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Create Scores Table In Html Page Using Ruby To Read Csv File Assignment Solution

July 10, 2024
Katrina J. Lambdin
Katrina J.
🇺🇸 United States
a PhD-qualified expert in Computer Science from Greenfield University, USA, has 8 years of experience in database assignments. Specialized in database design, optimization, and management, she delivers top-notch solutions for academic and professional needs.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
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Write a program to create scores table in html page using Ruby to read csv file.

Requirements and Specifications

Write a simple Ruby program to create an HTML scores file for posting class scores.

The program should read a comma separated text file (exported form a spreadsheet) containing class scores and create an HTML file for displaying the scores. The program should read command line parameters to:

  • determine if just the ID's or the Names and IDs should be displayed.
  • command line qualifier: -ids or -names input file name.
  • The program should have a main that calls various procedures. You may use global variables.

Additionally, you can use I/O redirection to capture the HTML output.

An example execution might be:

% ruby proj6.rb -ids scores1.csv > scores.html

% ruby proj6.rb -names scores1.csv > names.html

The source file will always be the same format. This includes:




,Assignments weight,

,Tests Weight,

,Possible,<... possible scores ...>

, , <... scores ...>

, , <... scores ...>

, , <... scores ...>

Screenshots of output

Create-scores-table-in-html-page-using-Ruby-to-read-csv-file 1
Create-scores-table-in-html-page-using-Ruby-to-read-csv-file 2

Source Code

require 'csv' def startHTML puts "" end def endHTML puts "" end def printTitle (title) puts " #{title} " puts " As of: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 " end def startTable puts "" end def endTable puts " " end def printCell (cell) puts " #{cell} " end def startRow puts "" end def endRow puts "" end # convert a row (array) of text values to an array of integer values def getRowValues (row) arr = [] for e in row do arr.push(e.to_i) end return arr end def printTableHeader (titles, idsOrNames) startRow if idsOrNames printCell (titles[0]) else printCell (titles[1]) end for i in 2..titles.length-1 do printCell (titles[i]) end printCell ("Ave") endRow end def printAverages (averages) startRow printCell(" Average ") for avg in averages do printCell (' %.1f ' % avg) end printCell(" ") endRow end def printPossible (possible) startRow printCell("Possible ") for p in possible do printCell (' %d ' % p) end printCell(" ") endRow end def csvToHTML (csv, idsOrNames) title = csv[0][1] nAssignments = csv[1][2].to_i nTests = csv[2][2].to_i aWeight = csv[3][2].to_i tWeight = csv[4][2].to_i possible = getRowValues(csv[6][2, csv[6].length]) titles = csv[5] data = csv[7, csv.length-1] # remove names or ids depending on selected column m = data.transpose if idsOrNames m.delete_at(1) m[0] = getRowValues(m[0]) # convert ids to integers else m.delete_at(0) end data = m.transpose data = data.sort_by { |d| d.first } # sort by first column startHTML printTitle(title) startTable printTableHeader(titles, idsOrNames) nVals = nAssignments + nTests # total number of values averages = Array.new(nVals, 0.0) nValid = Array.new(nVals, 0.0) for i in 0..data.length-1 do startRow if idsOrNames printCell('%04d' % data[i][0]) else printCell(data[i][0]) end # print and sum assignments aSum = 0.0 for j in 0..nAssignments-1 do cell = data[i][j + 1] printCell (cell) if not cell.nil? aSum += 0.4 * cell.to_f / possible[j].to_f averages[j] += cell.to_f nValid[j] += 1.0 end end # print and sum tests tSum = 0.0 for j in 0..nTests-1 do cell = data[i][j + nAssignments + 1] printCell (cell) if not cell.nil? tSum += 0.6 * cell.to_f / possible[j + nAssignments].to_f averages[j + nAssignments] += cell.to_f nValid[j + nAssignments] += 1.0 end end avg = 100 * ( aSum / nAssignments.to_f + tSum / nTests.to_f ) if avg == 100.0 printCell (avg) else printCell ('%.2f' % avg) # print average number with 2 decimal digits end endRow end # get total averages for i in 0..averages.length-1 do averages[i] = averages[i] / nValid[i] end printAverages (averages) printPossible (possible) endTable puts " Grading Formula:" puts " Grading Formula: [ ( (homework scores/possible) * 0.4) + ( (test scores/possible) * 0.6) ]" puts " " endHTML end # main if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME # check that there are 2 arguments if ARGV.length != 2 puts "Invalid number of arguments" exit end # select ids or names idsOrNames = case ARGV[0] when "-ids" true when "-names" false else puts "Invalid argument '#{ARGV[0]}', expected -ids or -names" exit end # verify that file exists if not File.file? ARGV[1] puts "File '#{ARGV[1]}' not found" exit end # load the csv csv = CSV.read(ARGV[1]) # generate the HTML csvToHTML(csv, idsOrNames) end

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