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Identify Whether A File Is Text Or Binary In C Language Assignment Solution

July 03, 2024
Doreen McQueen
Doreen McQueen
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Doreen, with a Master's degree in Software Engineering, brings a wealth of knowledge in cross-platform Makefile development and integration of external libraries. With 600 assignments under her belt, her expertise ensures students receive high-quality solutions tailored to their needs.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break down your Raptor assignment into small, logical steps before designing the flowchart. Use proper symbols for input, processing, and output, and test your logic with sample inputs to ensure accuracy. Always save and review your work to catch any errors before submission.
The U.S. State Department is developing educational programs aligned with India's National Education Policy, offering Indian students pathways to pursue specialized master's degrees in artificial intelligence at American universities.


Write a program in C language to identify whether a file is text or binary.

Requirements and Specifications

Problem 1 (25):
Write a C program that will open the text file numbers.txt, and parse the contents of the file.
  1. The file contains floating point numbers that represent grades out of 100.0%.
  2. The contents of the file are in the following format:
    1. numberX :NNN.NN
    2. X – represent a value from 0-999
    3. NNN.NN – represents a number in the range (0.00 – 100.00) inclusive
  3. Your program will perform the following actions:
    1. Look for numbers below and equal to 60.00, and do the following:
      1. Open a new file called below60.txt, in text mode
      2. Write the numbers into a file 10 per row and separated by space(s)
    2. Look for numbers above 60.00, and do the following:
      1. Open a file called above60.txt
      2. Write the numbers into a file 10 per row and separated by space
    3. Close all files on completion and print the following information:
      1. A count of the number of floats in the file numbers.txt
      2. The count of numbers in the file below60.txt
      3. The count of numbers in the file above60.txt

Problem 2 (40):

Write a C program that will open one of the files labelled: filea.hex, fileb.hex, filec.hex, filed.hex, filee.hex

The program will perform the following actions:
  1. Ask the user to enter the name of the file to open. The user can choose any of the files listed above. (filea, fileb etc).
  2. IMPORTANT: You must ask for the filename, and use the entered string in the fopen function.
    1. Read the contents of the file and produce the following output format
      1. Offset is the hexadecimal representation of the first value in each line. The value 00000 is the offset of value 7f – which is the control sequence DEL. The value 00010 is the offset of the value 03 which is the control sequence ETX.
      2. Hexadecimal Data represents the hexadecimal values of each character in the text file.
      3. Character Format represents the characters that were read from the file.
    2. Print a ‘.’ when there isn’t an ASCII representation of the retrieved character from the file.
    3. You should print a final summarization of the contents of the file; based on the following criteria
      1. Print the value of the first 4 bytes of the file as a hexadecimal value. Remember that the bytes are placed in the file in little endian format.
      2. If 75 – 100% of the bytes in the file fall in the range of printable ascii characters (0x20 – 0x7E) then conclude that this was a Text file
      3. If 25 – 74% of the bytes in the file fall in the range of printable ascii characters (0x20 – 0x7E) then conclude that this was possibly a Text file
      4. If less than 25% of the bytes in the file fall in the range of printable ascii characters (0x20 – 0x7E) then conclude that this is a Binary file.

Screenshots of output

Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 1
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 2
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 3
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 4
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 5
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 6
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 7
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 8
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 9
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 10
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 11
Identify whether a file is text or binary in C language 12

Source Code

Question 1


 * Author: ??????

 * Date: April 8, 2022

 * Description: Simple program that reads a file of numbers and saves them in

 * two new files





 * Function to compare two elements in the array for the qsort


int compfun(const void *a, const void *b)


    float diff;

    diff = (*(float *)(b) - *(float *)(a)); // subtract in reverse order

    if (diff < 0)

        return (-1);

    else if (diff > 0)

        return (1);


        return (0);


int main()


    FILE *finput, *fabove60, *fbelow60;

    int i, j;

    int n;

    int numtotal;

    int numabove60;

    int numbelow60;

    float readnum;

    float above60[1000]; // array to save read numbers (maximum 1000)

    float below60[1000]; // array to save read numbers (maximum 1000)

    finput = fopen("numbers.txt", "rt"); // open input file

    numtotal = 0; // initialize total number of numbers

    numbelow60 = 0; // initialize total number of numbers below 60

    numabove60 = 0; // initialize total number of numbers above 60

    // read while there are numbers with the given format

    while (fscanf(finput, "number%d :%f ", &n, &readnum) == 2)


        if (readnum <= 60.00) // if below 60


            below60[numbelow60] = readnum; // copy to array



        else // if above 60


            above60[numabove60] = readnum; // copy to array



        numtotal++; // increment total read


    fclose(finput); // close file

    // sort numbers in both arrays

    qsort(below60, numbelow60, sizeof(float), compfun);

    qsort(above60, numabove60, sizeof(float), compfun);

    fbelow60 = fopen("below60.txt", "wt"); // open output file

    for (i = 0; i < numbelow60; )


        for (j = 0; j < 10 && i < numbelow60; i++, j++) // print 10 numbers


            fprintf(fbelow60, "%6.2f ", below60[i]);


        fprintf(fbelow60, "\n");


    fclose(fbelow60); // close file

    fabove60 = fopen("above60.txt", "wt"); // open output file

    for (i = 0; i < numabove60; )


        for (j = 0; j < 10 && i < numabove60; i++, j++) // print 10 numbers


            fprintf(fabove60, "%6.2f ", above60[i]);


        fprintf(fabove60, "\n");


    fclose(fabove60); // close file

    printf("numbers.txt contains: %d numbers\n", numtotal);

    printf("above60.txt contains: %d numbers\n", numabove60);

    printf("below60.txt contains: %d numbers\n", numbelow60);

    return (0);


Question 2


 * Author: ??????

 * Date: April 8, 2022

 * Description: Simple program that reads a file and display the contents in hex

 * and ascii




// Function prototypes

void print_ascii(char c);

void print_magic_hex(unsigned char *magic);

void print_magic_ascii(unsigned char *magic);

void print_separator();

int print_hex8(unsigned char *line, int start, int len);

void print_ascii16(unsigned char *line, int len);

void print_line(FILE *f, unsigned int offset);

void print_contents(FILE *f);

void print_summary();

// Global variables

int totalbytes = 0; // number of bytes in the file

int numprintables = 0; // number of printable ascii bytes in the file

int main()


    char filename[100];

    unsigned char magic[4];

    FILE *input;

    printf("Filename of binary to hexdump: ");

    fgets(filename, 100, stdin); // read string

    filename[strlen(filename) - 1] = '\0'; // remove ending enter

    input = fopen(filename, "rb"); // open file as binary

    if (input == NULL) // if error opening


        printf("Error opening file \"%s\"\n", filename);

        printf("Terminating program\n");

        return (1);


    fread(magic, 1, 4, input); // read 4 bytes from file (magic number)

    printf("\nMagic number: ");

    print_magic_hex(magic); // print magic as hex

    printf(" FileType: ");

    print_magic_ascii(magic); // print magic as ascii


    fseek(input, 0, SEEK_SET); // move file pointer back to start of file

    print_contents(input); // print all file contents

    // print magic number as int

    printf("Magic Number: 0x");

    print_magic_hex(magic); // print magic as hex




    return (0);



 * Print a byte as ascii, if not printable, prints a dot


void print_ascii(char c)


    if (c >= 32 && c < 127) // if it's a printable ascii


        printf("%c", c); // print byte as ascii








 * Print the magic number (first 4 bytes) of the file as hex


void print_magic_hex(unsigned char *magic)


    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)


        printf("%02X", magic[i]); // print bytes as hex




 * Print the magic number (first 4 bytes) of the file as ascii


void print_magic_ascii(unsigned char *magic)


    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)


        print_ascii(magic[i]); // print bytes as ascii




 * Prints a horizontal separator


void print_separator()


    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 79; i++)







 * Prints 8 bytes of the line of length len starting at given start position

 * returns the last position in the line


int print_hex8(unsigned char *line, int start, int len)


    int i;

    int j = start; // position in line

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)


        if (j < len) // print only bytes in line length


            printf(" %02X", line[j]); // print as hex





            printf(" "); // if printing beyond end of file, use spaces



    return j; // return last position



 * Prints 16 bytes of the line of lenght len


void print_ascii16(unsigned char *line, int len)


    int i;

    int j = 0; // position in line

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)


        if (j < len) // print only bytes in line length


            print_ascii(line[j]); // print as ascii

            if (line[j] >= 32 && line[j] < 127) // if it's a printable ascii

                numprintables++; // increment number of printables





            printf(" "); // if printing beyond end of file, use spaces





 * Print a line of at most 16 bytes from the file, format it to show offset,

 * hex values and ascii values


void print_line(FILE *f, unsigned int offset)


    unsigned char line[16]; // bytes in line

    int nread;

    int pos;


    printf(" %06x ", offset); // print offset as hexadecimal


    nread = fread(line, 1, 16, f); // read 16 bytes

    totalbytes += nread; // add read bytes to total

    pos = print_hex8(line, 0, nread); // print first 8 bytes as hex

    printf(" ");

    print_hex8(line, pos, nread); // print last 8 bytes as hex

    printf(" |");

    print_ascii16(line, nread); // print allbytes as ascii




 * Print all the contents of the file as hex and ascii, pauses every 10 lines


void print_contents(FILE *f)


    unsigned int offset = 0; // starting offset

    int nline;


    printf("| Offset |");

    printf(" Hexadecimal Data ");

    printf("|Character Format|\n");


    while(!feof(f)) // print all contents until EOF


        for (nline = 0; nline < 10 && !feof(f); nline++) // print 10 lines at a time


            print_line(f, offset);

            offset += 16; // advance offset by 16 bytes


        if (!feof(f)) // only wait if there is more content


            printf(" 10 Lines Printed ... Pausing\n");

            printf(" PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE\n");







 * Print a summary of the file based on the printable content


void print_summary()


    int percentage;

    percentage = 100 * numprintables / totalbytes;

    printf("This file is definitely a ");

    if (percentage >= 75)


        printf("text file: >= 75%% ascii\n");


    else if (percentage >= 25)


        printf("binary file between 25%% and 74%% ascii\n");




        printf("binary file: < 25%% ascii\n");



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