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Write a Program in Verilog Code for a Simple LED Blinker Circuit

July 06, 2024
Dr. Gene E. Light
Dr. Gene
🇺🇸 United States
Embedded System
Dr. Gene E. Light, a Computer Science PhD graduate from Duke University, brings over 7 years of rich experience in Embedded Systems. With a portfolio boasting over 1100 completed assignments, Dr. Light combines academic rigor with practical expertise to deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to the nuances of embedded technologies.
Key Topics
  • Building an LED Blinker Circuit Using Verilog
  • Prerequisites
  • The LED Blinker Circuit
  • Code Explanation
  • Conclusion
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In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating a Verilog program for a simple LED blinker circuit. Verilog is a hardware description language widely used in FPGA and digital circuit design, making it a fundamental skill for anyone working with these technologies. By the end of this guide, you'll have a solid understanding of Verilog and how to make an LED blink on your FPGA board, equipping you with valuable knowledge to tackle more advanced FPGA projects and digital designs with confidence.

Building an LED Blinker Circuit Using Verilog

Explore our step-by-step guide to creating a Verilog LED blinker circuit. This comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights to help with your Verilog assignment. You'll learn the fundamentals of Verilog, gain hands-on experience in FPGA programming, and discover the intricacies of digital circuit design. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an advanced learner seeking practical insights, this guide has you covered. Start your Verilog journey and enhance your FPGA programming skills today.


Before we begin, ensure that you have the following:

  1. FPGA Development Board: It's essential to have an FPGA development board as your primary hardware platform for running and testing your Verilog code. FPGA boards come in various configurations and capabilities, so choose one that aligns with your project requirements. These boards serve as the physical interface for implementing your digital designs and executing Verilog programs.
  2. Verilog Simulation and Synthesis Tool: To effectively work with Verilog, you must install a capable simulation and synthesis tool on your computer. Among the most popular options are Xilinx Vivado and Intel Quartus Prime. These tools allow you to design, simulate, synthesize, and program your FPGA board with ease. They provide a comprehensive development environment, including design visualization, debugging, and programming capabilities, making them indispensable for FPGA-based projects. Make sure to have your preferred tool set up and ready to use before diving into Verilog programming.

The LED Blinker Circuit

Our primary objective is to develop a Verilog program that precisely controls the blinking of an LED at a predefined rate. This task demonstrates the fundamental concept of using Verilog for digital signal processing and synchronization. Below, you will find the Verilog code that serves as our blueprint for achieving this goal. This code encapsulates the logic necessary for generating the blinking pattern and showcases how Verilog can be used to manipulate and control hardware elements like LEDs. By delving into this code, you'll gain valuable insights into the interplay between Verilog and hardware components, setting the stage for more advanced FPGA projects.

```verilog module LED_Blinker( input wire clk, // Clock input output wire led // LED output ); // Declare a counter register reg [23:0] counter = 0; // Declare a parameter for the blink rate (in clock cycles) parameter COUNTER_MAX = 25000000; // Assuming a 50 MHz clock, for 1 Hz blink rate always @(posedge clk) begin if (counter == COUNTER_MAX - 1) counter <= 0; // Reset the counter when it reaches the maximum else counter <= counter + 1; // Increment the counter end // LED Blinking Logic assign led = counter[COUNTER_MAX - 1]; // LED output is driven by the most significant bit of the counter endmodule ```

Code Explanation

Now, let's delve into the Verilog code together, dissecting it step by step:

  1. Module Declaration: The Verilog module, aptly named LED_Blinker, plays a pivotal role in our design. It defines two crucial ports – clk, serving as an input for the clock signal, and led, an output responsible for controlling the LED's state. These ports establish the essential connections between our Verilog code and the external hardware, facilitating communication between the digital circuit and the FPGA board.
  2. Register for Counter: Our design relies on a 24-bit wide register known as 'counter.' This register is pivotal, as it keeps track of the number of clock cycles elapsed since the start of our program. Initially set to zero, the counter undergoes continuous modifications throughout the program's execution, serving as the foundation for precisely controlling the LED's blink rate. Understanding how this counter is managed and manipulated is central to comprehending the inner workings of our Verilog code.
  3. Parameter for Blink Rate: In our Verilog code, we introduce a parameter known as COUNTER_MAX, a crucial element for determining the blink rate of the LED. This parameter empowers you to customize the blink rate according to your project's specific requirements. In our example, we assume a clock signal of 50 MHz and set COUNTER_MAX to achieve a 1 Hz blink rate. However, feel free to modify this parameter to create LED blinking patterns at different rates, offering flexibility and adaptability to your FPGA projects.
  4. Always Block: At the heart of our Verilog code lies the synchronous always block, a central component responsible for orchestrating the LED blinking sequence. This block triggers exclusively on the rising edge of the clock signal (posedge clk). Within its confines, we implement the logic necessary to manage the counter's value. Specifically, it oversees the incrementing of the counter and performs the crucial task of resetting it when it reaches the maximum value (COUNTER_MAX - 1). This continuous cycle of incrementing and resetting the counter is the engine driving the LED's blink rate.
  5. LED Blinking Logic: The culmination of our Verilog code's functionality is the LED blinking logic. In this section, we assign the LED's output state based on the most significant bit of the counter register. When the counter reaches its maximum value (COUNTER_MAX - 1), signifying an overflow, this logic causes the LED to toggle its state. As a result, a visual blinking effect is created, offering a tangible representation of the digital processing occurring within the FPGA. Understanding this LED blinking logic illustrates the direct correlation between Verilog code and real-world hardware control, a fundamental concept in FPGA programming.


You've successfully created a Verilog program for a simple LED blinker circuit. This marks the beginning of your Verilog journey, and with continued practice and exploration, you'll unlock the potential to tackle even more ambitious FPGA projects and intricate digital circuit designs. As you gain confidence in your Verilog skills, don't hesitate to experiment with different blink rates and dive into advanced Verilog concepts. If you have any questions or require further programming assistance, our team is readily available to support you on your programming endeavors. Happy coding!

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