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How to Implement Seven-Segment Display Driver in VHDL

July 16, 2024
Sarah Parker
Sarah Parker
🇨🇦 Canada
Sarah Parker is an experienced VHDL Assignment Specialist with a decade of expertise. She earned her Master's degree at the University of Toronto, Canada
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Key Topics
  • Building VHDL Seven-Segment Display
  • Prerequisites
  • Creating the VHDL Code
    • Entity Declaration
    • Architecture
    • Process Block
    • Output Logic
  • Conclusion

In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the step-by-step process of creating a Seven-Segment Display Driver in VHDL. Whether you're a student seeking coursework assistance, a hobbyist working on a personal project, or an electronics enthusiast looking to enhance your digital design skills, this guide is your resource for clarity and expertise. We'll break down the complexities, provide detailed explanations, and offer practical insights to ensure your success in implementing this fundamental component of digital electronics.

Building VHDL Seven-Segment Display

Explore our comprehensive guide on 'How to Implement Seven-Segment Display Driver in VHDL.' Whether you're a student looking to enhance your VHDL skills or in need of assistance to write your VHDL assignment, this guide equips you with the knowledge to create a versatile Seven-Segment Display Driver for various digital design projects.


Before we dive into the VHDL code, it's essential to ensure you have the necessary prerequisites in place:

  • Basic VHDL Knowledge: While we'll explain the code in detail, having a basic understanding of VHDL will be beneficial.
  • VHDL Development Environment: You'll need access to a VHDL development environment such as Xilinx Vivado or Altera Quartus.
  • Hardware Platform: To test your VHDL code, you'll require a compatible FPGA board or hardware platform.

Now, let's explore how to create your Seven-Segment Display Driver in VHDL.

Creating the VHDL Code

We'll break down the VHDL code into clear blocks, providing explanations for each section:

Entity Declaration

The "Entity Declaration" section defines the interface of our Seven-Segment Display Driver module. The entity keyword specifies the module's name, which will be used for instantiation in other VHDL designs. Each port is declared with specific directions (in or out) and data types (e.g., STD_LOGIC or STD_LOGIC_VECTOR). In our case, the inputs include the clock (clk), reset (reset), and data input (data_in), while the outputs are the seven-segment display segments (seg_out) and the digit selection signals (dig_sel).

```vhdl entity SevenSegmentDriver is Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); -- 4-bit data for the display seg_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0); -- 7-segment display segments dig_sel : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) -- Digit selection ); end SevenSegmentDriver; ```

Explanation: This section defines the input and output ports of your SevenSegmentDriver module, including the clock (`clk`), reset (`reset`), data input (`data_in`), seven-segment display output (`seg_out`), and digit selection output (`dig_sel`).


In the "Architecture" section, we provide the internal structure and behavior of our Seven-Segment Display Driver. This is where we declare signals like display_data and digit_selector, which are used for temporary data storage. The constant block defines the mapping between digit values (0-9, A-F) and their corresponding 7-segment display patterns. Understanding this section is crucial, as it sets the foundation for how our driver operates internally.

```vhdl architecture Behavioral of SevenSegmentDriver is signal display_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0000"; signal digit_selector : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "1110"; -- Starts with the leftmost digit -- Define the 7-segment display patterns (common cathode) constant segment_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0) := "0000001", -- 0 "1001111", -- 1 "0010010", -- 2 "0000110", -- 3 "1001100", -- 4 "0100100", -- 5 "0100000", -- 6 "0001111", -- 7 "0000000", -- 8 "0000100", -- 9 "1111110", -- A "0110000", -- B "1001000", -- C "0110001", -- D "1001000", -- E "1000000"; -- F ```

Explanation: In this section, we define signals for data storage (`display_data`) and digit selection (`digit_selector`). Additionally, we provide a constant array (`segment_data`) that maps digit values (0-9, A-F) to their corresponding 7-segment display patterns.

Process Block

The "Process Block" is the heart of our VHDL code. It's where we define the behavior of our display driver. In this section, we describe how the display data should change based on the clock and reset signals. When the reset signal is asserted (reset = '1'), our driver resets the display data and digit selection to their initial states. On the rising edge of the clock (rising_edge(clk)), we shift the display data to the left and rotate the digit selector to choose the next digit for display. This process keeps the display updated at the desired rate, creating the illusion of a continuously changing display.

```vhdl process(clk, reset) begin if reset = '1' then display_data <= "0000"; digit_selector <= "1110"; -- Start with the leftmost digit elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- Shift the data to the left and wrap around display_data <= display_data(2 downto 0) & data_in(0); -- Rotate the digit selector to the next digit digit_selector <= digit_selector(2 downto 0) & digit_selector(3); end if; end process; ``

Explanation: This process block handles data shifting and digit selection. It responds to both the clock (`clk`) and reset (`reset`) signals. On a reset signal assertion (`reset` = '1'), the display data and digit selection are initialized. During a rising clock edge, the display data shifts left, and the digit selector rotates to choose the next digit.

Output Logic

The "Output Logic" section is where we translate the internal state of our driver into the actual signals that control the seven-segment display and digit selection. For the seg_out output, we use the to_integer(unsigned(display_data)) construct to select the appropriate 7-segment pattern from our segment_data constant based on the current display data. This section ensures that the correct segments of the seven-segment display are activated to display the desired digits or characters. Additionally, the dig_sel output represents which digit is currently active, allowing us to multiplex between multiple digits in a multi-digit display setup. Understanding this section is crucial for interfacing our driver with the physical display hardware.

```vhdl -- Output logic for the 7-segment display seg_out <= segment_data(to_integer(unsigned(display_data))); -- Output digit selection dig_sel <= digit_selector; ```

Explanation: In this section, we assign the display data to the appropriate 7-segment pattern based on the `segment_data` constant and output the digit selection signals.


By following these comprehensive steps and explanations, you can confidently create a basic Seven-Segment Display Driver in VHDL. This driver is not only versatile but also a foundational building block for numerous digital applications. It can seamlessly integrate into various FPGA or microcontroller-based projects that demand the use of common cathode seven-segment displays. As you gain experience, don't hesitate to customize the code further to align precisely with your unique hardware specifications and project objectives. The possibilities are endless, and this guide equips you with the knowledge to embark on exciting digital design endeavors.

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