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Developing a Java CRUD Application for Animal Record Management

June 21, 2024
Dr. Hannah Lynch
Dr. Hannah
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Dr. Hannah, a distinguished Ph.D. holder from the University of York, brings over a decade of expertise to our service. With an impressive track record of completing 1100+ Java assignments, Dr. Hannah's profound knowledge and extensive experience ensure exemplary solutions tailored to meet your specific requirements.
Tip of the day
When doing SQL assignments, always start by understanding the database schema and relationships. Use JOINs efficiently, write optimized queries, and test them with sample data. Avoid using SELECT unless necessary, and ensure proper indexing for faster execution.
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Key Topics
  • Building a Java Application to Manage Animal Records
  • Block 1: Import Statements
  • Block 2: App Class
  • Block 3: RegisResQ Class
  • Block 4: Animal Class
  • Block 5: Cat Class
  • Block 6: Dog Class
  • Block 7: AnimalDao Class
  • Block 8: Dao Interface
  • Block 9: CatNGTest Class
  • Block 10: DogNGTest Class
  • Conclusion

In this guide, we'll explore the world of programming through practical examples and projects. We'll delve into the development of a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application in Java, a fundamental skill for software developers. Our specific focus will be on managing animal records in a database, and we'll guide you step by step through the code, providing detailed explanations for each block. By the end of this guide, you'll have a solid understanding of how to create, read, update, and delete records in a Java application, a valuable skill for building real-world software.

Building a Java Application to Manage Animal Records

Explore our comprehensive guide on creating a Java CRUD app for managing animal records. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced coder, this guide will help you with your Java assignment. You'll gain the essential skills required for database management and object-oriented programming, and be well-prepared to tackle your programming tasks. Dive into this hands-on experience, and by the end of this guide, you'll have a strong foundation in building and managing Java applications for real-world scenarios.

Block 1: Import Statements

```java import java.util.List; import main.java.RegisResQ.application.Animal; import main.java.RegisResQ.application.Dog; import main.java.RegisResQ.persistence.AnimalDao; import main.java.RegisResQ.persistence.Dao; ```

This block encompasses the essential import statements that serve as the foundation for our Java application. These statements bring in external libraries and classes required for our program to function effectively. Importing classes and packages is a crucial initial step in ensuring that our application has access to the necessary tools and functionalities it needs.

Block 2: App Class

```java public class App { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Main method for testing various database operations AnimalDao dao = new AnimalDao(); // ... } } ```

The App class serves as the central point of our application, housing the primary main method that acts as the gateway to testing a variety of database operations. These operations include retrieving a list of all animals, adding new animal records, updating existing records, and deleting records. The App class is pivotal for evaluating and verifying the functionality of our database-related operations, making it an integral part of our application.

Block 3: RegisResQ Class

```java public class RegisResQ { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } ```

The RegisResQ class, while seemingly unrelated to the core functionality of our application, plays a role in providing a basic entry point for the program. It contains a straightforward main method that merely outputs "Hello World!" to the console. Although it might not be directly tied to the primary operations of the application, it can serve as a testing and demonstration ground for broader Java concepts and code execution. While simple in nature, it can be valuable for learners and developers looking to experiment with Java's basic functionality.

Block 4: Animal Class

```java public abstract class Animal { protected String species; protected String breed; protected String name; protected Boolean sterilized; protected String dateArrived; public Animal() { species = ""; breed = ""; name = ""; sterilized = null; dateArrived = ""; } // Constructors, getters, setters, and validation method // ... @Override public String toString() { return "species='" + species + '\'' + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", breed=" + breed + ", sterilized=" + sterilized + ", date arrived=" + dateArrived + '}'; } } ```

The Animal class, an essential part of our application, stands as an abstract class with the responsibility of defining fundamental properties and methods applicable to all types of animals. It encapsulates critical attributes such as breed, name, sterilization status, and date of arrival. These attributes are central to the information stored in our animal records. Additionally, the Animal class boasts a validation method, which plays a pivotal role in ensuring that data is accurate and valid, a crucial aspect of maintaining the integrity of our animal records.

Block 5: Cat Class

```java public class Cat extends Animal { public Cat() { super(); species = "cat"; } public Cat(String breed, String name, Boolean sterilized, String dateArrived) { super(breed, name, sterilized, dateArrived); species = "cat"; } } ```

The Cat class, a specialized subclass of the Animal class, further refines the properties and functionalities needed for managing cats in our application. It extends the Animal class, inheriting its core attributes, but also introduces specific constructors tailored to creating instances of cats. These constructors allow us to set the unique characteristics of cats, such as their breed, name, sterilization status, and date of arrival, ensuring that our cat-related data is properly represented and managed within our system.

Block 6: Dog Class

```java public class Dog extends Animal { public Dog() { super(); species = "dog"; } public Dog(String breed, String name, Boolean sterilized, String dateArrived) { super(breed, name, sterilized, dateArrived); species = "dog"; } } ```

Much like the Cat class, the Dog class also extends the Animal class, inheriting the general animal-related properties and methods while concentrating on the specifics of managing dogs. The Dog class introduces constructors customized for generating dog instances with distinct attributes. These constructors facilitate the assignment of breed, name, sterilization status, and arrival date, enabling us to comprehensively handle and organize dog-related data within our application. This hierarchical structure allows us to efficiently manage diverse types of animals while maintaining a uniform framework for the core animal properties and validation method.

Block 7: AnimalDao Class

```java public class AnimalDao implements Dao { private List animals; private Connection connection; private Statement statement; private ResultSet resultSet; public AnimalDao() { animals = new ArrayList(); try { // Establish a database connection here } catch (Exception err) { System.out.println(err.getMessage()); } } @Override public List getAll() { try { statement = connection.createStatement(); String query = "SELECT * FROM adoptable_pets;"; resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); // Process the result set and populate the 'animals' list // ... } catch (Exception err) { System.out.println(err); } return animals; } @Override public boolean add(Animal animal) { try { // Add an animal to the database // ... } catch (Exception err) { System.out.println(err.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean update(Animal animal) { try { // Update an animal in the database // ... } catch (Exception err) { System.out.println(err.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean delete(Animal animal) { try { // Delete an animal from the database // ... } catch (Exception err) { System.out.println(err.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } } ```

The AnimalDao class assumes a pivotal role in our application as it is responsible for implementing the Dao interface to manage and manipulate animal records within the database. This class offers a constructor that establishes a database connection, laying the foundation for interactions with our animal data. Furthermore, the AnimalDao class features an array of methods designed to perform essential operations on our database. These functions include retrieving a comprehensive list of all animals, adding new animal records, updating existing records, and meticulously removing animals from our database. With these capabilities, the AnimalDao class forms the backbone of our database management system.

Block 8: Dao Interface

```java public interface Dao { List getAll(); boolean add(T item); boolean update(T item); boolean delete(T item); } ```

The Dao interface, an integral part of our architecture, serves as the contract for any class that implements it. This interface comprises a set of essential methods that form the backbone of our database operations. It prescribes a consistent structure for data manipulation, defining methods for retrieving all items, adding new items, updating existing items, and removing items from our data store. By adhering to the Dao interface, our implementing classes, such as AnimalDao, ensure a uniform approach to database operations, fostering cohesion and maintainability in our application's architecture.

Block 9: CatNGTest Class

```java public class CatNGTest { public CatNGTest() { } @org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { } @org.testng.annotations.AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception { } @org.testng.annotations.Test public void testValidate() { Cat c = new Cat(); boolean result = c.validate(); assertFalse(result); c.setBreed("Persian"); result = c.validate(); assertFalse(result); c.setName("Max"); result = c.validate(); assertFalse(result); c.setSterilized(false); result = c.validate(); assertFalse(result); c.setDateArrived("2022/05/17"); result = c.validate(); assertTrue(result); } } ```

The CatNGTest class emerges as a vital component in our testing and validation strategy, specifically targeting the Cat class. This class is equipped with a suite of test methods, honing in on the validate method, a pivotal aspect of data integrity. By utilizing the validate method, CatNGTest scrutinizes and verifies the validity of data associated with cats. These tests meticulously examine the functionality of the Cat class, ensuring that the data validation processes operate seamlessly. In doing so, the CatNGTest class enhances the overall robustness and reliability of our application, assuring the accuracy of our cat-related data.

Block 10: DogNGTest Class

```java public class DogNGTest { public DogNGTest() { } @org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { } @org.testng.annotations.AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception { } @org.testng.annotations.Test public void testValidate() { Dog d = new Dog(); boolean result = d.validate(); assertFalse(result); d.setBreed("Boston Terrier"); result = d.validate(); assertFalse(result); d.setName("George"); result = d.validate(); assertFalse(result); d.setSterilized(true); result = d.validate(); assertFalse(result); d.setDateArrived("2022/05/18"); result = d.validate(); assertTrue(result); } } ```

In a manner reminiscent of the CatNGTest class, the DogNGTest class plays a crucial role in our testing framework, meticulously examining the functionality and validity of the Dog class. Much like its feline counterpart, DogNGTest boasts a comprehensive suite of test methods aimed at scrutinizing every aspect of our dog-related data. One of its primary missions is to evaluate the effectiveness of the validate method, a fundamental component of our data integrity strategy. Through rigorous testing, DogNGTest ensures that the data associated with dogs, from breed to sterilization status, is validated with precision, reinforcing the reliability and accuracy of our dog-related records. In essence, DogNGTest fortifies the robustness of our application and its ability to manage dog data effectively.


In conclusion, this guide has taken you through the development of a comprehensive CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application in Java, with a specific focus on managing animal records. You've explored the code structure, learned about object-oriented programming principles, and gained insights into database interactions. By following the step-by-step explanations provided for each code block, you've acquired a valuable skill set for creating, reading, updating, and deleting records in Java applications. This knowledge is essential for anyone looking to build robust, real-world software solutions.

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