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Java Process Scheduling Simulator with Multiple Algorithms

July 16, 2024
Dr. Ophelia Whitethorn
Dr. Ophelia
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Ophelia Whitethorn is a distinguished alumna of the University of York, where she earned her PhD in Computer Science with a focus on cybersecurity and network protocols. With six years of experience in the field, Ophelia has successfully completed over 600 Java Homework assignments.
Tip of the day
Always write structured and optimized queries using proper indexing to enhance performance. Use JOIN operations efficiently instead of subqueries, and apply constraints like PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY to maintain data integrity. Regularly test queries with sample datasets to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
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Key Topics
  • Understanding the Java Process Scheduling Simulator
    • Block 1: Imports and Class Declarations
    • Block 2: Class Process Implementation
    • Block 3: Class A1 and Main Method
    • Block 4: Input Processing in Main Method
    • Block 5: Scheduling Algorithm Runner
    • Block 6: Scheduling Algorithms (FCFS, SPN, PP, PRR)
    • Block 7: Metrics Calculation and Printing
    • Block 8: Summary Metrics Calculation
    • Block 9: Process Times Reset
    • Block 10: Summary Printing
  • Conclusion

This Java program simulates process scheduling using First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS), Shortest Process Next (SPN), Priority (PP), and Priority with Round Robin (PRR) algorithms. The main class, A1, reads process details from an input file, initializes processes, and executes scheduling algorithms. The program calculates and prints metrics such as turnaround time and waiting time for each process. Finally, it generates a summary with average metrics for each algorithm. The modular design allows for easy extension or modification of scheduling algorithms and provides insights into comparative performance.

Understanding the Java Process Scheduling Simulator

This Java program, serving as a process scheduling simulator, utilizes various algorithms like FCFS, SPN, PP, and PRR to manage the execution of processes. It reads input from a file, initializes processes, and employs modular scheduling algorithms to simulate their execution. The design allows for easy expansion or modification of scheduling strategies. For students seeking assistance with Java assignment, this code provides a practical illustration of process scheduling principles and algorithms. Through comprehensive metric calculations and a summary overview, users gain insights into the comparative performance of different scheduling methodologies. This resource can be invaluable for understanding and implementing process management concepts to enhance Java programming skills.

Block 1: Imports and Class Declarations

import java.util.*; import javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFDirectory; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; class Summary { ... } class Process { ... } public class A1 { ... }

Discussion: This block includes the necessary Java imports and class declarations. Summary and Process are used to store summary and process information, respectively. The main class is A1, which contains the main method for the program.

Block 2: Class Process Implementation

class Process { String id; int arrivalTime; int serviceTime; int priority; int turnAroundTime; int waitTime; int endTime; Process() { } Process(String id, int arrivalTime, int serviceTime, int priority) { ... } public void resetTimes() { ... } }

Discussion: This block defines the Process class, representing a process with attributes like id, arrival time, service time, priority, etc. It includes a parameterized constructor and a method resetTimes to reset turnaround time, wait time, and end time.

Block 3: Class A1 and Main Method

public class A1 { static int dispatcherTime; static Summary fcfsSummary; static Summary spnSummary; static Summary ppnSummary; public static void main(String[] args) { ... } static void runSchedulingAlgorithms(List <process> processes) { ... } static void fcfsAlgorithm(List <process> processes) { ... } static void spnAlgorithm(List <process> processes) { ... } static void ppAlgorithm(List <process> processes) { ... } static void prrAlgorithm(List <process> processes) { ... } static void calculateAndPrintMetrics(List <process> processes) { ... } static Summary calculateSummaryMetrics(List <process> processes) { ... } static void resetProcessTimes(List <process> processes) { ... } static void printSummary(List <process> processes) { ... } }

Discussion: This block defines the main class A1 and its static methods. The class contains static variables for dispatcher time and summary metrics. The main method reads input, initializes a list of processes, and then calls the scheduling algorithms and prints the summary.

Block 4: Input Processing in Main Method

if (args.length != 1) { ... } String inputFilePath = args[0]; try { ... }

Discussion: This block checks if the correct number of command-line arguments is provided. It then reads the input file, initializes a scanner, and processes the input file to extract process information and dispatcher time.

Block 5: Scheduling Algorithm Runner

static void runSchedulingAlgorithms(List <process> processes) { ... }</process>

Discussion: This block sorts the list of processes by arrival time and then calls each scheduling algorithm (FCFS, SPN, PP, PRR) with a copy of the processes list.

Block 6: Scheduling Algorithms (FCFS, SPN, PP, PRR)

static void fcfsAlgorithm(List <process> processes) { ... } static void spnAlgorithm(List <process> processes) { ... } static void ppAlgorithm(List <process> processes) { ... } static void prrAlgorithm(List <process> processes) { ... }</process>

Discussion: These blocks implement the FCFS, SPN, PP, and PRR scheduling algorithms. Each algorithm prints the sequence of processes executed, updates metrics, and finally calculates and prints summary metrics.

Block 7: Metrics Calculation and Printing

static void calculateAndPrintMetrics(List <process> processes) { ... }</process>

Discussion: This block calculates and prints the turnaround time and waiting time for each process.

Block 8: Summary Metrics Calculation

static void calculateAndPrintMetrics(List <process> processes) { // ... (calculating and printing metrics) } static Summary calculateSummaryMetrics(List <process> processes) { // ... (calculating summary metrics) } </process> </process>

Discussion: These methods calculate and print process metrics and summary metrics.

Block 9: Process Times Reset

static void resetProcessTimes(List <process> processes) { // ... (resetting process times) } </process>

Discussion: This block resets the turnaround time, wait time, and end time for each process in the given list.

Block 10: Summary Printing

static void printSummary(List <process> processes) { // ... (printing the summary metrics for each algorithm) } </process>

Discussion: Prints the summary metrics for each scheduling algorithm.


In conclusion, this Java process scheduling simulator offers a valuable resource for comprehending and implementing diverse scheduling algorithms. Through its modular design and comprehensive metric calculations, it not only aids in understanding core principles of process management but also serves as a practical tool for students grappling with Java assignments. The simulator's flexibility allows users to explore and experiment with various scheduling strategies, fostering a deeper insight into their comparative performances. As an educational resource, it strikes a balance between theoretical understanding and hands-on application, making it an excellent companion for those aiming to enhance their proficiency in Java programming and grasp the intricacies of process scheduling in a practical context.

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