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Designing a Microcontroller Light Control System Program

July 12, 2024
Dr. Sophia Reynolds
Dr. Sophia
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Sophia Reynolds holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University and has over a decade of experience in software development. She specializes in C and has completed over 800 assignments. Her expertise includes memory management techniques, pointer manipulation, and custom memory allocators.
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Key Topics
  • Microcontroller-Based Light Intensity Monitoring and Control
  • Block 1: Include and Configuration Section
  • Block 2: Pin Definitions
  • Block 3: Function Prototyping Section
  • Block 4: Main Function
  • Block 5: Function: light_intensity()
  • Block 6: Function: is_light_greater()
  • Block 7: Function: light_ON()
  • Block 8: Function: light_OFF()
  • Conclusion

The "C-Based Light Intensity Monitoring and Control System" is a meticulously crafted piece of software designed for PIC18F4321 microcontrollers. Rooted in the C programming language, this code establishes a robust and flexible platform for the monitoring and control of light intensity. It initiates with essential configurations, header inclusions, and function prototypes, making it an invaluable resource for assignments that focus on C programming. The core functionality, housed within the main function, seamlessly orchestrates two distinctive operating modes driven by the program_controller variable. User interaction is made intuitive through the integration of the SW2 switch. What sets this system apart is its precision in measuring and displaying light intensity, thanks to the light_intensity function, and its efficient light source control facilitated by the light_ON and light_OFF functions. This code, built in C, not only offers a solid learning foundation but also serves as a springboard for advanced light control system development.

Microcontroller-Based Light Intensity Monitoring and Control

This C code, crafted for a microcontroller like the PIC18F4321, orchestrates the dynamic control of a light source based on both user input and the ambient light intensity as measured by an LDR. With well-defined functions for temperature reading, light intensity measurement, and precise light control, the program is tailored for specific microcontroller configurations and sensor interactions. Its main loop adeptly toggles program modes, adjusting the light source in real-time. The code's comprehensive structure, encompassing LCD display, ADC conversion, and GPIO control, showcases a sophisticated embedded system. If you need help with your C assignment related to microcontroller programming, this example serves as a valuable reference for understanding key concepts and practical implementations.

Block 1: Include and Configuration Section

#include #include < stdlib.h> #include < p18f4321.h> #include < delays.h> #include < cqu_lcd_ver_3.h> #include < usart.h> #include < adc.h> # pragma config WDT = OFF # pragma config LVP = OFF # pragma config BOR = OFF # pragma config OSC = INTIO2

Block 2: Pin Definitions

# define SW2 PORTCbits.RC0 # define Light LATCbits.LATC4

These lines define macros for two pins, SW2 and Light, presumably used for input and output.

Block 3: Function Prototyping Section

protected override void LoadContent() { _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here }

These lines declare the functions that will be defined later in the code.

Block 4: Main Function

void main(void) { // Variable declarations int program_controller, light_cond; // Port configuration and initialization ADCON1 = 0b00001100; TRISCbits.TRISC0 = 1; TRISCbits.TRISC4 = 0; // LCD Initialization LCDInit(); LCDClear(); CursorHome(); CursorMode(); DispControl(); program_controller = 1; while(1) { // Main program logic here } return; }

The main function initializes various settings and enters a loop to control the program based on program_controller. It sets up port configurations, initializes the LCD, and starts the main control loop.

Block 5: Function: light_intensity()

int light_intensity() { // Variable declarations int result, L_intensity; char ch_result[16]; // ADC configuration and measurement OpenADC(ADC_FOSC_32 & ADC_RIGHT_JUST & ADC_12_TAD, ADC_CH1 & ADC_INT_OFF & ADC_REF_VDD_VSS, 15); // ... // Calculate light intensity as a percentage L_intensity = (result * (100 / 1023.0)) / 1; // Display light intensity on the LCD sprintf(ch_result, "L_intensity= %d\%", L_intensity); WriteCmd(0xC0); CursorMode(); DStrToLCD(ch_result); return (L_intensity); }

This function reads and calculates light intensity using the analog-to-digital converter and then displays it on an LCD.

Block 6: Function: is_light_greater()

unsigned char is_light_greater(int thresh, int light_value) { if (light_value > thresh) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }

This function compares the light intensity with a threshold and returns 1 if the light is greater, else returns 0.

Block 7: Function: light_ON()

void light_ON() { Light = 1; }

This function turns on the light (sets Light to 1).

Block 8: Function: light_OFF()

void light_OFF() { Light = 0; }

This function turns off the light (sets Light to 0).


This code reads light intensity from an LDR, presents it on an LCD display, and manages an LED light depending on both the light intensity and the state of a switch (SW2). The value of the program_controller variable directs the program into specific sections, allowing it to either illuminate the light for a demonstration or adjust the light source based on the measured light intensity.

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