Write a java assignment program to create rental system.
Requirements and Specifications
Source Code
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* Description: a template for the is optional to use thsi exact template and feel free
* to design and develop your solution your way as long as you follow the requirements i.e. individual effort, only covered tools and techniques)
public class PP1_template
public static void main(String[] args)
// Create Scanner
//declarations for cabanas and customers:
//declare all parallel arrays for cabanas attibutes: number, type, max occupancy, fees per day, availability, das
String cabNO[] = new String[5];
char cabType[] = new char[5];
int cabMaxAvail[] = new int[5];
double cabFees[] = new double[5];
boolean cabAvail[] = new boolean[5];
//declares all parallels arrays for customer: id, first, last, cabana rented Number, total balance (days times daily fees)
int CustomerID[] = new int[100];
String CustomerFirstName[] = new String[100];
String CustomerLastName[] = new String[100];
int CabanaID[] = new int[100];
double RentalBalance[] = new double[100];
// Initialize all values in CabanaID to -1
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
CabanaID[i] = -1;
//declare all working variables: cabana count, customer count, cabanFountAt, customerFoundAt
int customer_count = 0; // count number of customers
int cabana_count = 0;
int cabanFoundAt = -1;
int custFoundAt = -1;
//...declare menu option
populateCabanas(cabNO, cabType, cabFees, cabMaxAvail, cabAvail);//send references to all arrays for a cabanas
int option = 0;
while(option != 6)
option = menu();
case 0: // invalid option entered
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a valid menu option.");
case 1: //get customer
//increment count for customers
// Check that there is space for customers
if(customer_count < 100)
getCustomer(CustomerID, CustomerFirstName, CustomerLastName, customer_count-1);
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You cannot create more customers!");
case 2: //process rental by calling the get rental function
rent(cabNO, cabType, cabMaxAvail, cabFees, cabAvail, CustomerID, CabanaID, RentalBalance, customer_count);
case 3: //prompt user to enter an ID for a customer
String customer_id_str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Customer ID");
int customer_id = -1;
customer_id = Integer.valueOf(customer_id_str);
catch(Exception ex) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Enter a valid Customer ID");
custFoundAt = searchCustomer(customer_id, CustomerID, customer_count);
if(custFoundAt != -1) // customer found
dispCustomer(CustomerID, CustomerFirstName, CustomerLastName, CabanaID, RentalBalance, custFoundAt, cabana_count, cabNO, cabType);
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No customer found with that id");
//call the search function for customers (pass the ref of id's and the count
//and if found,
//call to display this customer at position i.e. custFoundAt pass references of needed arrays
case 4: //prompt user to enter a number for a cabana
//call the search function for cabanas: pass a ref of numbers and the count
//and if found,:
//call to display this cabana at position i.e. custFoundAt pass references of needed arrays
String cabana_id = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Cabana ID");
cabanFoundAt = searchCabana(cabana_id, cabNO);
if(cabanFoundAt != -1) // cabana found
dispCabana(cabNO, cabType, cabFees, cabMaxAvail, cabAvail, cabanFoundAt);
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No Cabana found with that id");
case 5: //call the search rental: pass all arrays and the count for current customers
case 6: //end of program...goodbye!@ unless extra credits are to be assigned and be done after the user quit
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Good bye!");
default: //invalid option
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a valid menu option.");
}//end switch(option)
}//end while(option != 6)
}//end main
public static void populateCabanas(String[] cabNO, char[] cabType, double cabFees[], int cabMaxAvail[], boolean[] cabAvail) //receive the references for all arrays for cabanas
* cabNO[0] = "101";
* cabType[0] = 'D';
* cabFees[0] = 54.95
* cabMaxAvail[0] = 4;
* cabAvail[0] = true;
*repeat for all other 4 cabanas populating position 1, 2, 3, 4
cabNO[0] = "101";
cabType[0] = 'D';
cabFees[0] = 54.95;
cabMaxAvail[0] = 4;
cabAvail[0] = true;
cabNO[1] = "102";
cabType[1] = 'R';
cabFees[1] = 25.75;
cabMaxAvail[1] = 10;
cabAvail[1] = true;
cabNO[2] = "103";
cabType[2] = 'R';
cabFees[2] = 39.99;
cabMaxAvail[2] = 8;
cabAvail[2] = true;
cabNO[3] = "104";
cabType[3] = 'D';
cabFees[3] = 95.85;
cabMaxAvail[3] = 2;
cabAvail[3] = true;
cabNO[4] = "105";
cabType[4] = 'R';
cabFees[4] = 40.75;
cabMaxAvail[4] = 6;
cabAvail[4] = true;
}//end populateCabanas
public static int menu()
int option = 0;
* -1-Create a customer
-2-Process rental
-3-Search Customer
-4-Search for Cabana
-5-Search for a Rental
-6-Quit program
// Display
//validate user selection
option = Integer.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("1) Create a customer\n2) Process rental\n3) Search Customer\n4) Search for Cabana\n5) Search for a Rental\n6) Quit program"));
catch(Exception ex)
// do nothing
return option;
}//end menu
public static void getCustomer(int CustomerID[], String CustomerFirstName[], String CustomerLastName[], int customer_count) //arguments are reference to all affected array to create a customer...also current customer
String input = " ";
//prompts to get the customer ID
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Customer ID");
int customer_id = -1;
boolean valid_customer = true;
customer_id = Integer.valueOf(input);
if(input.length() != 6) { // id must be 6-digits long
valid_customer = false;
catch(Exception ex)
valid_customer = false;
//store in current location in array custID
//prompts to get the customer first name
String customer_first = "";
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Customer's First Name");
if(input.length() > 0) {
customer_first = input;
else {
valid_customer = false;
//store in current location in array custLast
//prompts to get the customer last name
String customer_last = "";
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Customer's Last Name");
if(input.length() > 0) {
customer_last = input;
else {
valid_customer = false;
//store in current location in array custLast
if(valid_customer) {
CustomerID[customer_count] = customer_id;
CustomerFirstName[customer_count] = customer_first;
CustomerLastName[customer_count] = customer_last;
//the cabana number for the cabana rented and the balance are determined in the rental process/function
//make sure ou code all our validation functions at the end
}//end getCustomer
public static int searchCustomer(int customer_id, int CustomerID[], int customer_count) //pass the id of the customer to search for and the arra of id's
//run a loop through the array of id's and if found:
for(int i = 0; i < customer_count; i++) {
if(CustomerID[i] == customer_id){
return i;
//return position
//after the loop/not found return -1
return -1;
}//end searchCustomer
public static int searchCabana(String cabID, String cabNO[]) //pass references of the cabana can do a similar and additional search by type for the purpose of rental
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if(cabID.compareTo(cabNO[i]) == 0) {
return i;
//run a loop through the array of cabana numbers and if found:
//return position
//after the loop/not found return -1
return -1;
}//end searchCabana
public static void rent(String cabNO[], char cabType[], int cabMaxAvail[], double cabFees[], boolean cabAvail[], int CustomerID[], int CabanaID[], double RentalBalance[], int customer_count) //pass references of all needed arrays and variables
//ask customer for ID
int customer_id = Integer.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Customer ID"));
//call the search, and if found,
int id = searchCustomer(customer_id, CustomerID, customer_count);
int cabana_id = -1;
if(id != -1) // customer found
//as for the type of the cabana ('D' for Delux or 'R' for regular
char cab_type = ' ';
cab_type = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter type of Cabana").charAt(0);
if(cab_type == 'D' || cab_type == 'R')
//search the array of Cabanas for the customer type choice and if found
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if(cabType[i] == cab_type) {
//check if available and if available/true:
cabana_id = i;
if(cabana_id != -1) // one available
// ask for occupants
int occupants = Integer.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter number of occupants: "));
if(occupants <= cabMaxAvail[cabana_id])
// Ask for days
int days = Integer.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter number of days"));
// Reservation is complete so process
CabanaID[id] = cabana_id;
// calculate balance
double balance = cabFees[cabana_id]*days;
RentalBalance[id] = balance;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, String.format("Your rental has been processed for a total of $%.2f", balance));
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sorry, the number of occupants exceeds the size of the Cabana");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "There is no Cabana available.");
//ask how many guest and check against the max occupancy and if larger
//reject reservation
//if customer not found, ask that the customer be registered first (add a customer via the menu
//if type not found ask again for the correct type (accepted D or R)
//if not available if false then go back
//if reservation is complete then:
//calculate balance to be: fees times days
//update the customer record by copying the Cabana number to the cabana array under customer and
//copy the balance to the array balance under customer
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must create an account first.");
}//end rent
public static void dispCustomer(int CustomerID[], String CustomerFirstName[], String CustomerLastName[], int CabanaID[], double RentalBalance[], int custFoundAt, int cabana_count, String cabNO[], char cabType[]) //pass the array ref of customer and the position (i.e. custFoundAt)
String result = String.format("ID: %d\nFirst Name: %s\nLast Name: %s\n",
// Check if there is a cabana processed for this customer
if(CabanaID[custFoundAt] != -1) {
int cabana_id = CabanaID[custFoundAt];
result += String.format("\nCabana ID: %s\nCabana Type: %s\nRental Price $%.2f",
else {
result += "\nThis Customer has not processed any rent.";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, result);
//display all information about this customer: id, first, last, cabanan rented if rental completed, balance
}//end dispCustomer
public static void dispCabana(String[] cabNO, char[] cabType, double cabFees[], int cabMaxAvail[], boolean[] cabAvail, int cabFoundAt) //pass the ref to all arrays of cabana and the position (i.e. cabFoundAt)
String availability = "yes";
if(!cabAvail[cabFoundAt]) {
availability = "no";
//display all information about this cabana: number, type, fees, availability, days
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, String.format("Cabana ID: %s\nCabana Type: %s\nDay rental rate: $%.2f\nOccupancy: %d\nAvailable: %s",
}//end dispCabana
public static void dispRental(int CustomerID[], String CustomerFirstName[], String CustomerLastName[], int CabanaID[], double RentalBalance[], int cabana_count, String cabNO[], char cabType[], int customer_count) //pass everything
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Customer ID or Cabana ID");
boolean found = false;
int customer_id = Integer.valueOf(input);
int custFoundAt = searchCustomer(customer_id, CustomerID, customer_count);
if(custFoundAt != -1) {
dispCustomer(CustomerID, CustomerFirstName, CustomerLastName, CabanaID, RentalBalance, custFoundAt, cabana_count, cabNO, cabType);
found = true;
else // then it is probably a Cabana
int cabanFoundAt = searchCabana(input, cabNO);
int cusFoundAt = -1;
if(cabanFoundAt != -1) {
// search a customer such that has this cabana id
for(int i = 0; i < cabana_count; i++) {
if(CabanaID[i] == cabanFoundAt){
cusFoundAt = i;
if(cusFoundAt != -1)
dispCustomer(CustomerID, CustomerFirstName, CustomerLastName, CabanaID, RentalBalance, custFoundAt, cabana_count, cabNO, cabType);
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No Customer or Cabana Found");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No Customer or Cabana Found");
catch(Exception ex) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No Customer or Cabana Found");
//ask if search by customer ID or cabana Number
//conduct the selected search
//if transaction/rental is found and search by cust ID then
//display all the info about this customer by calling the dispCustomer and display the related Cabana and balance
//if search y cabana number is selected then
//call the cabana search function and if found
//display everything about the customerr and the cabana.
}//end dispRental
//code all your validations here....i.e. checkCustID, checkName, checkcabanNO, checkGuests, checkDays, ...etc..etc
//code an extra search by cabana type where you will be searching for 'D' for Dlux or 'R' for regular
//note that D and R are single char so you do not need to use the .equal(0 or similar methods..a normal comparison using '==' is required
}//end class PP1
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