Requirements and Specifications
Source Code
; Name: ????
; CWU ID: ????
; Honor code: ????
segment .data
a db 1100b ; multiplicand
b db 0110b ; multiplier
size db 7 ; size of multiplier
result dw 0 ; result
segment .text
global main
mov word [result], 0 ; result = 0
movzx bx, byte [b] ; load multiplier number2
movzx cx, [size] ; i = 7
bt bx, cx ; test bit(number2,i)
jnc endif ; if not 1, go to next bit
movzx ax, byte [a] ; else load number1
shl ax, cl ; shift to multiply by 2^i
add [result],ax ; result = result + number1*2^i
dec cl ; i--
jge forloop ; repeat while i>=0
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