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Create A Program In Masm That Allows You To Encode And Decode Messages With Simple Substitution Cypher Assignment Solution

July 09, 2024
Rehana Magnus
Rehana Magnus
🇨🇦 Canada
Assembly Language
Rehana Magnus, PhD in Computer Science from the esteemed Acadia Institute of Technology, Canada. With 6 years of experience, specializes in assembly language programming. Proficient in low-level coding, optimizing performance, and enhancing system functionality.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break your NetLogo model into simple procedures using functions for better readability. Use the ask command efficiently to control agents and optimize performance by minimizing unnecessary computations in the go procedure. Always test your model with small agent populations before scaling up.
LFortran Advances: LFortran, an open-source Fortran compiler, achieved compatibility with the PRIMA library in March 2025, enhancing support for numerical computing.



Write a program in MASM that allows you to encode and decode messages with simple substitution cypher assignment solution.

Requirements and Specifications


  1. Working on a project that utilizes a broad spectrum of knowledge from this course
  2. Using various forms of indirect addressing
  3. Passing parameters on the stack
  4. Extensive interaction with arrays


Alex and Sila are espionage agents working for the Top Secret Agency (TSA). Sometimes they discuss sensitive intelligence information that needs to be kept secret from the Really Bad Guys (RBG). Alex and Sila have decided to use a simple obfuscation algorithm that should be good enough to confuse the RBG. As the TSA’s resident programmer you’ve been assigned to write a MASM procedure that will implement the requested behavior. Your code must be capable of encrypting and decrypting messages (and meet the other requirements given in this document). This final project is written less like an academic assignment and more like a real-life programming task. This might seem daunting at first but don’t despair! Algorithm Details Ankur and Sila’s algorithm is a simple substitution cipher. If you are not familiar with substitution ciphers, I suggest reading the Wikipedia page (available here: Links to an external site.). For this implementation, the key consists of 26 lowercase English letters. The following example demonstrates the obfuscation algorithm that Ankur and Sila are requesting. Suppose that you are provided the following 26 character secret key: efbcdghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza. Each character listed in the key corresponds to a character from the English alphabet. In other words, the key is a map that tells you how to take the original text (also known as plaintext) and replace each letter with the encrypted character. In order to understand the key, consider the alphabetical arrangement of the English alphabet beginning with a, b, c, d, e, f, (and so on). Now reconsider the key, which starts with e, f, b, c, d, g, (and so on).

Screenshots of output

Program-to-encode-and-decode-messages-with-simple-substitution-cypher 1
Program-to-encode-and-decode-messages-with-simple-substitution-cypher 1 (1)

Source Code


INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .code ;------------------------------------------ compute PROC ; ; Computes the operation given as argument ; Receives: for the decoy mode: ; 16 bit signed WORD operand ; 16 bit signed WORD operand ; 32 bit OFFSET of a signed DWORD ; For the encryption mode: ; 32 bit OFFSET of a BYTE array ; 32 bit OFFSET of a BYTE array ; 32 bit OFFSET of a signed DWORD ; For the decryption mode: ; 32 bit OFFSET of a BYTE array ; 32 bit OFFSET of a BYTE array ; 32 bit OFFSET of a signed DWORD ; For the key generation mode: ; 32 bit OFFSET of a BYTE array ; 32 bit OFFSET of signed DWORD ; Returns: nothing ;------------------------------------------ push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx mov ebx, [ebp + 8] ; load dest address cmp DWORD PTR [ebx], -1 ; check selected mode je callEnc ; if -1, encrypt cmp DWORD PTR [ebx], -2 ; check selected mode je callDec ; if -2, decrypt cmp DWORD PTR [ebx], -3 ; check selected mode je callGen ; if -3, generate ; else, use decoy mode mov ax, [ebp + 12] ; pass numbers to procedure push ax mov ax, [ebp + 14] push ax call addNumbers ; add numbers add esp, 4 ; remove args from stack mov [ebx], eax ; save result jmp compRet callEnc: mov eax, [ebp + 16] ; pass pointers to procedure push eax mov eax, [ebp + 12] push eax call encrypt ; encrypt message add esp, 8 ; remove args from stack jmp compRet callDec: mov eax, [ebp + 16] ; pass pointers to procedure push eax mov eax, [ebp + 12] push eax call decrypt ; decrypt message add esp, 8 ; remove args from stack jmp compRet callGen: call Randomize mov eax, [ebp + 12] ; pass pointer to procedure push eax call generateKey ; generate key add esp, 4 ; remove arg from stack compRet: pop ebx pop ebp ret compute ENDP ;------------------------------------------ addNumbers PROC ; ; Calculates the sum of two signed WORD numbers ; Receives: two signed WORD arguments in the stack ; Returns: sum of the two numbers in eax ;------------------------------------------ push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx movsx eax, SWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ; load first number movsx ebx, SWORD PTR [ebp + 10] ; load second number add eax, ebx ; return sum pop ebx pop ebp ret addNumbers ENDP ;------------------------------------------ encrypt PROC ; ; Encrypts the message passed as argument using the ; given key ; Receives: two string addresses in stack ; Returns: nothing ;------------------------------------------ push ebp mov ebp, esp push esi push edi mov esi, [ebp + 12] ; load key pointer mov edi, [ebp + 8] ; load message pointer mov eax, 0 encLoop: mov al, [edi] ; load char from message cmp al, 0 ; if end of string je encRet ; terminate cmp al, 'a' ; see if it's a letter jl encSkip ; if not, do not encrypt cmp al, 'z' ; see if it's a letter jg encSkip ; if not, do not encrypt sub al, 'a' ; convert to 0-25 mov al, [esi + eax] ; load encrypted char mov [edi], al ; save encrypted char encSkip: inc edi ; advance to next char in message jmp encLoop encRet: pop edi pop esi pop ebp ret encrypt ENDP ;------------------------------------------ decrypt PROC ; ; Decrypts the message passed as argument using the ; given key ; Receives: two string addresses in stack ; Returns: nothing ;------------------------------------------ push ebp mov ebp, esp push esi push edi mov esi, [ebp + 12] ; load key pointer mov edi, [ebp + 8] ; load message pointer mov eax, 0 decLoop: mov al, [edi] ; load char from message cmp al, 0 ; if end of string je decRet ; terminate cmp al, 'a' ; see if it's a letter jl decSkip ; if not, do not decrypt cmp al, 'z' ; see if it's a letter jg decSkip ; if not, do not decrypt mov ecx, 0 ; find letter in key find: cmp al, [esi + ecx] ; see if we found the letter in the key je found ; if so, end inc ecx ; advance to next char jmp find found: add cl, 'a' ; convert position to ascii mov [edi], cl ; save decrypted char decSkip: inc edi ; advance to next char in message jmp decLoop decRet: pop edi pop esi pop ebp ret decrypt ENDP ;------------------------------------------ generateKey PROC ; ; Generates a new key and saves it in the argument ; Receives: one string addresses in stack ; Returns: nothing ;------------------------------------------ push ebp mov ebp, esp push edi push ebx push ecx push edx mov edi, [ebp + 8] ; load key pointer ; fill key with letters in order mov ecx, 26 mov al, 'a' fill: mov [edi], al inc edi inc al loop fill mov edi, [ebp + 8] ; reload key pointer ; shuffle 26 times mov ecx, 26 shuffle: ; generate pair to exchange mov eax, 26 call RandomRange mov edx, eax mov eax, 26 call RandomRange ; save old chars mov bl, [edi + eax] mov bh, [edi + edx] ; swap them mov [edi + eax], bh mov [edi + edx], bl loop shuffle pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop edi pop ebp ret generateKey ENDP END


INCLUDE Irvine32.inc EXTERN compute@0:PROC compute EQU compute@0 .data operand1 WORD 46 operand2 WORD -20 dest0 DWORD 0 myKey BYTE "efbcdghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza" message BYTE "the contents of this message will be a mystery.",0 dest1 DWORD -1 dest2 DWORD -2 newKey BYTE 26 DUP(?) BYTE 0 dest3 DWORD -3 .code main PROC push operand1 push operand2 push OFFSET dest0 call compute add esp, 8 mov eax, dest0 call WriteInt call CrLf push OFFSET myKey push OFFSET message push OFFSET dest1 call compute add esp, 12 mov edx, OFFSET message call WriteString call CrLf push OFFSET myKey push OFFSET message push OFFSET dest2 call compute add esp, 12 mov edx, OFFSET message call WriteString call CrLf push OFFSET newKey push OFFSET dest3 call compute add esp, 8 mov edx, OFFSET newKey call WriteString call CrLf call CrLf call WaitMsg exit main ENDP END main

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