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Creating a Word and Phrase Counter in C++ for Text Files

June 29, 2024
Dr. Olivia Bennett
Dr. Olivia
🇦🇺 Australia
Dr. Olivia Bennett holds a PhD in Computer Science from a prestigious university in the UK. With over 800 completed orders, she specializes in GUI development and database integration in Qt programming. Her expertise lies in crafting intuitive user interfaces and seamlessly integrating database functionalities into Qt applications.
Tip of the day
Break your NetLogo model into simple procedures using functions for better readability. Use the ask command efficiently to control agents and optimize performance by minimizing unnecessary computations in the go procedure. Always test your model with small agent populations before scaling up.
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Key Topics
  • C++ for Word and Phrase Counting
  • Block 1: Header Inclusions
  • Block 2: Namespace Declaration
  • Block 3: Constants
  • Block 4: Helper Function isAcceptable
  • Block 5: Class Definition MyString
  • Block 6: Overloaded Output Operator
  • Block 7: removePunctuation Function
  • Block 8: buildPhrases Function
  • Block 9: compareByFrequency Function
  • Block 10: main Function
  • Conclusion

In this guide, we will walk you through a C++ program that counts words and phrases in a text file. When it comes to text processing and analysis, C++ is a powerful language of choice. This program takes user input for the source data file name, the number of adjacent words to consider in a phrase, and the name of the output file where the results will be stored. It then processes the input text, removes punctuation, builds phrases, counts their frequencies, and writes the results to an output file. Whether you're a programming enthusiast, a student working on a C++ assignment or a professional looking to enhance your text analysis skills, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and practical knowledge.

C++ for Word and Phrase Counting

Explore the comprehensive guide on building a Word and Phrase Counter in C++ to help your C++ assignment. This guide equips you with essential text analysis skills, enabling you to process and analyze text effectively using the C++ programming language. Whether you're a student working on a C++ assignment or a text analysis enthusiast, this resource provides valuable insights and practical knowledge to enhance your programming skills and address real-world text analysis challenges. Learn to create a powerful tool for natural language processing, content analysis, and information retrieval, all while mastering the art of C++ programming.

Block 1: Header Inclusions

```cpp #include "MyString.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include ```

In this first block, we have the crucial header inclusions. These inclusions are the cornerstone of our C++ program, granting us access to a plethora of features and functionalities. These features encompass input/output operations, which allow us to interact with files and the console, as well as file handling capabilities, which are pivotal for reading and writing data. Strings, with their extensive capabilities, enable us to manipulate text data effectively. Vectors, versatile containers, empower us to manage dynamic collections of data effortlessly. Additionally, algorithms provide a powerful toolkit for performing various operations, from sorting to searching, within our program.

Block 2: Namespace Declaration

```cpp using namespace std; ```

This second block is dedicated to a simple yet important aspect of C++ programming, the namespace declaration. By declaring 'using namespace std;' here, we eliminate the need to prepend 'std::' to functions and objects from the standard library. This concise declaration enhances code readability and reduces the potential for naming conflicts in our program. It's a small but impactful detail, making our code cleaner and more accessible. By declaring this namespace, we streamline our code, making it easier to write, read, and maintain, ultimately leading to a more efficient and user-friendly program.

Block 3: Constants

```cpp const int COLUMN_WIDTH = 60; ```

In the third block, we establish a constant named 'COLUMN_WIDTH.' Constants like these play a pivotal role in maintaining code flexibility and readability. In this case, COLUMN_WIDTH is assigned a value that defines the formatting width for our program's output. This value serves as a universal guideline for the program's visual presentation, ensuring that our data is neatly organized and easy to comprehend. By defining such constants, we enhance code maintainability, as adjustments and fine-tuning can be performed in a centralized manner. These constants serve as essential references for code readability and adaptability as we develop and refine our C++ program.

Block 4: Helper Function isAcceptable

```cpp bool isAcceptable(char c) { return (((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) || ((c >= 65) && (c <= 90)) || ((c >= 97) && (c <= 122))); } ```

Moving on to the fourth block, we encounter a crucial helper function named isAcceptable. Its role is to evaluate the acceptability of a character by determining whether it falls within the set of permissible characters in our context. An acceptable character is defined as one that belongs to the set of digits (0-9) or upper and lower case letters (A-Z, a-z). This function's significance lies in its ability to filter and validate characters, ensuring that only relevant and permissible ones are processed further in the program. In essence, isAcceptable acts as a gatekeeper, controlling the entry of characters into our text analysis, thereby maintaining data integrity.

Block 5: Class Definition MyString

```cpp class MyString { private: string str; int frequency; public: MyString() : str(""), frequency(0) {} MyString(string s) : str(s), frequency(1) {} bool operator==(const MyString& rhs) const { return (str == rhs.str); } bool operator>(const MyString& s) const { return str > s.str; } bool operator<(const MyString& s) const { return str < s.str; } MyString operator++(int) { MyString temp = *this; ++frequency; return temp; } int getFrequency() const { return frequency; } }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const MyString& obj) { o << setw(COLUMN_WIDTH) << left << obj.str << " " << obj.frequency; return o; } ```

The fifth block presents the class definition of MyString. This class is the heart of our program's ability to represent strings and their frequencies. It encapsulates the essence of a string along with the count of its occurrence. MyString provides two constructors—one for initialization and the other for incrementing the frequency. Comparison operators are implemented to facilitate the comparison of MyString instances. Notably, a critical member function, getFrequency, retrieves the frequency of a MyString object. The MyString class is a central component in our text analysis, enabling us to manage and process strings efficiently, ultimately contributing to the program's overall functionality.

Block 6: Overloaded Output Operator

```cpp ostream & operator << (ostream & o, const MyString & obj) { o << setw(COLUMN_WIDTH) << left << obj.str << " " << obj.frequency; return o; } ```

In the sixth block, we encounter an essential feature—a custom overloaded output operator for MyString objects. This operator is responsible for formatting and displaying MyString instances in a user-friendly manner. It specifies the appearance of MyString objects when they are printed. The operator ensures that each MyString is left-justified within a predefined column width and accompanied by its frequency count. This customized output formatting greatly enhances the readability and presentation of the program's results. The overloaded output operator transforms complex data into a structured and comprehensible format, providing clear insights into the frequencies of words and phrases, making it an indispensable component of our text analysis tool.

Block 7: removePunctuation Function

```cpp string removePunctuation(const string & word) { string result = ""; for (string::const_iterator it = word.begin(); it != word.end(); ++it) { if (isAcceptable(*it)) { result += *it; } } return result; } ```

Now, let's delve into the seventh block, which features a crucial function known as removePunctuation. This function plays a pivotal role in our text analysis process. Given a string as input, its primary objective is to meticulously cleanse the string, removing any characters that do not align with our definition of acceptability, as determined by the isAcceptable function. The result is a string free from distracting or unwanted characters, paving the way for accurate word and phrase analysis. Essentially, removePunctuation functions as a text purifier, ensuring that the input text is in its purest and most meaningful form for subsequent analysis. This step is instrumental in obtaining reliable insights from the data.

Block 8: buildPhrases Function

```cpp vector buildPhrases(const vector & words, int numAdjacent) { vector phrases; for (size_t i = 0; i < words.size() - numAdjacent + 1; ++i) { string phrase = words[i]; for (int j = 1; j < numAdjacent; ++j) { phrase += " " + words[i + j]; } phrases.push_back(phrase); } return phrases; } ```

Proceeding to the eighth block, we encounter the buildPhrases function—a fundamental component of our text analysis toolkit. This function is responsible for constructing phrases by intelligently merging adjacent words from a provided vector of words. It takes into account the user-specified number of adjacent words to consider, creating phrases that encapsulate the essence of the text. The output is a vector containing these generated phrases, which serve as the building blocks for our subsequent analysis. The buildPhrases function is a key contributor to our program's ability to comprehend and process text in a more contextually meaningful manner, enhancing the depth of our analysis.

Block 9: compareByFrequency Function

```cpp bool compareByFrequency(const MyString & a, const MyString & b) { if (a.getFrequency() != b.getFrequency()) { return a.getFrequency() > b.getFrequency(); } return a < b; } ```

In the ninth block, we encounter the compareByFrequency function, a pivotal component in the art of ranking and sorting phrases. This function specializes in comparing MyString objects based on their associated frequencies. It plays a vital role in organizing phrases by their prevalence in the text, allowing us to identify and prioritize the most frequently occurring phrases. When sorting phrases by frequency, compareByFrequency ensures that our results are presented in an orderly and informative fashion, with the most significant phrases taking precedence. This function is instrumental in distilling meaningful insights from the analyzed text, aiding in identifying the most prominent and impactful elements within the data.

Block 10: main Function

```cpp int main() { string inputFileName, outputFileName; int numAdjacent; cout << "Enter the source data file name: "; cin >> inputFileName; cout << "How many Adjacent words in a phrase, enter 1-5: "; cin >> numAdjacent; cout << "Enter the phrase frequency file name: "; cin >> outputFileName; ifstream inputFile(inputFileName.c_str()); if (!inputFile) { cerr << "Failed to open input file." << endl; return 1; } ofstream outputFile(outputFileName.c_str()); if (!outputFile) { cerr << "Failed to open output file." << endl; return 1; } vector words; string word; int wordCount = 0; while (inputFile >> word) { words.push_back(removePunctuation(word)); wordCount++; } vector phrases = buildPhrases(words, numAdjacent); vector< MyString > myStrings; for (vector< string >::const_iterator it = phrases.begin(); it != phrases.end(); ++it) { MyString target(*it); vector< MyString >::iterator strIt = find(myStrings.begin(), myStrings.end(), target); if (strIt != myStrings.end()) { strIt->operator++(0); } else { myStrings.push_back(target); } } sort(myStrings.begin(), myStrings.end(), compareByFrequency); outputFile << "The file: " << outputFileName << " contains " << wordCount << " words, and " << myStrings.size() << " phrases." << endl; for (vector< MyString >::const_iterator it = myStrings.begin(); it != myStrings.end(); ++it) { outputFile << *it << endl; } inputFile.close(); outputFile.close(); return 0; } ```

The main function is the central command center where our text analysis program springs into action. It orchestrates a series of vital tasks, starting with the declaration of essential variables, which play a crucial role in data manipulation and control. Guiding user interaction, it collects key information, such as file names and the desired phrase length, shaping the parameters for text analysis. As a proficient file handler, it deftly manages input and output files, ensuring that the program seamlessly interfaces with external data sources. This function undertakes the intricate process of text data refinement, removing punctuation and constructing meaningful phrases based on user specifications. It then performs phrase counting, sorting by frequency, and writing results to output files, providing insightful analysis. Finally, the main function takes care of closing files and returning a success indicator, embodying the core of our C++ Word and Phrase Counter.


This C++ program is a valuable tool for text analysis tasks. By counting words and phrases in a text file, it provides insights into the language used in the text, helping in various applications like natural language processing, content analysis, and information retrieval. By understanding the structure of this program, you gain essential skills for text processing and analysis in C++. Whether you're delving into linguistic research, creating text-based applications, or simply honing your coding abilities, this guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to tackle a wide range of text analysis projects with confidence. With C++ as your programming language of choice, the possibilities for text analysis and processing are virtually limitless.

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