_kmeans(): """ Top-level wrapper to iterate over a bunch of values of k and plot the distortions and misclassification rates. """ X = np.genfromtxt("digit.txt") y = np.genfromtxt("labels.txt", dtype=int) distortions = [] errs = [] ks = range(1, 11) for k in ks: distortion, err = analyze_one_k(X, y, k) distortions.append(distortion) errs.append(err) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(8, 6)) ax[0].plot(ks, distortions, marker=".") ax[0].set_ylabel("Distortion") ax[1].plot(ks, errs, marker=".") ax[1].set_xlabel("k") ax[1].set_ylabel("Mistake rate") ax[0].set_title("k-means performance") fig.savefig("kmeans.png") def analyze_one_k(X, y, k): """ Run the k-means analysis for a single value of k. Return the distortion and the mistake rate. """ print("Running k-means with k={0}".format(k)) clust = cluster(X, y, k) print("Computing classification error.") err = compute_mistake_rate(y, clust) return clust["distortion"][0], err def cluster(X, y, k, n_starts=5): """ Run k-means a total of n_starts times. Returns the results from the run that had the lowest within-group sum of squares (i.e. the lowest distortion). Inputs ------ X is an NxD1 matrix of inputs.(D1=157) y is a D2x1 vector of labels.(D2=1000) n_starts says how many times to randomly re-initialize k-means. You don't need to change this. Outputs ------- The output is a dictionary with the following fields: Mu is a kxD1 matrix of cluster centroids z is an Nx1 vector assigning points to clusters. So, for instance, if z[4] = 2, then the algorithm has assigned the 4th data point to the second cluster. distortion is the within-group sum of squares, a number. """ def loop(X, i): """ A single run of clustering. """ Mu = initialize(X, k) #Done N = X.shape[0] z = np.repeat(-1, N) # So that initially all assignments change.-1 repeats N times while True: old_z = z z = assign(X, Mu) # The vector of assignments z. Mu = update(X, z, k) # Update the centroids if np.all(z == old_z): distortion = compute_distortion(X, Mu, z) return dict(Mu=Mu, z=z, distortion=distortion) # Main function body print("Performing clustering.") results = [loop(X, i) for i in range(n_starts)] best = min(results, key=lambda entry: entry["distortion"]) best["digits"] = label_clusters(y, k, best["z"]) return best def assign(X, Mu): """ Assign each entry to the closest centroid. Return an Nx1 vector of assignments z. X is the NxD matrix of inputs. Mu is the kxD matrix of cluster centroids. """ z=[] for i in range(0,len(X)): dist=[] for j in range(0,len(Mu)): dist.append(np.linalg.norm(X[i]-Mu[j])) z.append(dist.index(min(dist))) return z def update(X, z, k): """ Update the cluster centroids given the new assignments. Return a kxD matrix of cluster centroids Mu. X is the NxD inputs as always. z is the Nx1 vector of cluster assignments. k is the number of clusters. """ # TODO: Compute the cluster centroids Mu. b=X.shape[1] Mu=np.zeros(shape=(k,b)) for i in range(0,k): cluster_index=[] for j in range(0,(len(z))): if z[j]==i: cluster_index.append(j) Mu[i,:]=np.mean(X[cluster_index,:],axis=0) return Mu def compute_distortion(X, Mu, z): """ Compute the distortion (i.e. within-group sum of squares) implied by NxD data X, kxD centroids Mu, and Nx1 assignments z. """ # TODO: Compute the within-group sum of squares (the distortion). k=Mu.shape[0] distortion = [] for i in range(0,k): cluster_index=[] for j in range(0,(len(z))): if z[j]==i: cluster_index.append(j) distortion1=0 for j in cluster_index: distortion1= distortion1 + (np.linalg.norm(X[j]-Mu[i])**2) distortion.append(distortion1) return distortion def initialize(X, k): """ Randomly initialize the kxD matrix of cluster centroids Mu. Do this by choosing k data points randomly from the data set X. """ index = np.random.choice(len(X),k) Mu=X[index,:] return Mu def label_clusters(y, k, z): """ Label each cluster with the digit that occurs most frequently for points assigned to that cluster. Return a kx1 vector labels with the label for each cluster. For instance: if 20 points assigned to cluster 0 have label "3", and 40 have label "5", then labels[0] should be 5. y is the Nx1 vector of digit labels for the data X k is the number of clusters z is the Nx1 vector of cluster assignments. """ # TODO: Compute the cluster labelings. labels=[] for i in range(0,k): print("i",i) list_1=[] cluster_index=[] for j in range(0,(len(z))): if z[j]==i: cluster_index.append(j) list_1 = y[cluster_index] label_data=pd.DataFrame(data=list_1,columns=["Y"]) labels.append(label_data['Y'].value_counts().idxmax()) return np.array(labels) def compute_mistake_rate(y, clust): """ Compute the mistake rate as discussed in section 3.4 of the homework. y is the Nx1 vector of true labels. clust is the output of a run of clustering. Two fields are relevant: "digits" is a kx1 vector giving the majority label for each cluster "z" is an Nx1 vector of final cluster assignments. """ print("start compute") clust['z']=np.array(clust['z']) def zero_one_loss(xs, ys): return sum(xs != ys) / float(len(xs)) y_hat = clust["digits"][clust["z"]] return zero_one_loss(y, y_hat) def main(): analyze_kmeans() if __name__ == '__main__': main()

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