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Write a Program to Play a Text-Based Game Similar to Chess in C#

June 13, 2024
Dr. Nathan Nguyen
Dr. Nathan
🇦🇺 Australia
Dr. Nathan Nguyen holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia. With over 5 years of experience in the field, he has completed over 500 C programming assignments with utmost proficiency. Dr. Nguyen's expertise lies in algorithm design and optimization, making him a valuable asset in tackling complex programming challenges.
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Key Topics
  • Creating a Text-Based Chess Game in C#
  • Block 1: Class Definition and Fields
  • Block 2: `ToString` Method```csharp
  • Block 3: `SCORE` Property
  • Block 4: Constructors
  • Block 5: `Reverse` Method
  • Block 6: Piece Manipulation Methods
  • Block 7: `IsSentinelNearHere` Methods
  • Block 8: Utility Methods
  • Block 9: `GetScore` Method
  • Conclusion

In this guide, we will explore how to write a program to play a text-based game similar to chess using C#. We will break down the code into smaller blocks and provide a detailed discussion of each block to help you understand the key components of this exciting project. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the fundamentals of game development or an experienced coder aiming to delve into the intricacies of chess-like gameplay, this guide will provide valuable insights to bring your text-based gaming projects to life.

Creating a Text-Based Chess Game in C#

Explore our comprehensive guide on creating a text-based chess game in C#. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this guide will help you enhance your skills and provide invaluable assistance with your C# assignment. Master the art of game development while crafting captivating text-based gaming experiences. Our step-by-step instructions and detailed code explanations make it easy for you to grasp the intricacies of C# game development, ensuring you have the knowledge and expertise to tackle your programming assignments with confidence.

Block 1: Class Definition and Fields

```csharp public class GameBoardClass { char[][] state; int score = -100000; } ```

This code block defines the `GameBoardClass`, the heart of our game. It contains two crucial fields: `state`, which represents the game board as a 2D character array, and `score`, initialized to a very low value.

Block 2: `ToString` Method```csharp

```csharp public string ToString() { string result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) result += state[i][j]; result += '\n'; } return result; } ```

The `ToString` method generates a visual representation of the game board. It loops through the `state` array and converts it into a string for debugging and display purposes.

Block 3: `SCORE` Property

```csharp public int SCORE { get { if (score == -100000) score = GetScore(this); return score; } } ```

The `SCORE` property calculates and returns the score of the game board. If the score hasn't been computed already, it utilizes the `GetScore` method to do so.

Block 4: Constructors

```csharp public GameBoardClass(string[] vs) public GameBoardClass(GameBoardClass gB) private GameBoardClass() ```

These constructors create instances of `GameBoardClass`. The first constructor initializes the game board from a string array, the second constructs a copy from an existing instance, and the third constructor is private and not intended for general use.

Block 5: `Reverse` Method

```csharp public GameBoardClass Reverse() { GameBoardClass gb = new GameBoardClass(); gb.state = new char[9][]; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { gb.state[8 - i] = new char[9]; for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { char piece = this.GetPiece(i, j); if (IsAlly(piece)) piece = (char)(piece - 'a' + 'A'); else if (IsEnemy(piece)) piece = (char)(piece - 'A' + 'a'); gb.SetPiece(8 - i, j, piece); } } return gb; } ```

The `Reverse` method returns a new `GameBoardClass` that's a mirror image of the current board. Uppercase and lowercase pieces are swapped in the process.

Block 6: Piece Manipulation Methods

These methods allow you to get, set, swap, and change pieces on the game board. They offer various ways to manipulate the board:

  • `GetPiece(int r, int c)`
  • `SetPiece(int r, int c, char ch)`
  • `Go(int r, c, int nr, int nc)`
  • `Swap(int r, c, int nr, int nc)`
  • `Change(int r, int c)`
  • `Go(PointClass now, PointClass nxt)`
  • `IsEmpty(int r, int c)`
  • `IsEmpty(PointClass pos)`

Block 7: `IsSentinelNearHere` Methods

These methods check if a sentinel piece is near a specific location. They are used to identify nearby sentinel pieces on the board:

  • `IsSentinelNearHere(int r, int c)`
  • `IsSentinelNearHere(PointClass pt)`

Block 8: Utility Methods

These methods serve to check various conditions related to pieces and positions on the board. They're crucial for game logic:

  • `IsEnemy(char c)``IsAlly(char c)`
  • `IsAlly(char c)`
  • `IsOutPosition(int r, int c)`
  • `IsEmpty(char c)`

Block 9: `GetScore` Method

```csharp public static int GetScore(GameBoardClass gB) { int score = 0; int ws = 0, bs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { char piece = gB.state[i][j]; switch (piece) { case 'z': bs += ZombiesClass.GetScore(); break; case 'Z': ws += ZombiesClass.GetScore(); break; case 'b': bs += BuilderClass.GetScore(); break; case 'B': ws += BuilderClass.GetScore(); break; case 'm': bs += MinerClass.GetScore(); break; case 'M': ws += MinerClass.GetScore(); break; case 'j': bs += JesterClass.GetScore(); break; case 'J': ws += JesterClass.GetScore(); break; case 's': bs += SentinelClass.GetScore(); break; case 'S': ws += SentinelClass.GetScore(); break; case 'c': bs += CatapultClass.GetScore(); break; case 'C': ws += CatapultClass.GetScore(); break; case 'd': bs += DragonClass.GetScore(); break; case 'D': ws += DragonClass.GetScore(); break; case 'g': bs += GeneralClass.GetScore(); break; case 'G': ws += GeneralClass.GetScore(); break; default: break; } } } score = bs - ws; return score; } ```

This static method calculates the score of the game board. It iterates through all pieces on the board and calculates scores based on piece types using `GetScore` methods from other classes.


In conclusion, this guide has taken you on a comprehensive journey through the creation of a text-based game similar to chess in C#. By dissecting the code into smaller, manageable blocks and discussing each component in detail, we have equipped you with the knowledge and understanding needed to develop your own text-based games. Whether you're interested in game development, C# programming, or simply enjoy strategic gameplay, this guide serves as a valuable resource for expanding your skills and unleashing your creativity in the world of game design. With the foundational principles and insights gained here, you're well on your way to creating captivating text-based gaming experiences.

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