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How to Create and Send Messages Using ROS and OpenCV in Python

June 24, 2024
Dr. Nicholas Scott
Dr. Nicholas
🇯🇵 Japan
Dr. Nicholas Scott, a distinguished Computer Science expert, holds a PhD from Tokyo University, Japan. With an impressive 8 years of experience, he has completed over 600 Python assignments, showcasing his unparalleled expertise and dedication to the field.
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For your Machine Design assignment, always create clear and detailed sketches before designing components. Visualizing the parts helps in understanding constraints, load distribution, and manufacturability.
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Key Topics
  • Efficient Image Processing Using ROS and OpenCV
  • Prerequisites:
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In this guide, we will walk through the process of creating a ROS (Robot Operating System) node using Python to process images with OpenCV and send the processed images as ROS messages. ROS is a powerful framework for building robotic systems, and OpenCV is a popular library for computer vision tasks. By combining the two, we can perform image processing on incoming sensor data and publish the results for further analysis or control. Follow the steps below to create a ROS node that subscribes to an image topic, processes the images using OpenCV, and publishes the processed images to another topic.

Efficient Image Processing Using ROS and OpenCV

Explore the world of ROS and Python integration with OpenCV for image processing. Our guide walks you through the process of creating ROS nodes to handle image data and send messages effectively. If you're seeking help with your OpenCV assignment, look no further – this comprehensive guide has got you covered.


Before proceeding, it's essential to have a basic understanding of Python programming, ROS concepts, and have ROS installed on your system. Additionally, make sure you have OpenCV and relevant ROS packages installed.

Step 1: Import Necessary Libraries

To begin, we'll import the required libraries for our Python script. We need rospy to interact with ROS, sensor_msgs.msg for working with image messages, CvBridge for converting between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images, and cv2 for image processing.

import rospy from sensor_msgs.msg import Image from cv_bridge import CvBridge import cv2


  • rospy: This library is the Python client library for ROS, allowing you to interact with ROS from Python.
  • sensor_msgs.msg: This module contains the message types used to communicate sensor data in ROS.
  • CvBridge: This class helps in converting between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
  • cv2: This is the OpenCV library used for image processing.

Step 2: Initialize the ROS Node

Next, initialize our ROS node. A node is a process that communicates with other nodes within the ROS ecosystem. We'll give our node the unique name 'image_processing_node'.



  • This line initializes a ROS node with the name 'image_processing_node'. The ROS node is a process that communicates with other nodes within the ROS ecosystem.

Step 3: Define the Image Processing Callback Function

Create a callback function to process incoming images. This function will be called whenever a new image is received on the subscribed topic. The function converts the ROS Image message to an OpenCV image using the CvBridge, applies image processing algorithms, and then converts the processed image back to a ROS Image message for publishing.

def image_callback(msg): bridge = CvBridge() cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding="bgr8") # Add your image processing code here # Example: cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) processed_image_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, encoding="bgr8") pub.publish(processed_image_msg)


  • image_callback: This function is called whenever a new image is received on the subscribed topic. The function converts the ROS Image message to an OpenCV image using the CvBridge class.
  • The image processing code should be added within this function. For demonstration purposes, the example converts the image to grayscale using cv2.cvtColor.

Step 4: Create ROS Subscriber and Publisher

We need to create a subscriber to receive images from a specific topic and a publisher to send the processed images to another topic. For this example, we'll use '/camera/image_raw' as the input topic and '/processed_image' as the output topic.

pub = rospy.Publisher('/processed_image', Image, queue_size=1)


  • This line creates a publisher that publishes processed images to the '/processed_image' topic. The queue_size argument determines the maximum number of outgoing messages that can be queued before dropping messages.

rospy.Subscriber('/camera/image_raw', Image, image_callback)


  • This line creates a subscriber that listens to the '/camera/image_raw' topic for incoming Image messages. Whenever a new image is published to this topic, the image_callback function will be called with the received message.

Step 5: Start the ROS Event Loop

Finally, start the ROS event loop using rospy.spin(). This allows the node to receive and process messages continuously until it is shut down externally.



This guide has demonstrated the process of creating a ROS node using Python and OpenCV for image processing. By subscribing to an image topic, processing the images with OpenCV, and publishing the processed images to another topic, you can extend this example to perform various image processing tasks in a ROS environment. This foundation will help you build more complex robotic systems and computer vision applications using ROS and OpenCV.

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