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Java Program to Create Course Planning Assignment Solution

July 11, 2024
Dr. Samantha Chang
Dr. Samantha
🇨🇦 Canada
Dr. Chang is a seasoned software engineer with a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from MIT. She has completed over 900 Programming assignments and specializes in optimizing code performance, debugging, and troubleshooting. Dr. Chang's expertise lies in ensuring efficient and scalable solutions for Groovy programming tasks.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Write clean, readable code using meaningful variable names and comments. Leverage Python’s built-in libraries to simplify tasks and avoid reinventing the wheel. Always test your code with different inputs and use debugging tools like print() or pdb to troubleshoot errors efficiently.
In March 2025, researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory introduced Exo 2, a new programming language designed to enable high-performance computing with significantly less code, allowing students and developers to achieve state-of-the-art performance with just a few hundred lines.



Write a java homework program to create course planning.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create course planning in java

Source Code


import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; /** * This class represents the Driver program. * @author: NAME * @version: 1.0 */ public class Classes { /** * Method that reads a file with courses data. * Returns an array list of curses * @param fileName String * @return ArrayList of Course objects * @throws FileNotFoundException Exception * @throws InvalidCourseException Exception */ public static ArrayList outputCourses(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, InvalidCourseException { if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } File file = new File(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } // Create list ArrayList courses = new ArrayList(); // Read file Scanner reader = new Scanner(file); String line; Course course = null; while (reader.hasNextLine()) { line = reader.nextLine(); // Split String[] row = line.split(","); String courseType = row[0]; String courseName = row[1]; int id = Integer.valueOf(row[2]); String professorName = row[3]; if (courseType.equals("ComputerScience")) { String language = row[4]; course = new ComputerScience(courseName, id, professorName, language); } else if (courseType.equals("LabScience")) { boolean labCoatRequired = Boolean.valueOf(row[4]); course = new LabScience(courseName, id, professorName, labCoatRequired); } else { throw new InvalidCourseException(); } if (course != null) { courses.add(course); course = null; } } reader.close(); return courses; } /** * Method that writes a given array list of courses to a file. * @param fileName File name * @param courses ArrayList of courses * @return boolean */ public static boolean writeCourses(String fileName, ArrayList courses) { boolean success = false; try { // Open or create file PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName), true)); // Loop through courses for (Course course: courses) { ; writer.println(course.toString()); } writer.close(); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } finally { return success; } } /** * Method that read the courses from a file and checks if a given course exists. * If the course exists in the file, this method returns an array list with * the number of the lines where the course is located at * @param fileName String * @param course Course * @return ArrayList of lines id * @throws FileNotFoundException Exception * @throws InvalidCourseException Exception */ public static ArrayList readCourses(String fileName, Course course) throws FileNotFoundException, InvalidCourseException { if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } File file = new File(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } int lineid = 1; ArrayList lines = new ArrayList(); // Read file Scanner reader = new Scanner(file); String line; Course courseRead = null; while (reader.hasNextLine()) { line = reader.nextLine(); // Split String[] row = line.split(","); String courseType = row[0]; String courseName = row[1]; int id = Integer.valueOf(row[2]); String professorName = row[3]; if (courseType.equals("ComputerScience")) { String language = row[4]; courseRead = new ComputerScience(courseName, id, professorName, language); } else if (courseType.equals("LabScience")) { boolean labCoatRequired = Boolean.valueOf(row[4]); courseRead = new LabScience(courseName, id, professorName, labCoatRequired); } if (courseRead != null && courseRead.equals(course)) { lines.add(lineid); } lineid += 1; } reader.close(); // if the ArrayList is empty, it means the course was not found if (lines.size() == 0) { throw new InvalidCourseException(); } else { return lines; } } /** * Main method. Driver of the program. * @param args String array with arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Create three computer science objects Course cs1 = new ComputerScience("CS1", 15002, "Mr. Johnson", "C++"); Course cs2 = new ComputerScience("CS2", 25002, "Ms. Park", "Java"); Course cs3 = new ComputerScience("CS3", 35002, "Mr. Diktovich", "Python"); // LabScience courses Course ls1 = new LabScience("LS001", 11001, "Mr. Karl", true); Course ls2 = new LabScience("LS002", 11002, "Mr. Sagan", false); Course ls3 = new LabScience("LS003", 11003, "Mr. Holland", true); // add to an arraylist ArrayList courses = new ArrayList(); courses.add(cs1); courses.add(cs2); courses.add(cs3); courses.add(ls1); courses.add(ls2); courses.add(ls3); writeCourses("TestCourses.csv", courses); try { ArrayList readCourses = outputCourses("TestCourses.csv"); for (Course c: readCourses) { System.out.println(c.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } } }


/** * Class that represents a ComputerScience course object. * @author: NAME * @version: 1.0 */ public class ComputerScience extends Course { /** * String that represents the language of the course. */ private String language; /** * Parametrized constructor. * @param courseName String * @param id integer * @param professorName String * @param language String */ public ComputerScience(String courseName, int id, String professorName, String language) { super(courseName, id, professorName); if (language == null || language.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.language = language; } /** * Returns a String representation of the object. */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format("ComputerScience,%s,%s", super.toString(), getLanguage()); } /** * Checks if two ComputerScience objects are equal. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof ComputerScience)) { return false; } ComputerScience other = (ComputerScience) o; return super.equals(other) && getLanguage().equals(other.getLanguage()); } /** * Getter method for the language. * @return String */ public String getLanguage() { return this.language; } }


/** * This class represents a Course object. * @author: NAME * @version: 1.0 */ public abstract class Course { /** * String that represents the course name. */ protected String courseName; /** * Integer that represents the course id. */ protected int id; /** * String that represents the professor name. */ protected String professorName; /** * OVerloaded constructor. * Given course name, id and professor name * @param courseName String * @param id integer * @param professorName String */ public Course(String courseName, int id, String professorName) { if (courseName == null || courseName.isEmpty() || professorName == null || professorName.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (id < 0 || id < 10000) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.courseName = courseName; this.professorName = professorName; this.id = id; } /** * Returns a string representation of the object. */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s,%d,%s", getCourseName(), getId(), getProfessorName()); } /** * Method that checks if two course objects are equal. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof Course)) { return false; } Course other = (Course) o; return getCourseName().equals(other.getCourseName()) && getProfessorName().equals(other.getProfessorName()) && getId() == other.getId(); } /** * Getter method for course name. * @return String */ public String getCourseName() { return this.courseName; } /** * Getter method for professor name. * @return String */ public String getProfessorName() { return this.professorName; } /** * Getter method for course id. * @return Integer */ public int getId() { return this.id; } }


/** * Class that represents an InvalidCourseException * This is a custom exception * @author: NAME * @version: 1.0 */ public class InvalidCourseException extends RuntimeException { /** * Parametrized constructor. * @param message String */ public InvalidCourseException(String message) { super(message); } /** * Default constructor. */ public InvalidCourseException() { super("Invalid course type!"); } }


/** * Class that represents a LabSience course. * @author: NAME * @version: 1.0 */ public class LabScience extends Course { /** * Parameter that defines is the lab requires coat. */ private boolean labCoatRequired; /** * Parametrized constructor. * @param courseName String * @param id Integer * @param professorName String * @param labCoatRequired Boolean */ public LabScience(String courseName, int id, String professorName, boolean labCoatRequired) { super(courseName, id, professorName); this.labCoatRequired = labCoatRequired; } /** * Returns a string representation of the object. */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format("LabScience,%s,%s", super.toString(), getLabCoatRequired()); } /** * Checks if two LabScience course are equal. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof LabScience)) { return false; } LabScience other = (LabScience) o; return super.equals(other) && getLabCoatRequired() == other.getLabCoatRequired(); } /** * Getter method for the boolean parameter. * @return Boolean */ public boolean getLabCoatRequired() { return this.labCoatRequired; } }

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