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Create A Tiling Dino from Black and White Pixels n Java Assignment Solution

July 01, 2024
Dr. Hannah Lynch
Dr. Hannah
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Dr. Hannah, a distinguished Ph.D. holder from the University of York, brings over a decade of expertise to our service. With an impressive track record of completing 1100+ Java assignments, Dr. Hannah's profound knowledge and extensive experience ensure exemplary solutions tailored to meet your specific requirements.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
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Always write structured and optimized queries using proper indexing to enhance performance. Use JOIN operations efficiently instead of subqueries, and apply constraints like PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY to maintain data integrity. Regularly test queries with sample datasets to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
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Write a java assignment program to create a tiling dino from black and white pixels.

Requirements and Specifications

Program to create a tiling dino from pixels in java

Source Code


 * CS4102 Spring 2022 -- Unit D Programming


 * Collaboration Policy: You are encouraged to collaborate with up to 3 other

 * students, but all work submitted must be your own independently written

 * solution. List the computing ids of all of your collaborators in the comment

 * at the top of your java or python file. Do not seek published or online

 * solutions for any assignments. If you use any published or online resources

 * (which may not include solutions) when completing this assignment, be sure to

 * cite them. Do not submit a solution that you are unable to explain orally to a

 * member of the course staff.


 * Your Computing ID:

 * Collaborators:

 * Sources: Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen


import java.io.File;

import java.util.*;

public class TilingDino {

    private static class Edge {

        private final int from;

        private final int to;

        private int capacity;

        public Edge(int from, int to, int capacity) {

            this.from = from;

            this.to = to;

            this.capacity = capacity;



    private Object[] ff(Edge[][] graph, Mapmap) {

        int source = 0;

        int target = graph.length - 1;

        int flow = 0;

        List path = new ArrayList<>();

        Set visited = new HashSet<>();


        while (dfs(graph, source, target, path, visited)) {

            int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

            for (Edge e : path) {

                if (e.capacity < min) {

                    min = e.capacity;



            flow += min;

            for (Edge e : path) {

                graph[e.from][e.to].capacity -= min;

                graph[e.to][e.from].capacity += min;






        List edges = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = source + 1; i

            Location location = map.get(i);

            if (!location.isEven()) {



            for (int j = source + 1; j

                if (graph[i][j] == null) {



                else {

                    if (graph[i][j].capacity == 0) {






        return new Object[]{flow, edges};


    private boolean dfs(Edge[][] graph, int curr, int target, List path, Set visited) {

        if (curr == target) {

            return true;


        for (int i = 0; i <= target; i++) {

            if (!visited.contains(i) && graph[curr][i] != null && graph[curr][i].capacity > 0) {


                path.add(new Edge(curr, i, graph[curr][i].capacity));

                boolean result = dfs(graph, i, target, path, visited);

                if (result) {

                    return true;


                path.remove(path.size() - 1);



        return false;



     * This is the method that should set off the computation

     * of tiling dino. It takes as input a list lines of input

     * as strings. You should parse that input, find a tiling,

     * and return a list of strings representing the tiling


     * @return the list of strings representing the tiling


    public List compute(List fileLines) {

        List result = new ArrayList<>();

        int rows = fileLines.size();

        int cols = fileLines.get(0).length();

        char[][] map = new char[rows][cols];

        for (int i = 0; i

            map[i] = fileLines.get(i).toCharArray();


        Mapmapping = new HashMap<>();

        MaprMapping = new HashMap<>();

        int counter = 0;

        int evens = 0;

        int odds = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i

            for (int j = 0; j

                if (map[i][j] == '#') {


                    Location location = new Location(i, j);

                    mapping.put(location, counter);

                    rMapping.put(counter, location);

                    if (location.isEven()) {



                    else {






        if (evens != odds) {



        else {

            Edge[][] graph = new Edge[counter+2][counter+2];

            for (int i = 1; i<=counter; i++) {

                Location loc = rMapping.get(i);

                if (loc.isEven()) {

                    graph[0][i] = new Edge(0, i, 1);

                    graph[i][0] = new Edge(i, 0, 0);

                    Location upLocation = new Location(loc.row-1, loc.col);

                    if (mapping.containsKey(upLocation)) {

                        int index = mapping.get(upLocation);

                        graph[i][index] = new Edge(i, index, 1);

                        graph[index][i] = new Edge(index, i, 0);


                    Location downLocation = new Location(loc.row+1, loc.col);

                    if (mapping.containsKey(downLocation)) {

                        int index = mapping.get(downLocation);

                        graph[i][index] = new Edge(i, index, 1);

                        graph[index][i] = new Edge(index, i, 0);


                    Location leftLocation = new Location(loc.row, loc.col-1);

                    if (mapping.containsKey(leftLocation)) {

                        int index = mapping.get(leftLocation);

                        graph[i][index] = new Edge(i, index, 1);

                        graph[index][i] = new Edge(index, i, 0);


                    Location rightLocation = new Location(loc.row, loc.col+1);

                    if (mapping.containsKey(rightLocation)) {

                        int index = mapping.get(rightLocation);

                        graph[i][index] = new Edge(i, index, 1);

                        graph[index][i] = new Edge(index, i, 0);



                else {

                    graph[counter+1][i] = new Edge(counter+1, i, 0);

                    graph[i][counter+1] = new Edge(i, counter+1, 1);



            Object[] flow = ff(graph, rMapping);

            int size = (int)flow[0];

            if (size == evens) {

                List edges = (List )flow[1];

                for (Edge e : edges) {

                    Location evenLoc = rMapping.get(e.from);

                    Location oddLoc = rMapping.get(e.to);

                    result.add(oddLoc.col + " " + oddLoc.row + " " + evenLoc.col + " " + evenLoc.row);



            else {




        return result;


    private static class Location {

        int row;

        int col;

        Location(int row, int col) {

            this.row = row;

            this.col = col;



        public boolean equals(Object o) {

            if (this == o) return true;

            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

            Location location = (Location) o;

            return row == location.row && col == location.col;



        public int hashCode() {

            return Objects.hash(row, col);


        public boolean isEven() {

            return (row + col) % 2 == 0;




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