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Create a Program to Create Friends Finding System in C++ Assignment Solution

July 08, 2024
Dr. Emily Nguyen
Dr. Emily
🇦🇺 Australia
Dr. Emily Nguyen holds a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from the University of Melbourne. Specializing in C++, Dr. Nguyen has completed over 700 assignments with precision and excellence. Her expertise in designing robust solutions for reading and writing text files ensures accurate and efficient data processing in C++ programs.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Focus on understanding the problem statement thoroughly before choosing an algorithm. Identify constraints, required outputs, and edge cases. Choosing the right algorithm (greedy, dynamic programming, etc.) based on the problem type will save time and improve accuracy.
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Write a C++ assignment program to create friends finding system.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create friends finding system in C2
program to create friends finding system in C3
program to create friends finding system in C4

Source Code


#include "FriendFinder.h" FriendFinder::FriendFinder() { // default cosntructor } void FriendFinder::GetDetails() { string first_name, last_name; int age, id; cout << "What is your first name? "; getline(cin, first_name); cout << "What is your last name? "; getline(cin, last_name); bool valid_input = false; // user a while loop here in case the user enters an invalid value while (!valid_input) { cout << "What is your age? "; cin >> age; if (age > 0) valid_input = true; } cin.ignore(); valid_input = false; // user a while loop here in case the user enters an invalid value while (!valid_input) { cout << "What is your ID? "; cin >> id; if (id > 0) valid_input = true; } cin.ignore(); // Now, update person m_me.SetDetails(first_name, last_name, age, id); } void FriendFinder::DisplayMenu(int &choice) { bool valid_input = false; // use a while loop so program keeps asking to user until he/she enters a valid value while (!valid_input) { // Function to display main menu cout << "1. Display Entire Organization" << endl; cout << "2. Display Friend List" << endl; cout << "3. Search for a Friend" << endl; cout << "4. Remove Friend" << endl; cout << "5. Exit" << endl; cin >> choice; if (choice >= 1 && choice <= 5) valid_input = true; } } void FriendFinder::Start() { // First, create the person GetDetails(); // build orgaization m_organization.SetName(); m_organization.LoadRoster(); int choice; bool running = true; // true until player enters the "Exit" option cout << "************************" << endl; cout << " Welcome to " << m_organization.GetName() << " Friend Finder" << endl; cout << "************************" << endl; cout << endl; int user_input; while (running) { DisplayMenu(choice); if (choice == 1) // Display Entire Organization { m_me.DisplayDetails(); cout << endl; } else if (choice == 2) // Display Friend List { m_me.DisplayFriends(); } else if (choice == 3) // search for a friend { m_organization.DisplayRoster(); Person* person = m_organization.GetPerson(); if (person != NULL) { m_me.AddFriend(person); } } else if (choice == 4) // Remove Friend { // First, display friends m_me.DisplayFriends(); if (m_me.GetFriendsCount() > 0) { bool valid_input = false; while (!valid_input) { cout << "Who would you like to remove? "; cin >> user_input; if (user_input >= 1 && user_input <= m_me.GetFriendsCount()) { // Get Friend Person* p = m_me.GetFriends()[user_input]; m_me.RemoveFriend(p); } else cout << "There is no person in your Friends List with that index." << endl; } } } else if (choice == 5) running = false; } // program ended. Show farewell message cout << "Thank you for using " << m_organization.GetName() << " Friend Finder!" << endl; }


#include "Organization.h" Organization::Organization() { // default constructor m_numRoster = 0; } void Organization::SetName() { // ask user for organization name cout << "What is the name of your organization? "; getline(cin, m_name); } void Organization::LoadRoster() { // ask user for file name cout << "Please enter file name: "; getline(cin, m_fileName); // Now, read file // First, read the input file ifstream input_file; input_file.open(m_fileName, ios::in); // get data string line; size_t found; string first_name, last_name; int age, ID; while (getline(input_file, line)) { //cout << line << endl; // split line so we get each field // each line has only 4 fields found = line.find(","); first_name = line.substr(0, found); line = line.substr(found + 1, line.length()); found = line.find(","); last_name = line.substr(0, found); line = line.substr(found + 1, line.length()); found = line.find(","); age = stoi(line.substr(0, found)); line = line.substr(found + 1, line.length()); ID = stoi(line); // Build person Person p(first_name, last_name, age, ID); // add person to roster m_roster[m_numRoster] = p; m_numRoster++; } input_file.close(); cout << m_numRoster << " people loaded into the roster" << endl; } void Organization::DisplayRoster() { // check if there is people in roster cout << "*****" << GetName() << "*****" << endl; if (m_numRoster > 0) { // display all people in roster int count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < m_numRoster; i++) { cout << count << ". " << m_roster[i] << endl; count++; } } else cout << "There is no people in the organization." << endl; } Person* Organization::GetPerson() { DisplayRoster(); // check if m_roster is populated if (m_numRoster > 0) { // now, ask number of person int index; cout << "Who would you like to friend?" << endl; while (true) { cin >> index; if (index >= 1 && index <= m_numRoster) // valid { Person* p = (m_roster + index-1); return p; } } } else return NULL; // return null }


#include "Person.h" Person::Person() { // constructor without parameters m_friendCount = 0; } Person::Person(string first_name, string last_name, int age, int ID) { m_friendCount = 0; m_fName = first_name; m_lName = last_name; m_age = age; m_ID = ID; } void Person::AddFriend(Person* person) { m_friends[m_friendCount] = person; m_friendCount++; cout << "You are now friends with " << person->m_fName << "!" << endl; } void Person::RemoveFriend(Person* person) { // First, iterate through array to check if the person exists for (int i = 0; i < m_friendCount; i++) { Person *p = m_friends[i]; if (p->m_ID == person->m_ID) { // Iterate from element i to the end and move the remaining elements in the array to the left for (int j = i + 1; j < m_friendCount; j++) { m_friends[i] = m_friends[j]; } // remove the last element from the array m_friendCount--; break; } } } bool Person::CheckID(int id) { for (int i = 0; i < m_friendCount; i++) { if (m_friends[i]->m_ID== id) { return true; } } return false; } void Person::DisplayFriends() { if (m_friendCount < 1) cout << "You don't have any friends yet" << endl; else if (m_friendCount <= 10) { cout << "Friend List for " << m_fName << endl; int count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < m_friendCount; i++) { Person p =*m_friends[i]; cout << count << ". " << p << endl; count++; } } else if (m_friendCount > 10) // display only the first 4 and last 4 { cout << "Friend List for " << m_fName << endl; int count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Person p = *m_friends[i]; cout << count << ". " << p << endl; count++; } cout << ".\n.\n.\n"; count = m_friendCount - 4; for (int i = m_friendCount - 4; i < m_friendCount; i++) { Person p = *m_friends[i]; cout << count << ". " << p << endl; count++; } } } void Person::DisplayDetails() { cout << "You are: " << m_fName << " " << m_lName << " (" << m_age << " yrs) " << m_ID << endl; } void Person::SetDetails(string first_name, string last_name, int age, int id) { m_fName = first_name; m_lName = last_name; m_age = age; m_ID = id; }

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