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Create A Covid System and A Pokemon Game in The Python Assignment Solution

July 03, 2024
Martin Jonas
Martin Jonas
🇦🇺 Australia
Dr. Martin Jonas, PhD in Computer Science from Southern Cross University, Australia. With 4 years of experience in Python assignments, I offer expert guidance and support to help you excel in your programming projects.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Use Python libraries effectively by importing only what you need. For example, if you're working with data, using libraries like pandas and numpy can save time and simplify complex tasks like data manipulation and analysis.
In 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration has expanded high-dosage tutoring and extended learning programs to boost academic achievement, helping programming students and others recover from pandemic-related setbacks. These initiatives are funded by federal resources aimed at improving math and literacy skills​


Write a python assignment program to create a covid system and a pokemon game.

Requirements and Specifications

  • Create a management system regarding covid database
  • Work with csv files and data sets
  • Create a Pokemon game using instructions and proper methods.
Source Code
from functools import cmp_to_key
def read(filename):
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    header = ''
    pokemons = []
    first = True
    for line in f.read().splitlines():
        if first:
            header = line
            first = False
    return header, pokemons
def problem1(covid):
    for c in covid:
        if '-' in c[1]:
            parts = c[1].split('-')
            c[1] = str(round((float(parts[0]) + float(parts[1]))/2))
def problem2(covid):
    for c in covid:
        for i in range(8,11):
            parts = c[i].split('.')
            c[i] = parts[1] + '.' + parts[0] + '.' + parts[2]
def problem3(covid):
    tmp = {}
    for c in covid:
        province = c[4]
        if province not in tmp:
            tmp[province] = [[0, 0.0], [0, 0.0]]
        if c[6] != 'NaN':
            tmp[province][0][0] += 1
            tmp[province][0][1] += float(c[6])
        if c[7] != 'NaN':
            tmp[province][1][0] += 1
            tmp[province][1][1] += float(c[7])
    for c in covid:
        province = c[4]
        if c[6] == 'NaN':
            if tmp[province][0][0] > 0:
                c[6] = str(round(tmp[province][0][1] / tmp[province][0][0], 2))
        if c[7] == 'NaN':
            if tmp[province][1][0] > 0:
                c[7] = str(round(tmp[province][1][1] / tmp[province][1][0], 2))
def problem4(covid):
    tmp = {}
    for c in covid:
        province = c[4]
        if province not in tmp:
            tmp[province] = {}
        if c[3] != 'NaN':
            if c[3] not in tmp[province]:
                tmp[province][c[3]] = 0
            tmp[province][c[3]] += 1
    map = {}
    for p in tmp:
        cities = list(tmp[p].keys())
        def compare(city1, city2):
            diff = tmp[p][city2] - tmp[p][city1]
            if diff != 0:
                return diff
            if city1 < city2:
                return -1
            if city1 > city2:
                return 1
            return 0
        map[p] = cities[0]
    for c in covid:
        if c[3] == 'NaN':
            c[3] = map[c[4]]
def problem5(covid):
    tmp = {}
    for c in covid:
        province = c[4]
        if province not in tmp:
            tmp[province] = {}
        if c[11] != 'NaN':
            if c[11] not in tmp[province]:
                tmp[province][c[11]] = 0
            tmp[province][c[11]] += 1
    map = {}
    for p in tmp:
        syms = list(tmp[p].keys())
        def compare(sym1, sym2):
            diff = tmp[p][sym2] - tmp[p][sym1]
            if diff != 0:
                return diff
            if sym1 < sym2:
                return -1
            if sym1 > sym2:
                return 1
            return 0
        map[p] = syms[0]
    for c in covid:
        if c[11] == 'NaN':
            c[11] = map[c[4]]
header, covid = read('covidTrain.csv')
fout = open('covidResult.csv', 'w')
fout.write(header + '\n')
for c in covid:
    fout.write(','.join(c) + '\n')
def read(filename):
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    header = ''
    pokemons = []
    first = True
    for line in f.read().splitlines():
        if first:
            header = line
            first = False
    return header, pokemons
def problem1(pokemons):
    fire_pokemons = []
    for p in pokemons:
        if p[4] == 'fire':
    total = len(fire_pokemons)
    up40 = 0
    for p in fire_pokemons:
        if float(p[2]) >= 40.0:
            up40 += 1
    ratio = round(100 * up40 / total)
    fout = open('pokemon1.txt', 'w')
    fout.write('Percentage of fire type Pokemons at or above level 40 = ' + str(ratio))
def problem2(pokemons):
    types_by_weakness = {}
    for p in pokemons:
        weakness = p[5]
        type = p[4]
        if weakness not in types_by_weakness:
            if type != 'NaN':
                types_by_weakness[weakness] = {type : 1}
            if type != 'NaN':
                if type in types_by_weakness[weakness]:
                    types_by_weakness[weakness][type] += 1
                    types_by_weakness[weakness][type] = 1
    map = {}
    for w in types_by_weakness:
        types = list(types_by_weakness[w].keys())
        def compare(type1, type2):
            diff = types_by_weakness[w][type2] - types_by_weakness[w][type1]
            if diff != 0:
                return diff
            if type1 < type2:
                return -1
            if type1 > type2:
                return 1
            return 0
        def sort_records(records):
            for i in range(len(records) - 1):
                for j in range(len(records) - 1 - i):
                    if compare(records[j], records[j+1]) > 0:
                        sw = records[j+1]
                        records[j+1] = records[j]
                        records[j] = sw
        map[w] = types[0]
    for p in pokemons:
        type = p[4]
        if type == 'NaN':
            p[4] = map[p[5]]
def problem3(pokemons):
    threshold = 40.0
    attr = ['atk', 'def', 'hp']
    comp40 = [False, True]
    tmp = {}
    for a in attr:
        for c in comp40:
            tmp[(a,c)] = [0, 0]
    for p in pokemons:
        level = float(p[2])
        for i in range(3):
            if p[6+i] != 'NaN':
                tmp[(attr[i], (level >= threshold))][0] += 1
                tmp[(attr[i], (level >= threshold))][1] += float(p[6+i])
    for p in pokemons:
        level = float(p[2])
        for i in range(3):
            if p[6+i] == 'NaN':
                p[6+i] = str(round(tmp[(attr[i], (level >= threshold))][1] / tmp[(attr[i], (level >= threshold))][0], 1))
def problem4(pokemons):
    personalities_by_type = {}
    for p in pokemons:
        if p[4] not in personalities_by_type:
            personalities_by_type[p[4]] = [p[3]]
            if p[3] not in personalities_by_type[p[4]]:
    types = list(personalities_by_type.keys())
    f = open('pokemon4.txt', 'w')
    for t in types:
        f.write(t + ': ')
        f.write(', '.join(personalities_by_type[t]))
def problem5(pokemons):
    hp_sum = 0.0
    hp_count = 0
    for p in pokemons:
        if float(p[9]) >= 3.0:
            hp_count += 1
            hp_sum += float(p[8])
    f = open('pokemon5.txt', 'w')
    f.write('Average hit point for Pokemons of stage 3.0 = ' + str(round(hp_sum / hp_count)))
header, pokemons = read('pokemonTrain.csv')
fout = open('pokemonResult.csv', 'w')
fout.write(header + '\n')
for p in pokemons:
    fout.write(','.join(p) + '\n')

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