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How to Create Your Investment Growth Calculator in C++

July 18, 2024
Professor Kevin Tan
Professor Kevin
🇸🇬 Singapore
Professor Tan is an esteemed academic with a master's degree in computer science from the National University of Singapore. With over 900 completed orders, he is proficient in handling a wide range of C++ tests, from basic syntax to advanced template programming, ensuring students achieve exceptional results.
Tip of the day
Write clean, readable code using meaningful variable names and comments. Leverage Python’s built-in libraries to simplify tasks and avoid reinventing the wheel. Always test your code with different inputs and use debugging tools like print() or pdb to troubleshoot errors efficiently.
In March 2025, researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory introduced Exo 2, a new programming language designed to enable high-performance computing with significantly less code, allowing students and developers to achieve state-of-the-art performance with just a few hundred lines.
Key Topics
  • Crafting an Investment Growth Calculator in C++
  • Block 1: Header Files
  • Block 2: Main Function
  • Block 3: Variable Declarations
  • Block 4: User Input
  • Block 5: Year-End Balance and Interest Calculation Without Deposits
  • Block 6: Year-End Balance and Interest Calculation With Deposits
  • Block 7: Exit Option
  • Conclusion

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating your very own Investment Growth Calculator using the C++ programming language. This calculator is a powerful tool designed to illuminate the path to your financial future. Whether you're strategizing for retirement, saving for a significant purchase, or simply fascinated by financial projections, this guide will empower you to build a tool that provides valuable insights. By the end of this journey, you'll not only understand the mechanics of investment growth but also have the skills to customize your calculator to suit your unique financial goals and aspirations.

Crafting an Investment Growth Calculator in C++

Explore our comprehensive guide on how to develop an Investment Growth Calculator in C++. Whether you're a programming enthusiast or need help with your C++ assignment, this guide equips you with valuable skills and insights. By understanding the intricacies of C++ and financial calculations, you'll be better prepared to tackle complex assignments and develop your own financial tools. Join us in the world of programming and financial empowerment.

Block 1: Header Files

```cpp #include < iostream > #include < iomanip > ```

  • This block includes the necessary header files. `` is included for input and output operations, while `` is included for formatting output.

Block 2: Main Function

```cpp int main() { // Code for the main function return 0; } ```

  • This is the main function where the program's execution starts.

Block 3: Variable Declarations

```cpp float initialInvestment, monthlyDeposit, annualInterest, years, months; float totalAmount; float interestAmount, yearTotalInterest; ```

  • In this block, variables are declared to store user-input data, year-end totals, interest amounts, and year-end interest amounts.

Block 4: User Input

```cpp cout << "*************************\n"; cout << "********Data Input*******\n"; cout << "Initial Investment Amount: "; cin >> initialInvestment; cout << "Monthly Deposit: "; cin >> monthlyDeposit; cout << "Annual Interest: "; cin >> annualInterest; cout << "Number of years: "; cin >> years; months = years * 12; cout << "Press any key to continue..."; cin.get(); cin.get(); ```

  • This block prompts the user to input financial data, such as the initial investment, monthly deposit, annual interest rate, and the number of years. It also calculates the total number of months (months) based on the input years.

Block 5: Year-End Balance and Interest Calculation Without Deposits

```cpp totalAmount = initialInvestment; // Display year data without monthly deposits cout << "\nBalance and Interest Without Additional Monthly Deposits\n"; cout << "==============================================================\n"; cout << "Year\t\tYear End Balance\tYear End Earned Interest\n"; cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"; // Loop for each year for (int i = 0; i < years; i++) { // Calculate yearly interest interestAmount = (totalAmount) * ((annualInterest / 100)); // Calculate year-end total totalAmount = totalAmount + interestAmount; // Display year-end balance and interest cout << (i + 1) << "\t\t" << fixed << setprecision(2) << totalAmount << "\t\t\t" << interestAmount << "\n"; } ```

  • This block calculates and displays the year-end balance and earned interest without monthly deposits for each year in a loop.

Block 6: Year-End Balance and Interest Calculation With Deposits

```cpp totalAmount = initialInvestment; // Display year data with monthly deposits cout << "\n\nBalance and Interest With Additional Monthly Deposits\n"; cout << "==============================================================\n"; cout << "Year\t\tYear End Balance\tYear End Earned Interest\n"; cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"; // Loop for each year for (int i = 0; i < years; i++) { yearTotalInterest = 0; // Loop for each month in the year for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { // Calculate monthly interest interestAmount = (totalAmount + monthlyDeposit) * ((annualInterest / 100) / 12); // Calculate month-end interest yearTotalInterest = yearTotalInterest + interestAmount; // Calculate month-end total totalAmount = totalAmount + monthlyDeposit + interestAmount; } // Display year-end balance and year-end interest with deposits cout << (i + 1) << "\t\t" << fixed << setprecision(2) << totalAmount << "\t\t\t" << yearTotalInterest << "\n"; } ```

  • This block calculates and displays the year-end balance and year-end interest with monthly deposits for each year in a nested loop. The inner loop handles monthly calculations.

Block 7: Exit Option

```cpp cout << "Do you want to exit? (Press 1 to exit, Press any other key to continue): "; string num; cin >> num; if (num == "1") { break; } ```

  • This block provides an option for the user to exit the program. If the user enters "1," the program breaks out of the infinite loop.


In conclusion, this guide has equipped you with the knowledge and skills to create a robust Investment Growth Calculator in C++. Whether you're embarking on financial planning, investment analysis, or simply exploring the world of programming, this tool opens new horizons. By understanding the inner workings of investment growth and financial calculations, you can make informed decisions to shape your financial future. Take the reins of your financial journey and start building your own calculator to gain valuable insights and financial empowerment.

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