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Program To Implement a Node, Linked Stack, Stack Apps Using Java Programming Language Java Language Assignment Solution

July 09, 2024
Dr. Brodie Pearce
Dr. Brodie
🇸🇬 Singapore
Data Structures and Algorithms
A stalwart in the field of Computer Science, Dr. Pearce earned his Ph.D. from the University of Melbourne. With over 10 years of experience, he has surpassed 569 completed Algorithm Assignments. Dr. Pearce's profound understanding, coupled with his academic prowess, ensures exemplary assistance tailored to your needs.
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Write a java assignment program to implement a node, linked stack, stack apps in programming language.

Requirements and Specifications

Implement a program showing all the stacks, linked stacks, stack apps, etc through various programs in java programming language.

Source Code

CHAR STACK // The CharStack class that implements a stack of characters // Xiwei Wang public class CharStack { // instance variables private char[] m_array; private int m_index; // constructor public CharStack(int cap) { m_array = new char[cap]; m_index = 0; } // check whether the stack is empty public boolean isEmpty() { if (m_index == 0) return true; else return false; } // return the element at the top of the stack public char top() { if (isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("top attempted on an empty stack"); else return m_array[m_index - 1]; } // push a character onto the stack public void push(char c) { m_array[m_index] = c; m_index++; } // remove and return the element at the top of the stack public char pop() { if (isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("pop attempted on an empty stack"); else { char c = m_array[m_index - 1]; m_index--; return c; } } // return the number of elements on the stack public int size() { return m_index; } // return a string representation of the stack @Override public String toString() { String stackContent = ""; for (int i = m_index - 1; i >= 0; i--) stackContent += m_array[i]; return stackContent; } } LINKED NUMBER STACK // The linked list based implementation for the NumberStack ADT // Your name here public class LinkedNumberStack implements NumberStack { // instance variable private LNode m_top; // check whether the stack is empty public boolean isEmpty() { if (m_top == null) return true; else return false; } // check whether the stack is full public boolean isFull() { return false; } // return the element at the top of the stack public int top() { if (isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("top attempted on an empty stack"); else return m_top.getInfo(); } // push a value onto the stack public void push(int v) { LNode temp = new LNode(v); temp.m_link = m_top; m_top = temp; } // remove and return the value at the top of the stack public int pop() { if (isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("pop attempted on an empty stack"); int data = m_top.getInfo(); m_top = m_top.getLink(); return data; } // return the number of elements on the stack public int size() { int size = 0; LNode temp = m_top; while (temp != null) { size++; temp = temp.m_link; } return size; } // return a string representation of the stack @Override public String toString() { String stackContent = ""; LNode current = m_top; while (current != null) { stackContent += current.getInfo() + " "; current = current.getLink(); } return stackContent; } } L NODE // The LNode class that represents a node in linked lists // Do not make any changes to this file! // Xiwei Wang public class LNode { // instance variables int m_info; LNode m_link; // constructor public LNode(int info) { m_info = info; m_link = null; } // member methods public void setLink(LNode link) { m_link = link; } public LNode getLink() { return m_link; } public int getInfo() { return m_info; } } NUMBER STACK // The NumberStack interface // Do not make any changes to this file! // Xiwei Wang public interface NumberStack { boolean isEmpty(); // check whether the stack is empty boolean isFull(); // check whether the stack is full int top(); // return the element at the top of the stack int pop(); // remove and return the element at the top of the stack void push(int v); // push a value onto the stack int size(); // return the number of elements on the stack @Override String toString(); // return a string representation of the stack } STACK APPS // The StackApps class that implements two Stack applications // Your name here public class StackApps { // evaluate the expression of signs saved in a stack in an xor fashion (see HW specs for details) // Do not create any arrays or any other structures! Doing so will result in points deduction. // You can use the auxiliary stack that is created for you in your implementation. public char evaluateSigns(CharStack signs) { CharStack aux = new CharStack(64); // stack used to store the result binary number while (signs.size() > 1) { char top = signs.pop(); while (!signs.isEmpty()) { char curr = signs.pop(); boolean val = (top == '+') ^ (curr == '+'); aux.push(val ? '+' : '-'); top = curr; } if (aux.size() == 1) { signs.push(aux.pop()); } else { top = aux.pop(); while (!aux.isEmpty()) { char curr = aux.pop(); boolean val = (top == '+') ^ (curr == '+'); signs.push(val ? '+' : '-'); top = curr; } } } return signs.top(); // return the top of the stack that saves the final result } // add num1 and num2 (both represented as CharStacks), and save the result on a stack // Do not create any arrays! Do not use any Java libraries to do the calculation. // Doing so will result in points deduction. public String addBigInteger(CharStack num1, CharStack num2) { CharStack stackResult = new CharStack(64); // stack used to store the result of the sum int carry = 0; while (!num1.isEmpty() && !num2.isEmpty()) { int n1 = num1.pop() - '0'; int n2 = num2.pop() - '0'; int sum = carry + n1 + n2; carry = sum / 10; stackResult.push((char)((sum) % 10 + '0')); } CharStack nonEmpty = num1.isEmpty() ? num2 : num1; while (!nonEmpty.isEmpty()) { int n1 = num1.pop() - '0'; int sum = carry + n1; carry = sum / 10; stackResult.push((char)((sum) % 10 + '0')); } if (carry != 0) { stackResult.push((char)(carry + '0')); } return stackResult.toString(); // return a string representation of the stack } } TEST STACK // Test driver for the LinkedNumberStack and StackApps classes // Do not make any changes to this file! // Xiwei Wang import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class TestStack { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("================ Problem 1 ================"); TestP1(); System.out.println("================ End of Problem 1 ================\n\n"); System.out.print("Press any key to test Problem 2..."); try { System.in.read(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("================ Problem 2 ================"); TestP2(); System.out.println("================ End of Problem 2 ================"); } public static void TestP1() { NumberStack myStack = new LinkedNumberStack(); int numPassedTests = 0; int numTotalTests = 0; String testResult; // Test 1 numTotalTests++; int iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; String eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.size(); if (iReturn == 0) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": size() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 0" ); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 2 numTotalTests++; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.pop(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (!(e instanceof NullPointerException)) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": pop() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: a RuntimeException"); System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 3 numTotalTests++; boolean bReturn = false; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { myStack.push(10); bReturn = myStack.isEmpty(); if (bReturn == false) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": push(10) and then isEmpty() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: false"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + bReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 4 numTotalTests++; String sReturn = myStack.toString(); if (sReturn.equals("10 ")) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } else testResult = "[Failed]"; System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": toString() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected (from top to bottom): 10 "); System.out.println(" Yours (from top to bottom): " + sReturn + "\n"); // Test 5 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.top(); if (iReturn == 10) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": top() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 10"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 6 numTotalTests++; sReturn = ""; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { myStack.push(20); sReturn = myStack.toString(); if (sReturn.equals("20 10 ")) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": push(20) and then toString() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected (from top to bottom): 20 10 "); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours (from top to bottom): " + sReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 7 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.top(); if (iReturn == 20) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": top() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 20"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 8 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.pop(); if (iReturn == 20) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": pop() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 20"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 9 numTotalTests++; sReturn = myStack.toString(); if (sReturn.equals("10 ")) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } else testResult = "[Failed]"; System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": toString() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected (from top to bottom): 10 "); System.out.println(" Yours (from top to bottom): " + sReturn + "\n"); // Test 10 numTotalTests++; sReturn = ""; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { myStack.push(30); myStack.push(40); myStack.push(50); sReturn = myStack.toString(); if (sReturn.equals("50 40 30 10 ")) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": push(30), push(40), push(50), and then toString() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected (from top to bottom): 50 40 30 10 "); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours (from top to bottom): " + sReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 11 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.size(); if (iReturn == 4) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": size() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 4" ); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 12 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.pop(); iReturn = myStack.top(); if (iReturn == 40) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": pop() and then top() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 40"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 13 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.pop(); iReturn = myStack.size(); if (iReturn == 2) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": pop() and then size() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 2"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 14 numTotalTests++; sReturn = ""; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { myStack.push(20); sReturn = myStack.toString(); if (sReturn.equals("20 30 10 ")) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": push(20) and then toString() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected (from top to bottom): 20 30 10 "); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours (from top to bottom): " + sReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 15 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.size(); if (iReturn == 3) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": size() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 3" ); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 16 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.pop(); iReturn = myStack.pop(); iReturn = myStack.top(); if (iReturn == 10) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": pop() twice and then top() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 10"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 17 numTotalTests++; sReturn = ""; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { sReturn = myStack.toString(); if (sReturn.equals("10 ")) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": toString() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected (from top to bottom): 10 "); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours (from top to bottom): " + sReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 18 numTotalTests++; bReturn = false; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.pop(); bReturn = myStack.isEmpty(); if (bReturn == true && iReturn == 10) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": pop() and then isEmpty() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 10, true"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + ", " + bReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 19 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.size(); if (iReturn == 0) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": size() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 0" ); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 20 numTotalTests++; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.pop(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (!(e instanceof NullPointerException)) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": pop() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: a RuntimeException"); System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 21 numTotalTests++; sReturn = ""; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { myStack.push(70); sReturn = myStack.toString(); if (sReturn.equals("70 ")) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": push(70) and then toString() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected (from top to bottom): 70 "); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours (from top to bottom): " + sReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 22 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.top(); if (iReturn == 70) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": top() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 70"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); // Test 23 numTotalTests++; iReturn = -1; testResult = "[Failed]"; eMsg = "N/A"; try { iReturn = myStack.pop(); iReturn = myStack.size(); if (iReturn == 0) { numPassedTests++; testResult = "[Passed]"; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.println("Test " + numTotalTests + ": pop() and then size() ==> " + testResult + "\n Expected: 0"); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + iReturn + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); System.out.println("Total test cases: " + numTotalTests + "\nCorrect: " + numPassedTests + "\nWrong: " + (numTotalTests - numPassedTests)); } public static void TestP2() { try { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("testNumbers.dat")); StackApps myApps = new StackApps(); ArrayList results = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList(); results = (ArrayList)in.readObject(); numbers = (ArrayList)in.readObject(); char cr; String sr; String eMsg; String currentLine; int numPassedTests = 0; int numTotalTests = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { numTotalTests++; currentLine = numbers.get(i); CharStack signs = new CharStack(64); // stack used to store the signs // push digits of number 1 onto stack for (int j = 0; j < currentLine.length(); j++) signs.push(currentLine.charAt(j)); String strStack = signs.toString(); cr = ' '; eMsg = "N/A"; try { cr = myApps.evaluateSigns(signs); } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.print("Test " + numTotalTests + ": evaluateSigns(" + strStack + ") ==> "); if (cr == results.get(i).charAt(0)) { System.out.println("[Passed]"); numPassedTests++; } else System.out.println("[Failed]"); System.out.println(" Expected: " + results.get(i)); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + cr + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); } for (int i = 9; i < numbers.size(); i++) { numTotalTests++; currentLine = numbers.get(i); String[] operands = currentLine.split(" "); CharStack num1 = new CharStack(64); // stack used to store number 1 CharStack num2 = new CharStack(64); // stack used to store number 2 // push digits of number 1 onto stack for (int j = 0; j < operands[0].length(); j++) num1.push(operands[0].charAt(j)); // push digits of number 2 onto stack for (int j = 0; j < operands[1].length(); j++) num2.push(operands[1].charAt(j)); sr = ""; eMsg = "N/A"; try { sr = myApps.addBigInteger(num1, num2); } catch (RuntimeException e) { eMsg = "RuntimeException - \"" + e.getMessage() + "\""; } System.out.print("Test " + numTotalTests + ": (" + operands[0] + " + " + operands[1] + ") ==> "); if (sr.equals(results.get(i))) { System.out.println("[Passed]"); numPassedTests++; } else System.out.println("[Failed]"); System.out.println(" Expected: " + results.get(i)); if (eMsg.equals("N/A")) System.out.println(" Yours: " + sr + "\n"); else System.out.println(" Yours: " + eMsg + "\n"); } System.out.println("Total test cases: " + numTotalTests + "\nCorrect: " + numPassedTests + "\nWrong: " + (numTotalTests - numPassedTests)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error occurred: " + e.getMessage()); } } }

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