Requirements and Specifications
- (([()]))
- (()[]{[]})
- {([]([{({{}})([()])[][]}])[](()){()})}
- ) (
- [ (])
- (([] {})
Source Code
format PE console
entry _start
include ''
header: DB "This program checks if the parentheses, brackets, and braces are balanced.", 10, 13, 0
prompt: DB "Please enter a string: ", 10, 13, 0
balanced: DB "This string is balanced.", 0
notbalanced: DB "This string is not balanced.", 0
newline: DB 10, 13, 0
string: DB 100 DUP(?)
section '.text' code readable executable
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; print header message
push header ;load address of message
call [printf] ; print the string
add esp, 4 ;restore stack
; prompt user to enter a string
push prompt ;load address of prompt
call [printf] ;print the string
add esp, 4 ; restore stack
;read the string
push [_iob] ; pass stdin
mov eax, 100 ; max string size
push eax ; pass max length
push string ; pass string address
call [fgets] ; read the string
add esp, 12 ; restore stack
;check parentheses, brackets and braces
mov esi, string ; point to start of string
mov al,[esi] ; load character from string
cmp al,13 ; if end of string
je endloop
cmp al, '(' ; if opening
je pushOpen ; push to stack
cmp al, '[' ; if opening
je pushOpen ; push to stack
cmp al, '{' ; if opening
je pushOpen ; push to stack
cmp al, ')' ; if closing
je checkParen ; check parenthesis
cmp al, ']' ; if closing
je checkBracket ; check bracket
cmp al, '}' ; if closing
je checkBrace ; check brace
jmp next ; else advance to next
push eax ; save opening character
jmp next ; continue to next char
cmp esp, ebp ; check if stack is empty
je error ; if empty, is an error
pop eax ; else, pop character
cmp al, '(' ; check if is opening parenthesis
jne error ; if not, is not balanced
jmp next ; else, continue to next character
cmp esp, ebp ; check if stack is empty
je error ; if empty, is an error
pop eax ; else, pop character
cmp al, '[' ; check if is opening bracket
jne error ; if not, is not balanced
jmp next ; else, continue to next character
cmp esp, ebp ; check if stack is empty
je error ; if empty, is an error
pop eax ; else, pop character
cmp al, '{' ; check if is opening brace
jne error ; if not, is not balanced
inc esi ; advance to next character in string
jmp chkloop ; continue
cmp esp, ebp ; check if stack is empty
jne error ; if not empty, is an error
; Print the balanced result message:
push balanced ; load address of the balanced message
call [printf] ; print the string
add esp, 4 ; restore stack
jmp endprog ; end program
; print the not balanced message
push notbalanced ; load address of unbalanced message
call [printf] ; print message
add esp, 4 ; restore stack
push newline ; load address of newline
call [printf] ; print newline
add esp, 4 ; restore stack
call [getchar] ; wait until user presses a key
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
call [ExitProcess] ; exit the program
; Import section
section '.idata' import data readable
library kernel32, 'kernel32.dll', \
import kernel32, \
import msvcrt, \
printf, 'printf', fgets, 'fgets', \
getchar, 'getchar', _iob, '_iob'
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