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Implement Scheduler for Simulated Processes And Record Processes As Gantt Chart Assignment Solution

July 04, 2024
James Trafford
James Trafford
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
James, a Master of Science in Computer Science, excels in advanced Makefile features and optimization techniques. Having completed 900 assignments, his solutions demonstrate a deep understanding of Makefile intricacies, providing students with invaluable insights and guidance.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
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Use Python libraries effectively by importing only what you need. For example, if you're working with data, using libraries like pandas and numpy can save time and simplify complex tasks like data manipulation and analysis.
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Write a C assignment program to implement scheduler for simulated processes and record processes as Gantt charts.

Requirements and Specifications

The input parsing is given in the skeleton code. It is useful to understand the input format.
All values are either integers or strings.
You can assume that all values are valid.
  • For example, num_process must be a positive integer less than or equal to 10, and so on. Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored.
  • Without these comment lines, it is very hard to understand the input file format of constant:
  • Name =
Format of vector (i.e., an array of value)
  • Name =
Screenshots of output
Implement scheduler for simulated process and record processes as Gantt chart in C
Implement scheduler for simulated process and record processes as Gantt chart in C 1
Source Code
// Note: Necessary header files are included
// Do not add extra header files
#define _GNU_SOURCE
// For simplicity, assume that we have at most 10 processes
#define MAX_PROCESS 10
// Assume that we only need to support 2 types of space characters:
// " " (space), "\t" (tab)
#define SPACE_CHARS " \t"
// Keywords (to be used when parsing the input)
#define KEYWORD_NUM_PROCESS "num_process"
#define KEYWORD_SCHED_LATENCY "sched_latency"
#define KEYWORD_MIN_GRANULARITY "min_granularity"
#define KEYWORD_BURST_TIME "burst_time"
#define KEYWORD_NICE_VALUE "nice_value"
// Useful string template used in printf()
// We will use diff program to auto-grade
// Please use the following templates in printf to avoid formatting errors
// Examples:
// printf(template_cfs_algorithm) # print === CFS algorithm ===\n on the screen
// printf(template_step_i, 0) # print === Step 0 ===\n on the screen
const char template_key_value_pair[] = "%s = %d\n";
const char template_parsed_values[] = "=== CFS input values ===\n";
const char template_cfs_algorithm[] = "=== CFS algorithm ===\n";
const char template_step_i[] = "=== Step %d ===\n";
const char template_gantt_chart[] = "=== Gantt chart ===\n";
// The lookup table for the mapping of nice value to the weight value
static const int DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 1024;
static const int NICE_TO_WEIGHT[40] = {
    88761, 71755, 56483, 46273, 36291, // nice: -20 to -16
    29154, 23254, 18705, 14949, 11916, // nice: -15 to -11
     9548, 7620, 6100, 4904, 3906, // nice: -10 to -6
     3121, 2501, 1991, 1586, 1277, // nice: -5 to -1
     1024, 820, 655, 526, 423, // nice: 0 to 4
      335, 272, 215, 172, 137, // nice: 5 to 9
      110, 87, 70, 56, 45, // nice: 10 to 14
       36, 29, 23, 18, 15, // nice: 15 to 19
// Helper function: look up the weight value based on the given nice value
// Valid nice value: -20 to 19 (inclusive)
int nice_to_weight(int nice) {
    if (nice < -20 || nice > 19)
        perror("Error: wrong nice_to_weight value");
    return NICE_TO_WEIGHT[nice+20];
// struct CFSProcess - a data structure for the CFS scheduling
struct CFSProcess {
    int weight; // the weight value, lookup based on the nice value
    double vruntime; // each process needs to store its vruntime
    int remain_time; // initially, it is equal to the burst_time. This value keeps decreasing until 0
    int time_slice; // to be calculated based on the input values at the beginning of the CFS scheduling
// Constant and data structure for Gantt chart dispaly
#define MAX_GANTT_CHART 300
struct GanttChartItem {
    int pid;
    int duration;
// Global variables:
// For simplicity, let's make everything static without any dyanmic memory allocation
// In other words, we don't need to use malloc()/free()
// It will save you lots of time to debug if everything is static
int num_process = 0;
int sched_latency = 0;
int min_granularity = 0;
int burst_time[MAX_PROCESS] = {0};
int nice_value[MAX_PROCESS] = {0};
struct CFSProcess process[MAX_PROCESS];
struct GanttChartItem chart[MAX_GANTT_CHART];
int num_chart_item = 0;
int finish_process_count = 0; // the number of finished process
// Helper function: print the Gantt chart
void gantt_chart_print() {
    int t=0, i=0, id=0;
    printf("%d ", t);
    for (i=0; i
        t = t + chart[i].duration;
        printf("P%d %d ", chart[i].pid, t);
// Helper function: append an item to the Gantt chart
void gantt_chart_append_item(int pid, int duration) {
    int i = num_chart_item;
    chart[i].pid = pid;
    chart[i].duration = duration;
    num_chart_item = i+1;
// Helper function: Check whether the line is a blank line (for input parsing)
int is_blank(char *line) {
    char *ch = line;
    while ( *ch != '\0' ) {
        if ( !isspace(*ch) )
            return 0;
    return 1;
// Helper function: Check whether the input line should be skipped (for input parsing)
int is_skip(char *line) {
    if ( is_blank(line) )
        return 1;
    char *ch = line ;
    while ( *ch != '\0' ) {
        if ( !isspace(*ch) && *ch == '#')
            return 1;
    return 0;
// Helper function: print an array of integer
void print_vec(char *name, int vec[MAX_PROCESS], int n) {
    int i;
    printf("%s = [", name);
    for (i=0;i
        printf("%d", vec[i]);
        if ( i
// Helper: print the parsed values on the console
void print_parsed_values() {
    printf(template_key_value_pair, KEYWORD_NUM_PROCESS, num_process);
    printf(template_key_value_pair, KEYWORD_SCHED_LATENCY, sched_latency);
    printf(template_key_value_pair, KEYWORD_MIN_GRANULARITY, min_granularity);
    print_vec(KEYWORD_BURST_TIME, burst_time, num_process);
    print_vec(KEYWORD_NICE_VALUE, nice_value, num_process);
// Helper: calculate the per-process time slice
int calculate_per_process_time_slice(
    int weight, // weight of a process
    int sched_latency, // the scheduler latency
    int sum_of_weight // total sum of weights
    ) {
    return (int)((double) weight * sched_latency / sum_of_weight);
// Helper: calculate the new per-process vruntime
double calculate_new_vruntime(
    double vruntime, // the old vruntime
    double runtime, // how much time the process run
    double weight // weight of a process
    ) {
    return vruntime + (double) DEFAULT_WEIGHT / weight * runtime;
// Helper: The tokenize function
// Note: Unlike PA1, we won't add the NULL item because
// we won't use it with execvp
void parse_tokens(char **argv, char *line, int *numTokens, char *delimiter) {
    int argc = 0;
    char *token = strtok(line, delimiter);
    while (token != NULL)
        argv[argc++] = token;
        token = strtok(NULL, delimiter);
    *numTokens = argc;
// Helper: print the CFS processes in a table
void print_cfs_process() {
    int i;
    for (i=0;i
// Helper: The input parsing is given
// You don't need to implement the input parsing in PA2
void parse_input() {
    FILE *fp = stdin;
    char *line = NULL;
    ssize_t nread;
    size_t len = 0;
    char *two_tokens[2]; // buffer for 2 tokens
    char *process_tokens[MAX_PROCESS]; // buffer for n tokens
    int numTokens = 0, n=0, i=0;
    char equal_plus_spaces_delimiters[5] = "";
    strcpy(equal_plus_spaces_delimiters, "=");
    while ( (nread = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1 ) {
        if ( is_skip(line) == 0) {
            line = strtok(line,"\n");
            if (strstr(line, KEYWORD_NUM_PROCESS)) {
                // parse num_process
                parse_tokens(two_tokens, line, &numTokens, equal_plus_spaces_delimiters);
                if (numTokens == 2) {
                    sscanf(two_tokens[1], "%d", &num_process);
            } else if (strstr(line, KEYWORD_SCHED_LATENCY)) {
                // parse sched_latency
                parse_tokens(two_tokens, line, &numTokens, equal_plus_spaces_delimiters);
                if (numTokens == 2) {
                    sscanf(two_tokens[1], "%d", &sched_latency);
            } else if (strstr(line, KEYWORD_MIN_GRANULARITY)) {
                // parse min_granularity
                parse_tokens(two_tokens, line, &numTokens, equal_plus_spaces_delimiters);
                if (numTokens == 2) {
                    sscanf(two_tokens[1], "%d", &min_granularity);
            } else if (strstr(line, KEYWORD_BURST_TIME)) {
                // parse the burst_time
                // note: we parse the equal delimiter first
                parse_tokens(two_tokens, line, &numTokens, "=");
                if (numTokens == 2) {
                    // parse the second part using SPACE_CHARS
                    parse_tokens(process_tokens, two_tokens[1], &n, SPACE_CHARS);
                    for (i=0; i
                        sscanf(process_tokens[i], "%d", &burst_time[i]);
            } else if (strstr(line, KEYWORD_NICE_VALUE)) {
                // parse the nice_value
                // note: we parse the equal delimiter first
                parse_tokens(two_tokens, line, &numTokens, "=");
                if (numTokens == 2) {
                    // parse the second part using SPACE_CHARS
                    parse_tokens(process_tokens, two_tokens[1], &n, SPACE_CHARS);
                    for (i=0; i
                        sscanf(process_tokens[i], "%d", &nice_value[i]);
// initialize the array of CFSProcess
void init_cfs_process() {
    int i;
    int weight_sum = 0, ts;
    for (i = 0; i < num_process; i++)
        process[i].weight = nice_to_weight(nice_value[i]);
        process[i].vruntime = 0.0;
        process[i].remain_time = burst_time[i];
        weight_sum += process[i].weight;
    for (i = 0; i < num_process; i++)
        ts = calculate_per_process_time_slice(process[i].weight, sched_latency, weight_sum);
        process[i].time_slice = (ts < min_granularity)? min_granularity : ts;
// get the running process with the smallest vruntime
int get_smallest_vrt()
    int i;
    int imin = -1;
    double vrtmin = 1e6;
    for (i = 0; i < num_process; i++)
        if (process[i].remain_time > 0 && process[i].vruntime < vrtmin)
            imin = i;
            vrtmin = process[i].vruntime;
    return imin;
// simplified CFS scheduling
void run_cfs_scheduling() {
    int step = 0;
    int sel_proc;
    int runtime;
    printf(template_step_i, step++);
    finish_process_count = 0;
    while (finish_process_count != num_process)
        sel_proc = get_smallest_vrt();
        if (process[sel_proc].remain_time < process[sel_proc].time_slice)
            runtime = process[sel_proc].remain_time;
            runtime = process[sel_proc].time_slice;
        gantt_chart_append_item(sel_proc, runtime);
        process[sel_proc].remain_time -= runtime;
        process[sel_proc].vruntime = calculate_new_vruntime(process[sel_proc].vruntime, runtime,process[sel_proc].weight);
        printf(template_step_i, step++);
        if (process[sel_proc].remain_time == 0)
int main() {
    parse_input(); // parse the input
    print_parsed_values(); // print the parsed input values
    init_cfs_process(); // initialize the processes
    run_cfs_scheduling(); // run the simplified CFS
    gantt_chart_print(); // display the final Gantt chart
    return 0;

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