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Program To Determine If the Characters Are a Part of The Hawaiian Alphabet in Python Assignment Solution.

June 11, 2024
Dr. Zara Silvermist
Dr. Zara
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Zara Silvermist holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Texas, where she specialized in cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and machine learning. With over five years of industry experience, she has completed over 500 Java Homework assignments with precision and expertise.
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Use Ruby's built-in methods like each, map, and select to simplify your code and enhance readability. Always check the Ruby documentation for guidance and examples to understand method usage better.
OpenSilver 3.1: Released on December 10, 2024, this open-source framework enables developers to build rich internet applications using C# and XAML, serving as a successor to Microsoft Silverlight.



Write a java homework program to implement various sorting techniques using Java programming language.

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INSERTION SORT package sortEvaluations; /** * This is an implementation of the Insertion Sort Routine */ public class InsertionSort> implements Sorter { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String nameOfSort() { return "Insertion Sort"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * * This will have no affect on insertion sort itself. */ @Override public void setConstant(double constant) { // No affect on Insertion Sort } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Sort the array using the insertion sort algorithm */ @Override public void sort(Type[] array) { int i = 1; while (i < array.length) { int j = i; while (j > 0 && array[j-1].compareTo(array[j]) > 0) { Sorter.swap(array, j, j-1); j--; } i++; } } /** * Insertion Sort. * * Write an inplace insertion sort that works on the VIRTUAL array defined by the actual array from * [start --> end]. * * This is placed here as a static method so that it can be used by Merge Sort and Quick Sort for their * cutoff enhancement. You can also simply call it in the sort method above as well... * * @param - a comparable object * @param array - The array to sort * @param start - the start of the (sub) array to sort * @param end - the end of the (sub) array to sort */ public static > void sort(Type[] array, int start, int end) { // int i = start + 1; // while (i < end + 1) { // int j = i; // while (j > start && array[j-1].compareTo(array[j]) > 0) { // sortEvaluations.Sorter.swap(array, j, j-1); // j--; // } // i++; // } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ComplexityClass getExpectedComplexityClass() { return ComplexityClass.N_SQUARED; } } MERGE SORT package sortEvaluations; /** * This is an implementation of the Merge Sort Routine */ public class MergeSort> implements Sorter { /** * Have a value for switching over to insertion sort. Should be changed * by the setConstant method. */ double cutOff = 7; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String nameOfSort() { return "Merge Sort using a cutoff " + this.cutOff; } /** * Merge sort * * * Check for single array * Divide array in half * Merge sort first half * Merge sort second half * Combine halves * * * @param array - The array to sort * @param auxillary - The auxillary array to help copy values * @param low - the low index of the (sub) array * @param high - the high index of the (sub) array */ private void mergeSort(Type[] array, Type[] auxillary, int low, int high) { if (low >= high) { return; } int middle = (low + high) / 2; mergeSort(array, auxillary, low, middle); mergeSort(array, auxillary, middle+1, high); merge(array, auxillary, low, middle, high); } /** * Merge the sub arrays (or the left and right arrays). Use the * auxillary array for extra space to help copy values or for * "scratch space" * * @param array - The array to sort * @param auxillary - The auxillary array to help copy values * @param low - the low index of the "lower" or "left" array * @param mid - the mid index of the two sub arrays * @param high - the high index of the "upper" or "right" array */ private void merge(Type[] array, Type[] auxillary, int low, int mid, int high) { if (high + 1 - low >= 0) System.arraycopy(array, low, auxillary, low, high + 1 - low); int i = low; int j = mid + 1; for (int k = low; k <= high; k++) { if (i > mid) { array[k] = auxillary[j]; j++; } else if (j > high) { array[k] = auxillary[i]; i++; } else if (auxillary[i].compareTo(auxillary[j]) <= 0) { array[k] = auxillary[i]; i++; } else { array[k] = auxillary[j]; j++; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Changes the cutoff for when to use insertion sort. */ public void setConstant(double cutoff) { this.cutOff = cutoff; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Sort the array using the merge sort algorithm */ @Override public void sort(Type[] array) { // These tricky lines of code is creating a new generic array for you... @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Type[] auxillary = (Type[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(array.getClass().getComponentType(), array.length); mergeSort(array, auxillary, 0, array.length - 1); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ComplexityClass getExpectedComplexityClass() { return ComplexityClass.N_LOG_N; } } QUICK SORT package sortEvaluations; import java.util.Random; /** * This code is an abstract base class for all versions of quicksort. * * The children classes will implement the toString and getPivot methods. * * Instrument it to allow the changing of the Insertion Sort Switch over. */ public abstract class QuickSort> implements Sorter { /** * Create a field for the insertion sort cutoff level. Should be * changed by setConstant. */ double cutoff = 3; /** * Choose a Pivot in the array. The pivot location will be used to swap the * first value in the array. Each Quick Sort will apply this differently. * * @param array - The array to sort * @param start - the start position in the (sub) array * @param mid - the mid position in the (sub) array * @param end - the end position in the (sub) array * @return - the index of the element to swap */ protected abstract int getPivot(Type[] array, int start, int mid, int end); /** * Given an array, partition the array such that all the elements lower than or * equal to the pivot are on the left, all the elements greater than the pivot * are on the right. * * @param array - data data to sort * @param left - the start index of the sub array (inclusive) * @param right - the end index of the sub array (inclusive) * * @return the location of the pivot */ protected int partition(Type[] array, int left, int right) { int pivotIndex = getPivot(array, left, (left + right)/2, right); Sorter.swap(array, pivotIndex, right); Type pivot = array[right]; int i = (left-1); for (int j = left; j < right; j++) { if (array[j].compareTo(pivot) < 0 || (array[j].compareTo(pivot) == 0 && new Random().nextBoolean())) { i++; Sorter.swap(array, i, j); } } Sorter.swap(array, i+1, right); return i+1; } /** * The actual Quick Sort on an Array routine. * * Algorithm: * * Choose a pivot (store in first bucket for convenience) * move all elements higher than the pivot to the right side of the array * move all elements lower than the pivot to the left side of the array * put the pivot back between upper and lower group * sort left side * sort right side * * (WARNING: don't sort pivot again) * * @param array - data to be sorted * @param start is the index of the beginning element * @param end is the index of the last element */ private void quickSort(Type[] array, int start, int end) { if (start < end) { int partitionIndex = partition(array, start, end); quickSort(array, start, partitionIndex-1); quickSort(array, partitionIndex+1, end); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Sort the array using the quick sort algorithm. */ public void sort(Type[] array) { quickSort(array, 0, array.length - 1); } /** * The constant in this case is the insertion sort cutoff level... always * greater than 3 */ public void setConstant(double constant) { this.cutoff = constant; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ComplexityClass getExpectedComplexityClass() { return ComplexityClass.N_LOG_N; } } SHELL SORT package sortEvaluations; /** * Code inspired by Mark Allen Weiss' code * this is an implementation of the Shell Sort Routine * * This code is provided for you as an example. * * @author H. James de St. Germain - Edited by Alex May * @date Spring 2007 * @edited Fall 2020 */ public class ShellSort> implements Sorter { /** * The choice of "gap" for shell sort. This can be changed by setConstant */ double GAP = 2.2; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String nameOfSort() { return "Shell Sort using a gap of " + this.GAP; } /** * For details on Shell Sort, see the Text or google * * @param array the values to sort from small to high */ private void shellSort(Type[] array) { int gap = array.length / 2; while (gap > 0) { for (int i = gap; i < array.length; i++) { Type tmp = array[i]; int j = i; while (j >= gap && tmp.compareTo(array[j - gap]) < 0) { Sorter.swap(array, j, j - gap); j -= gap; } } // change the gap value to a smaller value if (gap == 2) { gap = 1; } else { gap = (int) (gap / this.GAP); } } } /** * * {@inheritDoc} * * For Shell Sort, this allows the gap to be changed to test other * values. */ public void setConstant(double cutoff) { this.GAP = cutoff; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * This will sort the array using Shell Sort. */ @Override public void sort(Type[] array) { shellSort(array); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Shell sort is an N_SQUARED algorithm. */ @Override public ComplexityClass getExpectedComplexityClass() { return ComplexityClass.N_SQUARED; } }

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