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Converting Integer From -100 to 100 To Text X86 Assembly Language Assignment Solution

June 29, 2024
Rehana Magnus
Rehana Magnus
🇨🇦 Canada
Assembly Language
Rehana Magnus, PhD in Computer Science from the esteemed Acadia Institute of Technology, Canada. With 6 years of experience, specializes in assembly language programming. Proficient in low-level coding, optimizing performance, and enhancing system functionality.
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Write an x86 assembly language assignment that converts an integer from -100 to 100 to text.

Screenshots of output

program to convert an integer to text in assembly language

Source Code

format PE console

entry _start

include 'win32ax.inc'

Number DD 0

Quotient DD 0

Remainder DD 0

section '.text' code readable executable


    push ebp

    mov ebp, esp

    cinvoke printf, "This x86 assembly program converts an integer to text.%c%c%c%c", 10, 13, 10, 13


    cinvoke printf, "Enter an integer from -100 to 100: "

    cinvoke scanf, "%d", Number ; read the integer

    call [getchar] ; read enter from scanf

    cinvoke printf, "%c%c", 10, 13 ; jump to next line

    cmp DWORD[Number], -100 ; check if number is in range

    jl endProgram ; if not, end program

    cmp DWORD[Number], 100 ; check if number is in range

    jg endProgram ; if not, end program


    cmp DWORD[Number], 0 ; check if it's a negative number

    jge positive ; if not, print positive

    cinvoke printf, "negative " ; else, print number is negative

    neg DWORD[Number] ; convert number to positive


    mov eax, [Number] ; load number in eax

    cmp eax, 100 ; if 100

    jne get2digits ; if not, print 2 digits

    cinvoke printf, "one hundred" ; else, print hundred

    jmp ending


    mov ebx, 10 ; load 10 to make division

    mov edx, 0 ; clear edx before division

    idiv ebx ; divide number by 10

    mov [Quotient], eax ; save quotient

    mov [Remainder], edx ; save remainder

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 0 ; if quotient 0

    je Single

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 1 ; if quotient 1

    je Tens

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 1 ; if quotient 1

    je Tens

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 2 ; if quotient 2

    je Twenty

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 3 ; if quotient 3

    je Thirty

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 4 ; if quotient 4

    je Forty

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 5 ; if quotient 5

    je Fifty

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 6 ; if quotient 6

    je Sixty

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 7 ; if quotient 7

    je Seventy

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 8 ; if quotient 8

    je Eighty

    cmp DwORD[Quotient], 9 ; if quotient 9

    je Ninety


    cinvoke printf, "twenty"

    jmp OnesDigit


    cinvoke printf, "thirty"

    jmp OnesDigit


    cinvoke printf, "forty"

    jmp OnesDigit


    cinvoke printf, "fifty"

    jmp OnesDigit


    cinvoke printf, "sixty"

    jmp OnesDigit


    cinvoke printf, "seventy"

    jmp OnesDigit


    cinvoke printf, "eighty"

    jmp OnesDigit


    cinvoke printf, "ninety"


    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 0 ; if remainder 0 in 2 digit numbers

    je ending ; don't print more

    cinvoke printf, "-" ; else, print dash


    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 0 ; if remainder 0

    je Zero

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 1 ; if remainder 1

    je One

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 2 ; if remainder 2

    je Two

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 3 ; if remainder 3

    je Three

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 4 ; if remainder 4

    je Four

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 5 ; if remainder 5

    je Five

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 6 ; if remainder 6

    je Six

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 7 ; if remainder 7

    je Seven

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 8 ; if remainder 8

    je Eight

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 9 ; if remainder 9

    je Nine


    cinvoke printf, "zero"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "one"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "two"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "three"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "four"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "five"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "six"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "seven"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "eight"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "nine"

    jmp ending


    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 0 ; if remainder 0

    je Ten

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 1 ; if remainder 1

    je Eleven

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 2 ; if remainder 2

    je Twelve

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 3 ; if remainder 3

    je Thirteen

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 4 ; if remainder 4

    je Fourteen

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 5 ; if remainder 5

    je Fifteen

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 6 ; if remainder 6

    je Sixteen

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 7 ; if remainder 7

    je Seventeen

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 8 ; if remainder 8

    je Eighteen

    cmp DwORD[Remainder], 9 ; if remainder 9

    je Nineteen


    cinvoke printf, "ten"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "eleven"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "twelve"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "thirteen"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "fourteen"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "fifteen"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "sixteen"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "seventeen"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "eighteen"

    jmp ending


    cinvoke printf, "nineteen"


    cinvoke printf, "%c%c%c%c", 10, 13, 10, 13 ; leave empty line

    jmp readLoop ; read another number


    call [getchar] ; wait until user presses a key

    mov esp, ebp

    pop ebp

    call [ExitProcess] ; exit the program

; Import section

section '.idata' import data readable

library kernel32, 'kernel32.dll', \


import kernel32, \

import msvcrt, \

        printf, 'printf', scanf, 'scanf', \

        getchar, 'getchar'

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