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Create A Program to Store and Retrieve Data in The Python Assignment Solution

July 02, 2024
Dr. Olivia Campbell
Dr. Olivia
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Olivia Campbell holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge. With over 800 completed assignments, she specializes in developing complex Python applications, including fitness trackers and exercise planners. Dr. Campbell's expertise lies in algorithm design and data analysis, ensuring optimal performance and accuracy in every project she undertakes.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Always normalize your database to at least the third normal form (3NF) to eliminate redundancy and improve efficiency. Use indexing wisely to speed up queries, and always test SQL commands on sample data before executing them on the main database to avoid errors and data loss.
In 2025, the programming landscape has been enriched with advanced libraries like TensorFlow 3.0 and PyTorch 2.0, offering enhanced performance and user-friendly interfaces for machine learning applications.



Write a program to store and retrieve data in python.

Requirements and Specifications


Source Code

import csv def read_file(record_file): dblist = [] with open(record_file, 'r') as stu_file: records = csv.reader(stu_file) for row in records: dblist.append([int(row[0]), row[1], row[2], row[3], float(row[4])]) return dblist def read_menu_option(): while True: print('Student Record Menu System:') print(' (1) Display all records') print(' (2) Get a student record') print(' (3) Add new student record') print(' (0) Exit') try: choice = int(input('Enter option code: ')) if choice < 0 or choice > 3: raise Exception() return choice except: print('Invalid input') print() def display_all_records(db): print('Display all records.') print() print('{:<6} {:<20} {:<5} {:<5} {:<4}'.format('Stu ID', 'Name', 'Major', 'Entry', 'GPA')) for record in db: print('{:>6} {:<20} {:<5} {:<5} {:.2f}'.format(str(record[0]), record[1], record[2], record[3], record[4])) def _find_record(db, id_str): found_index = -1 result = None for i in range(len(db)): if str(db[i][0]) == id_str: found_index = i result = db[i] break return found_index, result def get_record(db): id = input('Enter a student ID: ') search_result = _find_record(db, id) print() if search_result[0] >= 0: result = search_result[1] print('Record found with index', search_result[0]) print('{:<6} {:<20} {:<5} {:<5} {:<4}'.format('Stu ID', 'Name', 'Major', 'Entry', 'GPA')) print('{:>6} {:<20} {:<5} {:<5} {:.2f}'.format(str(result[0]), result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4])) else: print('Student ID', id, 'not in the list.') def add_record(db): id = input('Enter the student ID for the new record: ') search_result = _find_record(db, id) print() if search_result[0] >= 0: result = search_result[1] print('Record found with index', search_result[0]) print('{:<6} {:<20} {:<5} {:<5} {:<4}'.format('Stu ID', 'Name', 'Major', 'Entry', 'GPA')) print('{:>6} {:<20} {:<5} {:<5} {:.2f}'.format(str(result[0]), result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4])) print('Can not add student with such ID') else: print('Student ID', id, 'not in the list.') print() name = input('Enter student\'s name: ') major = input('Enter student\'s major: ') semester = input('Enter student\'s semester of entry: ') gpa = input('Enter student GPA: ') db.append([int(id), name, major, semester, float(gpa)]) print('Record added.') def main(): print('Welcome to the student data management system') print() student_db = read_file('student_records.csv') is_over = False while not is_over: choice = read_menu_option() if choice == 1: display_all_records(student_db) elif choice == 2: get_record(student_db) elif choice == 3: add_record(student_db) else: is_over = True print() print('Exiting the database.') if __name__ == '__main__': main()

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