If you're looking for expert assistance with your Haskell assignment, you've come to the right place. Tackling a program to check the presence of items in the second list may seem daunting, but with the right guidance, you'll be on the path to success. Our team of skilled Haskell programmers is well-versed in handling such tasks and can provide you with a top-notch assignment solution. We understand the importance of thoroughness and accuracy in programming, and our experts will ensure that your code is efficient and error-free. Don't hesitate to reach out for Haskell assignment help and take the stress out of your academic journey.
Requirements and Specifications
Consider the groupbyN function below.It takes an input list ‘iL’ and a number ‘n’ and it groups iL’s elements into sublists of length n. The last sublist will include the leftover elements.
The given groupbyN implementation is not tail-recursive. Rewrite this function in tail-recursive form; name your function groupbyNTail.
The type of your groupbyNTail function should be same as groupbyN’s type, i.e.,
groupbyNTail :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
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Source Code
module HW2
{- 1. groupbyNTail - 10%-}
groupbyNTail :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
groupbyNTail iL n = grouphelper iL n [] []
grouphelper [] _ buf lst = lst ++ [buf]
grouphelper (x:xs) n buf lst
| length buf >=n = grouphelper xs n [x] (lst ++ [buf])
| otherwise = grouphelper xs n (buf ++ [x]) lst
{- 2. elemAll and stopsAt - 20% -}
{- (a) elemAll - 10%-}
-- please don't include the myCatsLog list in your solution file.
elemAll :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
elemAll xs ys = foldr isInList True xs
isInList x y = (x `elem` ys) && y -- returns true if x is in ys and y is true
{- (b) stopsAt - 10%-}
stopsAt :: Eq a => [a] -> [(b,[a])] -> [b]
stopsAt stops buses = foldr selectBus [] buses
selectBus (name, ss) xs = -- select bus and add to list if stops in all given stops
if elemAll stops ss then name : xs -- if it has all stops, add to list
else xs -- else, don't add to list
{- 3. isBigger and applyRange - 25% -}
--define the Timestamp datatype
data Timestamp = DATE (Int,Int,Int) | DATETIME (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)
deriving (Show, Eq)
{- (a) isBigger - 15% -}
isBigger :: Timestamp -> Timestamp -> Bool
isBigger (DATE (m1,d1,y1)) (DATE (m2,d2,y2))
| y1 > y2 = True -- year is bigger
| y1 == y2 && m1 > m2 = True -- same year but month is bigger
| y1 == y2 && m1 == m2 && d1 > d2 = True -- same year and month but day is bigger
| otherwise = False
isBigger (DATETIME (m1,d1,y1,h1,mm1)) (DATETIME (m2,d2,y2,h2,mm2))
| isBigger (DATE (m1,d1,y1)) (DATE (m2,d2,y2)) = True -- bigger date
| y1 == y2 && m1 == m2 && d1 == d2 && h1 > h2 = True -- equal date, bigger hour
| y1 == y2 && m1 == m2 && d1 == d2 && h1 == h2 && mm1 > mm2 = True -- equal date and hour, bigger minutes
| otherwise = False
isBigger (DATE (m1,d1,y1)) (DATETIME (m2,d2,y2,h2,mm2)) = isBigger (DATE (m1,d1,y1)) (DATE (m2,d2,y2)) -- compare dates
isBigger (DATETIME (m1,d1,y1,h1,mm1)) (DATE (m2,d2,y2)) = isBigger (DATE (m1,d1,y1)) (DATE (m2,d2,y2)) -- compare dates
{- (b) applyRange - 10% -}
applyRange :: (Timestamp, Timestamp) -> [Timestamp] -> [Timestamp]
applyRange (ts1, ts2) xs = foldr addInRange [] xs
addInRange ts ys = -- add timestamp only if in range
if isBigger ts ts1 && isBigger ts2 ts then ts : ys -- if > first and < last, add to list
else ys -- otherwise, don't add
{-4 - foldTree, createRTree, fastSearch - 35%-}
--define Tree and RTree data types
data Tree a = LEAF a | NODE a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data RTree a = RLEAF a | RNODE a (a,a) (RTree a) (RTree a)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- (a) foldTree - 8% -}
foldTree :: (t -> t -> t) -> Tree t -> t
foldTree fun (LEAF v) = v -- don't apply function, just return the value
-- if node, apply function to folded subtrees and apply function to node value and subtree result
foldTree fun (NODE v lt rt) = fun v (fun (foldTree fun lt) (foldTree fun rt))
{- (b) createRTree - 12% -}
createRTree :: Ord t => Tree t -> RTree t
createRTree (LEAF v) = RLEAF v -- a leaf resultf in just a rleaf
-- a node creates a rnode with same value, folds to get min and max in a tuple and recurses in both l and r subtrees
createRTree (NODE v l r) =
RNODE v (foldTree min (NODE v l r), foldTree max (NODE v l r)) (createRTree l) (createRTree r)
{- (c) fastSearch - 15% -}
fastSearch :: Ord t => RTree t -> t -> [([Char], t)]
fastSearch (RLEAF v) _ = [("leaf", v)] -- if we visit a leaf, save it
fastSearch (RNODE v (a, b) l r) x =
if x >=a && x <= b then -- if searched value is inside range of tree
-- recurse search in order left and right, add searches to list
[("node", v)] ++ (fastSearch l x) ++ (fastSearch r x)
[("node", v)] -- not in subtree, just mark node as visited and return
{- Tree Examples 5% -}
-- include your tree examples in the test file.
{-Testing your tree functions - 5%-}
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