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How to Create a Simple Text-Based Adventure Game in Scheme and Prolog

July 16, 2024
Lucia Williams
Lucia Williams
🇨🇦 Canada
Meet Lucia Williams, a seasoned Prolog virtuoso weaving logical brilliance. Passionate about problem-solving, she transforms complexity into elegant solutions.
Key Topics
  • Expert Guidance for Immersive Scheme & Prolog Adventures
  • 1. Scheme Implementation:
  •  2. Prolog Implementation:
  • Conclusion:
Tip of the day
Break your NetLogo model into simple procedures using functions for better readability. Use the ask command efficiently to control agents and optimize performance by minimizing unnecessary computations in the go procedure. Always test your model with small agent populations before scaling up.
LFortran Advances: LFortran, an open-source Fortran compiler, achieved compatibility with the PRIMA library in March 2025, enhancing support for numerical computing.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you step-by-step through the process of designing and implementing an enthralling text-based adventure game using the powerful Scheme and Prolog programming languages. As the players immerse themselves in this interactive fiction, they will be faced with intriguing challenges and pivotal decisions that shape the unfolding narrative, making every play through a unique and captivating experience. Let's embark on this creative journey together and craft a memorable adventure that will keep players coming back for more!

Expert Guidance for Immersive Scheme & Prolog Adventures

Explore the world of text-based adventure game development with our comprehensive guide on using Scheme and Prolog. Uncover the secrets of these programming languages while crafting your own immersive game. And remember, if you need assistance with your Prolog assignment, our expert team is here to support you every step of the way.

1. Scheme Implementation:

Our Scheme implementation allows you to craft a captivating adventure game where players can explore a virtual world and make decisions that shape the story.

```scheme ;; Define game locations and their connections (define locations '((start (north forest)) (forest (south start) (east cave)) (cave (west forest) (south treasure)) (treasure (north cave)))) ;; Helper function to display available directions (define (display_directions) (display "Available directions: ") (for-each (lambda (x) (display (car x)) (display " ")) locations) (newline)) ;; Helper function to get available directions from a location (define (get_available_directions location) (cdr (assoc location locations))) ;; Helper function to check if a location is valid (define (valid_location? location) (not (null? (assoc location locations)))) ;; Main game loop (define (adventure-game current-location) (display "You are in ") (display current-location) (newline) (display_directions) (display "Enter your choice: ") (let ((choice (read-line))) (cond ((equal? choice 'exit) (display "Goodbye!")) ((valid_location? choice) (adventure-game choice)) (else (display "Invalid choice. Try again.") (adventure-game current-location))))) ;; Start the game (adventure-game 'start) ```


  • We first define the locations of our game and their connections using a list of lists called locations. Each location is represented by a pair: the first element is the name of the location, and the second element is a list of the neighboring locations.
  • We create a helper function display_directions to show the available directions from the current location.
  • The function get_available_directions is another helper function that takes the current location as input and returns a list of available neighboring locations.
  • valid_location? is a helper function to check if a location is valid (i.e., it exists in the locations list).
  • The main game loop is defined by the adventure-game function. It takes the current-location as input and repeatedly prompts the player for their choice.
  • The player's choices are read using (let ((choice (read-line))) ...). The program then checks the choice and handles different cases:
  • If the choice is 'exit', the game ends with a goodbye message.
  • If the choice is a valid location, the player moves to that location and continues the game from there.
  • If the choice is not valid, the player is prompted to try again.
  • Finally, the game starts by calling (adventure-game 'start).

 2. Prolog Implementation:

Our Prolog implementation offers an excellent alternative to building your text-based adventure game. With its unique syntax and logical programming approach, you can create an engaging experience for your players.

```prolog %% Define game locations and their connections location(start, 'You are at the start of your adventure.'). location(forest, 'You find yourself in a dense forest.'). location(cave, 'You enter a dark cave.'). location(treasure, 'You discover a hidden treasure!'). connected(start, forest). connected(forest, start). connected(forest, cave). connected(cave, forest). connected(cave, treasure). connected(treasure, cave). %% Helper predicate to display available directions display_directions(Location) :- findall(Direction, connected(Location, Direction), Directions), format('Available directions: ~w~n', [Directions]). %% Main game loop adventure_game(CurrentLocation) :- location(CurrentLocation, Description), format('~w~n', [Description]), display_directions(CurrentLocation), write('Enter your choice: '), read(Choice), ( Choice == exit -> write('Goodbye!') ; connected(CurrentLocation, Choice) -> adventure_game(Choice) ; format('Invalid choice. Try again.~n'), adventure_game(CurrentLocation) ). %% Start the game start_game :- adventure_game(start). ```


  1. We first define the locations of our game and their connections using facts and rules. Each location is represented by a predicate location/2, where the first argument is the location name, and the second argument is a description of the location. The connections between locations are represented by the connected/2 predicate.
  2. The helper predicate display_directions/1 takes a location as input and uses findall to collect all the connected locations, then displays them.
  3. The main game loop is defined by the adventure_game/1 predicate. It takes the CurrentLocation as input and repeatedly prompts the player for their choice.
  4. The player's choices are read using read(Choice). The program then checks the choice and handles different cases using Prolog's pattern matching:
  5. If the choice is 'exit', the game ends with a goodbye message.
  6. If the choice is a valid connected location, the player moves to that location and continues the game from there.
  7. If the choice is not valid, the player is prompted to try again.
  8. Finally, the game starts by calling start_game/0, which sets the initial location to 'start'.

Get Started:

  1. Choose a Programming Language: Decide whether you want to implement the game in Scheme or Prolog. Both languages have their unique features and syntax.
  2. Define Game Locations and Connections: Create a list of locations and their connections in Scheme, or define facts and rules for locations and connections in Prolog.
  3. Implement Game Loop: Write the main game loop that takes player input, processes their choices, and updates the game state accordingly.
  4. Handle Game Events and Endings: Incorporate events, puzzles, and different outcomes based on the player's choices to make the game more engaging.
  5. Test and Debug: Thoroughly test your game to ensure it works as expected. Debug any issues that may arise during testing.
  6. Expand the Game (Optional): If you feel adventurous, consider adding more locations, complex puzzles, or even a storyline to make your game richer.


This guide empowers you to build an enthralling text-based adventure game in Scheme or Prolog, enabling you to harness the full potential of these languages for game development. As you delve into this programming project, you'll not only sharpen your logical decision-making skills but also gain valuable experience in crafting interactive narratives. So, embark on your programming journey today and create an immersive and memorable adventure game that will captivate players and showcase your creative prowess!

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