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Python Functions and Random Variable Generation: A Sample Assignment Solution

August 31, 2024
Walter Parkes
Walter Parkes
🇺🇸 United States
Walter Parkes is a seasoned Python developer with over a decade of experience in coding and teaching. Specializing in fundamental programming concepts, he excels in creating practical solutions for common assignments, from prime number checks to interactive games and simulations. His expertise helps students master Python efficiently and effectively, enhancing their problem-solving skills.
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Always write structured and optimized queries using proper indexing to enhance performance. Use JOIN operations efficiently instead of subqueries, and apply constraints like PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY to maintain data integrity. Regularly test queries with sample datasets to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
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Welcome to our sample solution for a Python assignment, crafted to provide top-notch Python assignment help. In this example, we tackle fundamental programming tasks such as function creation and random variable generation. This assignment demonstrates how to develop a Python function to check for prime numbers, calculate the sum of even numbers, create an interactive guessing game, and simulate a simple dice game. By exploring this sample, you'll see how we approach Python programming challenges with clarity and precision, helping students enhance their coding skills effectively. For more detailed assistance and personalized support, our team is here if you need help with programming assignments.


Q1: Write a Python function named check_prime() that takes a positive integer as an input from user and determines whether the number entered is prime or composite.

Q2: Write a Python function that asks the user to enter a positive integer n. Using a for loop, calculate and print the sum of all the even numbers from 1 to n.

Q3: Write a Python program that generates a random number between 1 and 100 and asks the user to guess it. Create a loop that continues until the user guesses the correct number. Provide hints like "too high" or "too low" based on the user's input.

For example, random number generated = 76 (use random library to generate random


user inputs: 56

output: “too low”

User inputs: 79

ouput: “too high”

user inputs: 76

ouput: “Number: 76 guessed correctly.”

otherwise, keep outputting “too high” or “too low” until user guesses the correct


Q4: You are tasked with simulating a simple game. In this game, there are two players, Player A and Player B. They take turns rolling a six-sided die. The game continues until one of the players rolls a 6. When a player rolls a 6, they win, and the game ends. (Hint: use random to roll a dice every time)

Write a Python program to simulate this game. Use a while loop to repeatedly simulate die rolls for both Player A and Player B until one of them rolls a 6. Print the name of the winning player.


Program 1

def check_prime(number): """ Function to check if a given number is prime """ # Any number below 1 are non-prime if number <= 1: return False # Check that there are no number that is divisible to it except itself for i in range(2, number): if number % i == 0: return False return True def main(): """ Entry point of the program, asks the user to enter a number and then tells if it is prime or composite """ number = int(input("Enter a number: ")) if check_prime(number): print("The number is prime.") else: print("The number is composite.") main()

Program 2

def sum_evens(): """ Ask the user to enter a number, calculate the sum of even numbers from 1 to the said number. """ number = int(input("Enter a number: ")) total = 0 for i in range(1, number + 1): # Consider only to update the total if the current number is even if i % 2 == 0: total += i print("The sum of even numbers from 1 to " + str(number) + " is " + str(total)) sum_evens()

Program 3

import random def main(): """ A game where a random number is generated and the user has to guess it """ # Generate the number to guess target_answer = random.randint(1, 100) answer = 0 # Game begins print("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100") while answer != target_answer: answer = int(input("Guess the number: ")) if answer > target_answer: print("Too high.") elif answer < target_answer: print("Too low.") else: print("Correct!") main()

Program 4

import random def main(): """ Simulate a 2 player dice game. Whoever rolls a 6 first wins """ currentTurn = "Player A" rolled_value = random.randint(1, 6) print(currentTurn + " rolled a " + str(rolled_value)) while rolled_value != 6: # Switch turns if currentTurn == "Player A": currentTurn = "Player B" else: currentTurn = "Player A" rolled_value = random.randint(1, 6) print(currentTurn + " rolled a " + str(rolled_value)) # Print the winner print(currentTurn + " wins!") main()

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