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Create A Program to Create a College Billing System Assignment Solution

July 06, 2024
Alice Grey
Alice Grey
🇦🇺 Australia
Alice Grey is a seasoned Java Coding Specialist with 13 years of practice. He has a Master's degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia.
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Write a java homework to create college billing system.

Requirements and Specifications

Advanced Java 100 points

Due date – Feb 25 11:59pm (nothing late- solution posted at midnight)

You are to create a program to calculate a College bill for a student. You will have two new user defined classes.

The first user defined class will have a default constructor that will assign the following data to variables to your choice. Therefore, the only this thing this class will do is to assign these values to variables:

  1. Cost of the tuition rate per credits = $750
  2. Cost of the technology fee =$50
  3. Cost of three levels of meal plans,
  • gold,=$3,500
  • silver=$3,000
  • bronze=$2,500
  • Cost of parking pass=$200
    1. The second userdefined class will contain the methods:
    2. a default constructor that has the first class above passed to itand data from the first class is assigned to variables of your choice in this second class

    A method that prompts the user for the following data:

    • student name
    • number of credits
    • room amount
    • which meal plan the student wants(gold, silver or bronze)

    A method to calculate the following:

    • cost of room and board= (cost of the meal plan + room amount) You will need an if statement to calculate the meal plan based on the meal plan costs passed in
    • tuition = number of credits * the tuition rate passed in
    • final technology fee = technology fee passed in * number of credits
    • final bill = room and board + final technology fee + parking pass (passed in) +tuition

    A method to print all of the following data in one dialog box using currency format (example of using currency formatting is included with this assignment)

    • student name
    • number of credits
    • tuition the student owes
    • room and board amount
    • parking pass amount
    • final technology fee
    • final bill due

    What to turn in:

    • Create a word document and first copy your code
    • Then copy a screen shot of the final output
    • Submit the word document to blackboard

    PLEASE NOTE: You text in the word document MUST be black. Submissions with light text will not be accepted.

    Source Code

    import javax.swing.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class CollegeBill { private final double tuitionRatePerCredits; private final double technologyFee; private final double goldMealPlan; private final double silverMealPlan; private final double bronzeMealPlan; private final double parkingPass; private String studentName; private double numberOfCredits; private int roomAmount; private String mealPlan; private double roomAndBoard; private double tuition; private double finalTechnologyFee; private double finalBillDue; public CollegeBill(Price price) { this.tuitionRatePerCredits = price.getTuitionRatePerCredits(); this.technologyFee = price.getTechnologyFee(); this.goldMealPlan = price.getGoldMealPlan(); this.silverMealPlan = price.getSilverMealPlan(); this.bronzeMealPlan = price.getBronzeMealPlan(); this.parkingPass = price.getParkingPass(); } public void readUserInfo() { studentName = JOptionPane .showInputDialog(null,"Please, enter student name: ","College Bill Data", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) .trim(); while (true) { try { numberOfCredits = Double.parseDouble( JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Please, enter number of credits: ","College Bill Data", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) .trim()); if (numberOfCredits <= 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } break; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print("Invalid input"); } } while (true) { try { roomAmount = Integer.parseInt( JOptionPane .showInputDialog(null,"Please, enter room amount: ","College Bill Data", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) .trim()); if (roomAmount < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } break; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print("Invalid input"); } } while (true) { try { mealPlan = JOptionPane .showInputDialog(null,"Please, enter meal plan (gold/silver/bronze): ","College Bill Data", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) .trim() .toLowerCase(); if (!"gold".equals(mealPlan) && !"silver".equals(mealPlan) && !"bronze".equals(mealPlan)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } break; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print("Invalid input"); } } } public void calculate() { double meanPlanCost = bronzeMealPlan; if ("gold".equals(mealPlan)) { meanPlanCost = goldMealPlan; } else if ("silver".equals(mealPlan)) { meanPlanCost = silverMealPlan; } roomAndBoard = meanPlanCost + roomAmount; tuition = tuitionRatePerCredits * numberOfCredits; finalTechnologyFee = technologyFee * numberOfCredits; finalBillDue = roomAndBoard + finalTechnologyFee + parkingPass + tuition; } public void printInfo() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("$##,###.##"); builder.append(String.format("%-20s", "Student Name:")).append(studentName) .append(System.lineSeparator()); builder.append(String.format("%-20s", "Number of credits:")).append(df.format(numberOfCredits)) .append(System.lineSeparator()); builder.append(String.format("%-20s", "Tuition:")).append(df.format(tuition)) .append(System.lineSeparator()); builder.append(String.format("%-20s", "Room and board:")).append(df.format(roomAndBoard)) .append(System.lineSeparator()); builder.append(String.format("%-20s", "Parking pass:")).append(df.format(parkingPass)) .append(System.lineSeparator()); builder.append(String.format("%-20s", "Technology fee:")).append(df.format(finalTechnologyFee)) .append(System.lineSeparator()); builder.append(String.format("%-20s", "Bill due:")).append(df.format(finalBillDue)) .append(System.lineSeparator()); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, builder.toString(), "College Bill", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } public static void main(String[] args) { Price price = new Price(); CollegeBill collegeBill = new CollegeBill(price); collegeBill.readUserInfo(); collegeBill.calculate(); collegeBill.printInfo(); } } PRICE public class Price { private final double tuitionRatePerCredits; private final double technologyFee; private final double goldMealPlan; private final double silverMealPlan; private final double bronzeMealPlan; private final double parkingPass; public Price() { this.tuitionRatePerCredits = 750; this.technologyFee = 50; this.goldMealPlan = 3500; this.silverMealPlan = 3000; this.bronzeMealPlan = 2500; this.parkingPass = 200; } public double getTuitionRatePerCredits() { return tuitionRatePerCredits; } public double getTechnologyFee() { return technologyFee; } public double getGoldMealPlan() { return goldMealPlan; } public double getSilverMealPlan() { return silverMealPlan; } public double getBronzeMealPlan() { return bronzeMealPlan; } public double getParkingPass() { return parkingPass; } }

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