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Program To Implement a Delivery Program Using a Linked List Data Structure in C++ Language Assignment Solution

July 09, 2024
Dr. Archer Mitchell
Dr. Archer
🇺🇸 United States
Data Structures and Algorithms
With a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Brown University, USA, Dr. Mitchell brings over 7 years of experience to the table. His expertise, honed at Imperial College London, reflects in the meticulous completion of over 800 Algorithm Assignments. Entrust your academic journey to Dr. Mitchell for insightful guidance and exemplary solutions.
Key Topics
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Tip of the day
Always write structured and optimized queries using proper indexing to enhance performance. Use JOIN operations efficiently instead of subqueries, and apply constraints like PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY to maintain data integrity. Regularly test queries with sample datasets to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
​In 2025, leading Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio Code and JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA have integrated advanced AI-powered coding assistants, enhancing code completion and debugging capabilities for students and professionals alike.



Write a C++ homework to implement a delivery program using a linked list data structure.

Requirements and Specifications

implement delivery program using a linked list data structure in C
implement delivery program using a linked list data structure in C 1

Source Code

/* * * COSC 051 Fall 2020 * Project #5 Code * * Due on: 7 December 2020 * * In accordance with class policies and Georgetown’s Honor Code, * I certify that, with the exception of the class resources and those * items noted below, I have neither given nor received any assistance * on this project. * * Note that you may use without citation any help from our TAs, * professors, or any code taken from the course textbook. */ #include #include #include using namespace std; class Delivery { friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Delivery& d) { string itemsLine; unsigned int milk; unsigned int cheese; unsigned int meat; getline(in, d.orderID); getline(in, d.address1); getline(in, d.address2); getline(in, itemsLine); stringstream s(itemsLine); s >> d.milk; s >> d.cheese; s >> d.meat; return in; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Delivery& d) { out << d.orderID << endl; out << d.address1 << endl; out << d.address2 << endl; out << "Milk: " << d.milk << endl; out << "Cheese: " << d.cheese << endl; out << "Meat: " << d.meat << endl; return out; } public: Delivery() { orderID = ""; address1 = ""; address2 = ""; milk = 0; cheese = 0; meat = 0; nextDelivery = nullptr; } Delivery(string newID, string newA1, string newA2, unsigned int newMilk, unsigned int newCheese, unsigned int newMeat) { orderID = newID; address1 = newA1; address2 = newA2; milk = newMilk; cheese = newCheese; meat = newMeat; nextDelivery = nullptr; } void printAddress() { cout << address1 << " " << address2 << endl; } void printItems() { cout << "Milk: " << milk << endl; cout << "Cheese: " << cheese << endl; cout << "Meat: " << meat << endl; } void setNextDelivery(Delivery* newNext) { nextDelivery = newNext; } Delivery* getNextDelivery() const { return nextDelivery; } string getID() const { return orderID; } unsigned int getMilk() const { return milk; } unsigned int getCheese() const { return cheese; } unsigned int getMeat() const { return meat; } private: string orderID; string address1; string address2; unsigned int milk; unsigned int cheese; unsigned int meat; Delivery* nextDelivery; }; class Route { public: Route() { head = nullptr; } Route(string filename) { head = nullptr; load_route_file(filename); } // Create new Route and load file int load_route_file(string filename) { ifstream f(filename); int n = 0; if (!f) { cout << "Can not open file: " + filename << endl; return n; } while (true) { Delivery *d = new Delivery(); if (!(f >> (*d))) { delete d; break; } add_delivery(d); n++; } f.close(); return n; } // Returns number of deliveries loaded void print_full_route() { Delivery* current = head; while (current != nullptr) { cout << (*current) << endl; current = current->getNextDelivery(); } } void print_addresses() { Delivery* current = head; while (current != nullptr) { current->printAddress(); current = current->getNextDelivery(); } } void print_items() { Delivery* current = head; while (current != nullptr) { current->printItems(); cout << endl; current = current->getNextDelivery(); } } void count_items() { Delivery* current = head; unsigned int milk = 0; unsigned int cheese = 0; unsigned int meat = 0; while (current != nullptr) { milk += current->getMilk(); cheese += current->getCheese(); meat += current->getMeat(); current = current->getNextDelivery(); } cout << "Total milk: " << milk << endl; cout << "Total cheese: " << cheese << endl; cout << "Total meat: " << meat << endl; } void print_order(string ID) { Delivery* d = find_delivery(ID); if (d == nullptr) { cout << "No order with ID " << ID << " was found" << endl; } else { cout << (*d) << endl; } } void clear_deliveries() { Delivery* current = head; while (current != nullptr) { Delivery* next = current->getNextDelivery(); delete current; current = next; } head = nullptr; } private: void add_delivery(Delivery *d) { d->setNextDelivery(head); head = d; } // Add parameter to list Delivery* find_delivery(string ID) { Delivery* current = head; while (current != nullptr) { if (current->getID() == ID) { return current; } current = current->getNextDelivery(); } return nullptr; } // Return matching Delivery or nullptr Delivery* head; // Head pointer of linked list }; char showMenu() { string line; while (true) { cout << "Please, choose on of the options:" << endl; cout << "Load a delivery file (L)" << endl; cout << "Show all delivery information (D)" << endl; cout << "Show delivery addresses (A)" << endl; cout << "Show delivery items (I)" << endl; cout << "Show counts of items on route (C)" << endl; cout << "Find an order by ID (F)" << endl; cout << "Clear all loaded data (X)" << endl; cout << "Quit the program (Q)" << endl; cin >> line; char choice = toupper(line[0]); if (choice == 'L') { return 'L'; } else if (choice == 'D') { return 'D'; } else if (choice == 'A') { return 'A'; } else if (choice == 'I') { return 'I'; } else if (choice == 'C') { return 'C'; } else if (choice == 'F') { return 'F'; } else if (choice == 'X') { return 'X'; } else if (choice == 'Q') { return 'Q'; } else { cout << "Invalid input. Please, try again" << endl; cout << endl; } } } int main() { Route route; bool isOver = false; string filename; string userId; int size = 0; while (!isOver) { switch(showMenu()) { case 'L': cout << "Please, enter delivery filename: "; cin >> filename; size = route.load_route_file(filename); break; case 'D': if (size == 0) { cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl; } else { route.print_full_route(); } break; case 'A': if (size == 0) { cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl; } else { route.print_addresses(); } break; case 'I': if (size == 0) { cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl; } else { route.print_items(); } break; case 'C': if (size == 0) { cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl; } else { route.count_items(); } break; case 'F': if (size == 0) { cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl; } else { cout << "Please, enter user id: "; cin >> userId; route.print_order(userId); } break; case 'X': route.clear_deliveries(); cout << "Data was cleared" << endl; break; case 'Q': isOver = true; break; } cout << endl; } cout << "Good Bye!" << endl; }

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