Write an Assembly language assignment to add variables of different sizes.

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Source Code
Add sub movies
bNum01 SBYTE 127
bNum02 SBYTE -80
bNum03 SBYTE 32
bResult SBYTE ?
wNum01 SWORD 32000
wNum02 SWORD -4096
wNum03 SWORD 256
wResult SWORD ?
dwNum01 SDWORD 2000000 ; 2million
dwNum02 SDWORD -1600000 ; -1.6million
dwNum03 SDWORD 6000
dwResult SDWORD ?
main PROC
movsx eax, [bNum01] ; load first byte value, extend to dword
movsx ebx, [bNum02] ; load second byte value, extend to dword
add eax, ebx ; add second to first
movsx ebx, [bNum03] ; load third byte value, extend to dword
sub eax, ebx ; subtract third from sum
mov [bResult],al ; save result as byte
mov esi, OFFSET bResult ; starting offset of result
mov ecx, 1 ; number of units
mov ebx, TYPE BYTE ; byte format
call DumpMem ; display result
movsx eax, [wNum01] ; load first word value, extend to dword
movsx ebx, [wNum02] ; load second word value, extend to dword
add eax, ebx ; add second to first
movsx ebx, [wNum03] ; load third word value, extend to dword
sub eax, ebx ; subtract third from sum
mov [wResult],ax ; save result as word
mov esi, OFFSET wResult ; starting offset of result
mov ecx, 1 ; number of units
mov ebx, TYPE WORD ; word format
call DumpMem ; display result
mov eax, [dwNum01] ; load first dword value
add eax, [dwNum02] ; add second dword value
sub eax, [dwNum03] ; subtract third from sum
mov [dwResult],eax ; save result as dword
mov esi, OFFSET dwResult ; starting offset of result
mov ecx, 1 ; number of units
mov ebx, TYPE DWORD ; dword format
call DumpMem ; display result
mov ax, 60000 ; load 60000
sub ax, [wNum01] ; subtract 60000 - first word
add ax, 8092 ; add 8092 to difference
sub ax, [wNum03] ; subtract third word from previous result
mov [wResult],ax ; save result as word
mov esi, OFFSET wResult ; starting offset of result
mov ecx, 1 ; number of units
mov ebx, TYPE WORD ; word format
call DumpMem ; display result
mov ax, [wNum02] ; load second word value
dec ax ; subtract 1 from second
sub ax, [wNum03] ; subtract third word from previous result
add ax, 2400 ; add 2400 to previous result
mov [wResult],ax ; save result as word
mov esi, OFFSET wResult ; starting offset of result
mov ecx, 1 ; number of units
mov ebx, TYPE WORD ; word format
call DumpMem ; display result
movsx eax, [bNum02] ; load second byte value, extend to dword
movsx ebx, [wNum03] ; load third word value, extend to dword
add eax, ebx ; add second byte to third word
movsx ebx, [bNum01] ; load first byte value, extend to dword
sub eax, ebx ; subtract first byte from previous result
inc eax ; add 1 to result
mov [dwResult],eax ; save result as dword
mov esi, OFFSET dwResult ; starting offset of result
mov ecx, 1 ; number of units
mov ebx, TYPE DWORD ; dword format
call DumpMem ; display result
movsx eax, [bNum01] ; load first byte value, extend to dword
neg eax ; convert to negative
add eax, [dwNum03] ; add third dword value
movsx ebx, [wNum01] ; load first word value, extend to dword
sub eax, ebx ; subtract first word from previous result
add eax, 1024 ; add 1024 to result
mov [dwResult],eax ; save result as dword
mov esi, OFFSET dwResult ; starting offset of result
mov ecx, 1 ; number of units
mov ebx, TYPE DWORD ; dword format
call DumpMem ; display result
call CrLf
call WaitMsg
exit ; terminate the program
main ENDP
END main
Tax infos
promptFirst BYTE ' First name: ', 0
promptMiddle BYTE ' Middle: ', 0
promptLast BYTE ' Last name: ', 0
promptDepend BYTE ' Dependents: ', 0
printName BYTE ' Name: ', 0
printDeduct BYTE '=Deductions= ', 0
printStd BYTE ' Standard $ ', 0
printDep BYTE ' Dependent $ ', 0
printTotal BYTE ' Total $ ', 0
comma BYTE ', ', 0
firstName BYTE 16 DUP(0)
middleName BYTE 16 DUP(0)
lastName BYTE 21 DUP(0)
stdDeduct DWORD 12400
depDeduct DWORD 4050
total DWORD ?
dependents DWORD ?
main PROC
call ClrScr ; clear the screen
mov edx, OFFSET promptFirst ; load address of prompt
call WriteString ; print prompt on screen
mov edx, OFFSET firstName ; load address of name array
mov ecx, 16 ; size of array
call ReadString ; read the string and save as first name
call CrLf ; leave empty line
mov edx, OFFSET promptMiddle ; load address of prompt
call WriteString ; print prompt on screen
mov edx, OFFSET middleName ; load address of middle array
mov ecx, 16 ; size of array
call ReadString ; read the string and save in middle name
call CrLf ; leave empty line
mov edx, OFFSET promptLast ; load address of prompt
call WriteString ; print prompt on screen
mov edx, OFFSET lastName ; load address of name array
mov ecx, 16 ; size of array
call ReadString ; read the string and save as last name
call CrLf ; leave empty line
mov edx, OFFSET promptDepend ; load address of prompt
call WriteString ; print prompt on screen
call ReadDec ; read dependents
mov [dependents],eax ; save dependents in variable
call CrLf ; leave empty line
mov edx, OFFSET printName ; load address of name message
call WriteString ; print message for name on screen
mov edx, OFFSET lastName ; load address of last name
call WriteString ; print last name on screen
mov edx, OFFSET comma ; load address comma string
call WriteString ; print separating comma on screen
mov edx, OFFSET firstName ; load address of first name
call WriteString ; print first name on screen
mov al, ' ' ; load space character in al
call WriteChar ; print space on screen
mov edx, OFFSET middleName ; load address of middle name
call WriteString ; print middle name on screen
call CrLf ; jump to next line
call CrLf ; leave empty line
mov edx, OFFSET printDeduct ; load address of deductions message
call WriteString ; print message for deductions on screen
call CrLf ; jump to next line
call CrLf ; leave empty line
mov edx, OFFSET printStd ; load address of standard message
call WriteString ; print message for standard on screen
mov eax, [stdDeduct] ; load standard deduction amount
call WriteDec ; print standard deduction amount on screen
call CrLf ; jump to next line
call CrLf ; leave empty line
mov edx, OFFSET printDep ; load address of dependent message
call WriteString ; print message for dependent on screen
mov eax, [depDeduct] ; load dependent deduction amount
mul [dependents] ; multiply by number of dependents
mov [total], eax ; save multiplication result in total
call WriteDec ; print dependent deduction amount on screen
call CrLf ; jump to next line
call CrLf ; leave empty line
mov edx, OFFSET printTotal ; load address of total message
call WriteString ; print message for total on screen
mov eax, [stdDeduct] ; load standard deduction
add eax, [total] ; add to dependent total
call WriteDec ; print total deduction amount on screen
call CrLf ; jump to next line
call CrLf
call WaitMsg
exit ; terminate program
main ENDP
END main
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