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Program to Create a Maze Reader Solution in Python Assignment Solution

July 02, 2024
Dr. Andrew Taylor
Dr. Andrew
🇨🇦 Canada
Dr. Andrew Taylor, a renowned figure in the realm of Computer Science, earned his PhD from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. With 7 years of experience, he has tackled over 500 Python assignments, leveraging his extensive knowledge and skills to deliver outstanding results.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
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Write a python assignment program to create a maze reader solution.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create a maze reader solution in python

Source Code

import sys

symbols = [" ", "╴", "╷", "┐", "╶", "─", "┌", "┬", "╵", "┘", "│", "┤", "└", "┴", "├", "┼"]

class Position:

    def __init__(self, can_go_north, can_go_east, can_go_south, can_go_west, exit):

        self.can_go = {"north": can_go_north, "east": can_go_east, "south": can_go_south, "west": can_go_west}

        self.exit = exit

        self.player_here = False

    def has_direction(self, direction):

        if direction in self.can_go:

            return self.can_go[direction]

        return False

    def is_exit(self):

        return self.exit

    def __str__(self):

        index = 0

        if self.can_go["north"]:

            index += 8

        if self.can_go["east"]:

            index += 4

        if self.can_go["south"]:

            index += 2

        if self.can_go["west"]:

            index += 1

        return symbols[index]

class Maze:

    def __init__(self, height, width):

        self.height = max(0, height)

        self.width = max(0, width)

        self.locations = []

        for i in range(self.height):

            row = []

            for j in range(self.width):



    def get_height(self):

        return self.height

    def get_width(self):

        return self.width

    def get_position(self, row ,col):

        if row < 0 or row >= self.height or col < 0 or col >= self.width:

            return None

        return self.locations[row][col]

    def __str__(self):

        res = ""

        for i in range(self.height):

            for j in range(self.width):

                if self.locations[i][j]:

                    res += str(self.locations[i][j])


                    res += " "

            res += "\n"

        return res

def read_maze(filename):

    f = open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8')

    lines = f.readlines()

    height = len(lines)

    width = 0

    if height > 0:

        width = len(lines[0]) - 1

    maze = Maze(height, width)

    for i in range(height):

        line = lines[i]

        for j in range(width):

            c = "" + line[j]

            index = symbols.index(c)

            can_go_north = index >= 8

            can_go_east = (index % 8) >= 4

            can_go_south = (index % 4) >= 2

            can_go_west = (index % 2) >= 1

            is_exit = (can_go_north or can_go_west or can_go_south or can_go_south) and \

                      (i == 0 or i == height - 1 or j == 0 or j == width - 1)

            maze.locations[i][j] = Position(can_go_north, can_go_east, can_go_south, can_go_west, is_exit)

    return maze

if __name__ == '__main__':

    maze = read_maze("input.txt")


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