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Create A Program To Merge 2 Lists Whilst Performing Operation On Element Paris Scheme Assignment Solution

July 06, 2024
Dr. Rachel Wang
Dr. Rachel
🇺🇸 United States
Data Structures and Algorithms
Dr. Rachel Wang, a distinguished Ph.D. holder in Computer Science from the University of Colorado Boulder, brings over 7 years of expertise to our Data Structures and Algorithms Homework Help service. With a track record of completing over 500 assignments, Dr. Wang's in-depth knowledge and meticulous approach ensure top-notch solutions tailored to your needs.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
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Always write structured and optimized queries using proper indexing to enhance performance. Use JOIN operations efficiently instead of subqueries, and apply constraints like PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY to maintain data integrity. Regularly test queries with sample datasets to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
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Write a Scheme assignment to merge 2 lists whilst performing operation on element paris Scheme.

Requirements and Specifications

separemos dos conjuntos
conjunto si mismo superior
matriz de conjuntos si mismo superiores

Screenshots of output

functions to merge 2 lists whilst performing operation on element paris Scheme

Source Code

;;; Problema 1 (define (suma_especial l a) (truncate (/ (apply + l) a))) ;;; Problema 2 (define (merge_simple l1 l2 ops) (if (null? l1) '() (let ((i (car l1)) (j (car l2)) (op (car ops))) (cons (cond ((char=? op #\S) (+ i j)) ((char=? op #\R) (- i j)) ((char=? op #\M) (* i j))) (merge_simple (cdr l1) (cdr l2) (cdr ops)))))) (define (merge_cola l1 l2 ops) (letrec ((merge_aux (lambda (l1_aux l2_aux ops_aux acum) (if (null? l1_aux) (reverse acum) (let ((i (car l1_aux)) (j (car l2_aux)) (op (car ops_aux))) (merge_aux (cdr l1_aux) (cdr l2_aux) (cdr ops_aux) (cons (cond ((char=? op #\S) (+ i j)) ((char=? op #\R) (- i j)) ((char=? op #\M) (* i j))) acum))))))) (merge_aux l1 l2 ops '()))) ;;; Problema 3 (define (demerge_simple l f) (if (null? l) (list '() '()) (let* ((num (car l)) (a (f num)) (b (- num a)) (ll (demerge_simple (cdr l) f))) (list (cons a (car ll)) (cons b (cadr ll)))))) (define (demerge_cola l f) (letrec ((demerge_aux (lambda (ls_aux f_aux l1 l2) (if (null? ls_aux) (list (reverse l1) (reverse l2)) (let* ((num (car ls_aux)) (a (f_aux num)) (b (- num a))) (demerge_aux (cdr ls_aux) f_aux (cons a l1) (cons b l2))))))) (demerge_aux l f '() '()))) ;;; Problema 4 (define (superior l ops f num) (let* ((merge_res (merge_cola l l ops)) (demerge_res (demerge_cola merge_res f)) (r1 (* (suma_especial l num) 2)) (r2 (+ (suma_especial (car demerge_res) num) (suma_especial (cadr demerge_res) num)))) (if (> r1 r2) 1 0))) ;;; Problema 5 (define (all_superior matriz_ls matriz_ops matriz_f matriz_nums c f) (letrec ((superior_filas (lambda (i j m_ls m_ops m_f m_nums) (if (< j f) (cons (superior_columnas i j (car m_ls) (car m_ops) (car m_f) (car m_nums)) (superior_filas i (+ j 1) (cdr m_ls) (cdr m_ops) (cdr m_f) (cdr m_nums))) '()))) (superior_columnas (lambda (i j m_ls m_ops m_f m_nums) (if (< i c) (cons (superior (car m_ls) (car m_ops) (car m_f) (car m_nums)) (superior_columnas (+ i 1) j (cdr m_ls) (cdr m_ops) (cdr m_f) (cdr m_nums))) '())))) (superior_filas 0 0 matriz_ls matriz_ops matriz_f matriz_nums)))

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