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Create Scores Table In Html Page Using Ruby To Read Csv File Assignment Solution

July 10, 2024
Katrina J. Lambdin
Katrina J.
🇺🇸 United States
a PhD-qualified expert in Computer Science from Greenfield University, USA, has 8 years of experience in database assignments. Specialized in database design, optimization, and management, she delivers top-notch solutions for academic and professional needs.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Write clean, readable code using meaningful variable names and comments. Leverage Python’s built-in libraries to simplify tasks and avoid reinventing the wheel. Always test your code with different inputs and use debugging tools like print() or pdb to troubleshoot errors efficiently.
In March 2025, researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory introduced Exo 2, a new programming language designed to enable high-performance computing with significantly less code, allowing students and developers to achieve state-of-the-art performance with just a few hundred lines.



Write a program to create scores table in html page using Ruby to read csv file.

Requirements and Specifications

Write a simple Ruby program to create an HTML scores file for posting class scores.

The program should read a comma separated text file (exported form a spreadsheet) containing class scores and create an HTML file for displaying the scores. The program should read command line parameters to:

  • determine if just the ID's or the Names and IDs should be displayed.
  • command line qualifier: -ids or -names input file name.
  • The program should have a main that calls various procedures. You may use global variables.

Additionally, you can use I/O redirection to capture the HTML output.

An example execution might be:

% ruby proj6.rb -ids scores1.csv > scores.html

% ruby proj6.rb -names scores1.csv > names.html

The source file will always be the same format. This includes:




,Assignments weight,

,Tests Weight,

,Possible,<... possible scores ...>

, , <... scores ...>

, , <... scores ...>

, , <... scores ...>

Screenshots of output

Create-scores-table-in-html-page-using-Ruby-to-read-csv-file 1
Create-scores-table-in-html-page-using-Ruby-to-read-csv-file 2

Source Code

require 'csv' def startHTML puts "" end def endHTML puts "" end def printTitle (title) puts " #{title} " puts " As of: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 " end def startTable puts "" end def endTable puts " " end def printCell (cell) puts " #{cell} " end def startRow puts "" end def endRow puts "" end # convert a row (array) of text values to an array of integer values def getRowValues (row) arr = [] for e in row do arr.push(e.to_i) end return arr end def printTableHeader (titles, idsOrNames) startRow if idsOrNames printCell (titles[0]) else printCell (titles[1]) end for i in 2..titles.length-1 do printCell (titles[i]) end printCell ("Ave") endRow end def printAverages (averages) startRow printCell(" Average ") for avg in averages do printCell (' %.1f ' % avg) end printCell(" ") endRow end def printPossible (possible) startRow printCell("Possible ") for p in possible do printCell (' %d ' % p) end printCell(" ") endRow end def csvToHTML (csv, idsOrNames) title = csv[0][1] nAssignments = csv[1][2].to_i nTests = csv[2][2].to_i aWeight = csv[3][2].to_i tWeight = csv[4][2].to_i possible = getRowValues(csv[6][2, csv[6].length]) titles = csv[5] data = csv[7, csv.length-1] # remove names or ids depending on selected column m = data.transpose if idsOrNames m.delete_at(1) m[0] = getRowValues(m[0]) # convert ids to integers else m.delete_at(0) end data = m.transpose data = data.sort_by { |d| d.first } # sort by first column startHTML printTitle(title) startTable printTableHeader(titles, idsOrNames) nVals = nAssignments + nTests # total number of values averages = Array.new(nVals, 0.0) nValid = Array.new(nVals, 0.0) for i in 0..data.length-1 do startRow if idsOrNames printCell('%04d' % data[i][0]) else printCell(data[i][0]) end # print and sum assignments aSum = 0.0 for j in 0..nAssignments-1 do cell = data[i][j + 1] printCell (cell) if not cell.nil? aSum += 0.4 * cell.to_f / possible[j].to_f averages[j] += cell.to_f nValid[j] += 1.0 end end # print and sum tests tSum = 0.0 for j in 0..nTests-1 do cell = data[i][j + nAssignments + 1] printCell (cell) if not cell.nil? tSum += 0.6 * cell.to_f / possible[j + nAssignments].to_f averages[j + nAssignments] += cell.to_f nValid[j + nAssignments] += 1.0 end end avg = 100 * ( aSum / nAssignments.to_f + tSum / nTests.to_f ) if avg == 100.0 printCell (avg) else printCell ('%.2f' % avg) # print average number with 2 decimal digits end endRow end # get total averages for i in 0..averages.length-1 do averages[i] = averages[i] / nValid[i] end printAverages (averages) printPossible (possible) endTable puts " Grading Formula:" puts " Grading Formula: [ ( (homework scores/possible) * 0.4) + ( (test scores/possible) * 0.6) ]" puts " " endHTML end # main if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME # check that there are 2 arguments if ARGV.length != 2 puts "Invalid number of arguments" exit end # select ids or names idsOrNames = case ARGV[0] when "-ids" true when "-names" false else puts "Invalid argument '#{ARGV[0]}', expected -ids or -names" exit end # verify that file exists if not File.file? ARGV[1] puts "File '#{ARGV[1]}' not found" exit end # load the csv csv = CSV.read(ARGV[1]) # generate the HTML csvToHTML(csv, idsOrNames) end

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